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Why Is There Something Instead Of Nothing?


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So far, I've come up empty handed on that question.

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Guest wester

Uhm....in our univerese, there cannot be nothing. And, after all, nothing is something.

Or, we measure out the postitive matter in the universe against the negative, dark energy and matter and we find that the equation balances perfectly with zero, which means we are living in the middle of nothing, made out of nothing. And since quantum particles only exist in states of probability, is it right to call all this "something" or just a probable something?


My advice is to get rid of your abstract obsessions, quit debating these issues with theistic non-philosophers and non-physicists. Get out and get some frech air and enjoy your life. Cheers.

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Depends on how we define nothing. Currently, our understanding of the universe is that it is flat within a .5% margin of error.

The positive energy is canceled out by the negative energy in the form of gravity.


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There are both matter and anti-matter. For some reason there is more matter than antimatter in our our universe . In a multiverse, perhaps a parallel universe has more antimatter than matter to balance things out lol


Hypothetical string theory should support our framework ... Work in progress,


The ultimate question should be what triggered the vibration or existential shock enabling polarities from which a multiverse could emerge ;)



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Is that a trick question?

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I got nothin'.

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Is that a trick question?


You bet it is.


If you have the answer right now... you're a religious fundamentalist.

If you answer with another question... you're a scientist lol


Until we have a more profound grasp of what makes up matter (stuff that has mass), we can only speculate.


This hyperlink should help any fundie lol


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Because, it's like, mathematics, like when you count, you start with zero, and then you say one, and then two...


zero = nothing

one = something


See? very simple.

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Nothing is just a thing of no.

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Because, it's like, mathematics, like when you count, you start with zero, and then you say one, and then two...


zero = nothing

one = something


See? very simple.


I must be a huge mow-rahn cuz I steels dunna gets it?!

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Because, it's like, mathematics, like when you count, you start with zero, and then you say one, and then two...


zero = nothing

one = something


See? very simple.


nothing = null = { }


something = integer = ..., -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, ...


Also very simple.

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... and then there was Forrest Gump lol




... with his box of cho-co-la-tes

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Why Is There Something Instead Of Nothing?


Because someone made a mess and didn't clean it up. So they left something for the rest of us. dry.png

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Pudd doesn't understand :(

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If you have the answer right now... you're a religious fundamentalist.

If you answer with another question... you're a scientist lol


Ha. When do I get my supreme scientist label? I'm always asking questions :P

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The question of why there is something, or anything, only matters to something capable of asking it.



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The question of why there is something, or anything, only matters to something capable of asking it.




My cat is all torn up over it. He wakes up in the middle of the night and when the question weighs too heavily on his mind, he literally bounces off the walls.

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My cat is all torn up over it. He wakes up in the middle of the night and when the question weighs too heavily on his mind, he literally bounces off the walls.

Who do you think got me to post to this thread? Our cats ponder this topic endlessly. It consumes and tortures them.



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My cat is all torn up over it. He wakes up in the middle of the night and when the question weighs too heavily on his mind, he literally bounces off the walls.

Who do you think got me to post to this thread? Our cats ponder this topic endlessly. It consumes and tortures them.




Your cat wanted you posting here so he could shred the shower curtain without interruption.


You have been played.zDuivel7.gif


The shower curtain will go from something... to nothing. eek.gif

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This is one of those weed smoking philosophical moments everyone forgets when they sober up. Frigging awesome while you stoned though. (Remembers episode from Greek)


Filosofy is phun... :D

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Mmmmm. I could use a wake and bake right Nowz.

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So y'all are sayin that even if absolutely NO THING existed.....there would still be SOME THING?!? What would that thing be? The -

Abstract concept of zero?

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*shrugs at the OP question*


If there was nothing, we wouldn't be here to discuss such questions :P

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If you think about it another way, something and nothing are the same thing. When you get down to the atomic level, protons, neutrons, and even teensier particles like neutrinos and tachyons, are composed of mostly empty space. So "something" is basically "nothing" but patterns of void."Everything" is made out of "nothing".


I think I just melted my brain..

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