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Christians Slamming Other Christians


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Nothing seems to confirm my non-belief like a Christian slamming the beliefs of other Christian sects, but back in the day I could easily made to feel guilty by a crazy holy roller slamming the Catholics. I could admit that Catholicism was far from the scriptures. I'd get over it in a few days, just cause I liked my church. Now that I'm an atheist nothing comes off so face palmingly arrogant as proclaiming your interpretation of the holy Buy Bull to be superior to anybody else's.

I think this infighting within Christianity drives many from the flocks, because it reveals the bullshit within the faith like few other things can. Its ever divisive and ever splintering, and it all just comes down what I see as a never ending spiritual pissing contest.

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They are their own worst enemy but like you and I both know, we managed to justify it somehow. It is with shame I admit that part of my life was soooo wrong.

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I approve of liberal Christians slamming their fellow Christians for promoting hatred, violence, willful ignorance and other bad behavior. But you are right it stinks when they do it because of the Bible. Back in the old days they use to do slam each other over who had the real bones of famous saints. The bones in our church are from the real saints!

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I was guilty of thinking my (church's) interpretation of Scripture was the correct one and others were simply mistaken on some points or downright heretical. Duh on me.

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Jesus's failed prayer: John 17:20 My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, 21 that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me.

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This became one of the big issue I had with xtianity. So many sects, so much infighting. Of course, what this did was solidify something else for me, and that was the fact that the bible is not the infallible word of any god, but simply the words of men. If it was so clear and true as they say it is, then there wouldn't be so many divisions. Sure, there'd be a few, but not as many as there are, something in the way of 30,000 different sects, and sects within sects. The confusion was insane.

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As a Christian, I really didn't understand the differences between the sects. Now, I know more and it shows how childishly they fight over the stupidest things.


One of my favorite things is listening to AFR's Bible programs and having some random person call up and rant about how Catholicism isn't Christianity. Then someone else calls later and berates the hosts for letting that person say "such horrible things" and the hosts have to apologize. It makes me giggle inside.

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I approve of liberal Christians slamming their fellow Christians for promoting hatred, violence, willful ignorance and other bad behavior. But you are right it stinks when they do it because of the Bible. Back in the old days they use to do slam each other over who had the real bones of famous saints. The bones in our church are from the real saints!

The problem seems to be that it's rarely on the side of Liberal Christians. They typically just go to Church and mind their own business. Its almost always the hardcore fundies saying the Liberal Christians are going to hell for watering down the gospel. Some can give you an entire laundry list of types Christians who are going to hell. It all just comes down to "My interpretation of vague contradictory scripture is the best.
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How come when a former Christian mentions the bad experience at a church, the Christians all say "You went to the wrong church" but I thought that all Christians were part of the body of Christ? That means that there is no way you could go to the wrong church, they are all one body!

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I almost wonder if some Christians believe that there is "Heaven" and that there is also "Better Heaven." For example, if you're a member of the Assemblies of God, you probably believe that people who don't speak in tongues or believe in the manifestation of the Holy Spirit still get to Heaven, but just not Better Heaven, which is where people who believe in the complete word of God go.

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I almost wonder if some Christians believe that there is "Heaven" and that there is also "Better Heaven." For example, if you're a member of the Assemblies of God, you probably believe that people who don't speak in tongues or believe in the manifestation of the Holy Spirit still get to Heaven, but just not Better Heaven, which is where people who believe in the complete word of God go.

I saw a website where somebody was explaining the different houses different Christians would get in heaven. Showed a modest house for the "pew warmers" and grand mansions for the soul winners.
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I almost wonder if some Christians believe that there is "Heaven" and that there is also "Better Heaven." For example, if you're a member of the Assemblies of God, you probably believe that people who don't speak in tongues or believe in the manifestation of the Holy Spirit still get to Heaven, but just not Better Heaven, which is where people who believe in the complete word of God go.

I saw a website where somebody was explaining the different houses different Christians would get in heaven. Showed a modest house for the "pew warmers" and grand mansions for the soul winners.


I'd always heard that's what the crowns in Revelation were about. All Christians get into heaven, but the better christians get an awesome hat to go with it. Oh, and probably some political power in the world to come, too, if you believed that people would do more than sit around with harps and sing.

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What's funny is when they do this, they all have the same spin, (Jesus would hate most churches, most Christians aren't really Christians, and it's a relationship not a religion). They think they're trying to appeal to us, but even if they could get us to believe, their holier than thou attitude turns me off of what ever belief they are selling. The bible does not help matters when it implies that most people will go to hell anyway. I always figure I might as well live life as it is instead of worrying about which brand of Christianity is right (assuming Christianity is even right in the first place). This is exactly why I demand more evidence before I believe.


I also love when they bash "lukewarm" Christians. The ones who go to church, but are just normal people living their lives (such as my parents and other reletives). They don't judge others, push Jesus down people's throats, nor do they have a martyr complex. But apparently, because they do have normal lives, they are going to hell. They talk about the sin of pride, but I can't think of anything more prideful than thinking you're some kind of super Christian who is better than everyone else.

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I almost wonder if some Christians believe that there is "Heaven" and that there is also "Better Heaven." For example, if you're a member of the Assemblies of God, you probably believe that people who don't speak in tongues or believe in the manifestation of the Holy Spirit still get to Heaven, but just not Better Heaven, which is where people who believe in the complete word of God go.

I saw a website where somebody was explaining the different houses different Christians would get in heaven. Showed a modest house for the "pew warmers" and grand mansions for the soul winners.


I'd always heard that's what the crowns in Revelation were about. All Christians get into heaven, but the better christians get an awesome hat to go with it. Oh, and probably some political power in the world to come, too, if you believed that people would do more than sit around with harps and sing.


Yeah, I forgot about this, I have been out of Christianity so long cloud9_99.gif


Yes. Christians are supposed to get extra rewards in heaven. What they are, isn't really specified. Speculation runs wild. Maybe they get to rule a planet or some part of a galaxy or something. Yep, pie in the sky when you die - in the meantime you suffer just like everyone else.

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As a Christian, I really didn't understand the differences between the sects. Now, I know more and it shows how childishly they fight over the stupidest things.


Bingo. Honest truth, when I was a believer I truly thought the only difference between different denominations and such was they preferred to worship in different ways. I had. I idea until I started reading the bible that they all had fundamentally different doctrines, many of which were polar opposites.

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Jesus's failed prayer: John 17:20 My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, 21 that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me.

This is an overlooked gem.

The failure tells the world not to believe that Jesus was sent from the Father.

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Sure, there'd be a few, but not as many as there are, something in the way of 30,000 different sects, and sects within sects. The confusion was insane.

How do you know how many there should or should not be?

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Jesus's failed prayer: John 17:20 My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, 21 that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me.

This is an overlooked gem.

The failure tells the world not to believe that Jesus was sent from the Father.

How is this a failed prayer?

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Sure, there'd be a few, but not as many as there are, something in the way of 30,000 different sects, and sects within sects. The confusion was insane.

How do you know how many there should or should not be?


Let's see....one god.......one bible..........30,000 interpretations? If your god is trying to get a clear message across, he's failing miserably.

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Sure, there'd be a few, but not as many as there are, something in the way of 30,000 different sects, and sects within sects. The confusion was insane.

How do you know how many there should or should not be?


Not directed to me, but I say - what does it matter?? Ten or 10,000 it isn't unified in any way and that proves Christians can't plainly interpret their own text. Now, this wouldn't matter at all if their supposed authority didn't pray "that they all may be one".. you know, that passage - but, damn, that is what we have here, isn't it? They are manifestly NOT one, so why should we believe it?

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Jesus's failed prayer: John 17:20 My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, 21 that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me.

This is an overlooked gem.

The failure tells the world not to believe that Jesus was sent from the Father.

How is this a failed prayer?

Because believers do not display complete unity.

They conflict with each other, even on basic doctrine.

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I also love when they bash "lukewarm" Christians. The ones who go to church, but are just normal people living their lives (such as my parents and other reletives). They don't judge others, push Jesus down people's throats, nor do they have a martyr complex. But apparently, because they do have normal lives, they are going to hell. They talk about the sin of pride, but I can't think of anything more prideful than thinking you're some kind of super Christian who is better than everyone else.


Christians talk a lot about winning souls, but then once the soul is won, they new convert better get up to speed, otherwise he will get looked down on, because it isn't enough to be merely a convert.


I thought about this during the time I was a Christian and trying to win converts. I thought firstly, how hard it is to convince someone to be a Christian, and secondly, if they do become one, how I would have to make them into a disciple. And what are the chances of that?

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Sure, there'd be a few, but not as many as there are, something in the way of 30,000 different sects, and sects within sects. The confusion was insane.

How do you know how many there should or should not be?


Let's see....one god.......one bible..........30,000 interpretations? If your god is trying to get a clear message across, he's failing miserably.

That's the inerrant unchanging word of god for ya.
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Sure, there'd be a few, but not as many as there are, something in the way of 30,000 different sects, and sects within sects. The confusion was insane.

How do you know how many there should or should not be?


There should be 1, according to Jesus.

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How do you know how many there should or should not be?


Further it could be expanded. Not just to the many different sects of PROTESTANT Christianity, which makes up most of the 30,000 number.


Catholics and Orthodox Christians split about the time that Constantinople and Rome divided.


If you take it even further, and include all Abrahamic religions.


Judaism has Hasidic and Liberal Jews at least. Plus the Kabalistic one.


Islam has at least three main sect of Sunni, Sufi, and Shiite, again those are just the main ones and it doesn't even include all the variations and interpretations within those main groups. Essentially, every madrassa could be examined like all the different versions of Non-denominational evangelical church. The book is the same. Some of the tenants are the same. But what is being taught is radically different.



In other words, if the God of these religions truly existed and wanted everyone to be one, then it was a huge failure.

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