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Goodbye Jesus

Cacti's Poems


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Here are just a few of my poems. I've been writing since I was about fourteen years old.



Grave Digger


I'm sitting out here, amongst all the dead

Shield my eyes as I squint at the sun overhead

Pitiless bugs passing forth through the sky

Eating me now, and whenever I die

There's a hole in my heart and it keeps getting bigger

Knowing that I am my own grave digger

Shoveling dirt underneath an old tree

Is my life and the life that's been chosen for me

On the day I die, I'll be all alone

And no one will visit me after I'm gone


My life is a life, and it's almost complete

And digging this grave is all that it needs

My family's gone, I am all on my own

I suppose it is best that I'm here alone

But this hole in my heart grows a little bit bigger

Knowing that I am my own grave digger

Cause since I was left, I haven't felt whole

And all that I am seems like nothing, you know?

I haven't felt warm since he walked out the door

And I have not a thing worth living for


Despite all the static surrounding me

And feeling as lost as a sheep could be

I pull it together, but it all falls apart

And my world becomes dark like the hole in my heart

That with each new day, grows a little bit bigger

Knowing that I am my own grave digger

Such unspeakable things have flashed in these eyes

(When I see my reflection, it's all I despise)

The memories coming to my mind begin...

But as soon as they come, they are lost again


They're as lost as my cause, and the reason I'm here

It's been so long, but I can't hide these tears

The day that he left, as bad as it was

Has left me without the feeling of Love

And this hole in my heart grows bigger and bigger

Knowing that I am my own grave digger

I'm so empty and broken I've lost all my dreams

And this tree is only one left it seems

So I shovel my dirt as I'm lost in my head

I belong out here with the rest of the dead


All I need in my life I will never obtain

There is nothing out there that swallow my pain

I pull it together, but it all falls apart

And my life becomes one with this hole in my heart

That with each new day, grows a little bit bigger

Knowing that I am my own grave digger

My life is a sad thing that can't be saved

And I hate myself because you went away

I feel so broken and incomplete

And I can't even breathe without hearing you speak


You were my life, my joy, and my pain

You were my hope when it all seemed so vain

You were my angel, and I was a lie

You are my love, till ever I die

And this hole in my heart, it keeps getting bigger

Knowing that I am my own grave digger

You walked to your car, stomping your feet

You never came home, you died on the street

If it wasn't for me, you'd still be alive

And I just can't live without you by my side


The memories are flowing, and it's starting to rain

I lean on my shovel because of the pain

I sit down, here, right next to your stone

And I wish and I wish that I wasn't alone

While the hole in my heart grows a little bit bigger

Knowing that I am my own grave digger

I remember how happy that we used to be

And now I am full of just misery

But I get up and work, knowing where I belong

Singing the chorus to the grave digger song


"Grave Digger, grave digger, when you dig my grave

Could you make it shallow, so that I could feel the rain?"

And I sing these lines just as loud as I can

Wishing that people could understand

That a hole in my heart grows a little bit bigger

Knowing, that I am my own grave digger

And I sob in the rain because nobody does

And I stand here and dig, since dig I must

Lost in my head, as I've always been

Shoveling, tossing, then shoveling again.







The Cactus



The prickly little cactus, how it lives and how it thrives

In enchanted desert lands galore where water is denied.

They line the deserts near and far in zigging zagging rows.

Never moving, never stepping with their thorny little toes.

How it edges spiny fingers round its waist for its protection!

How it sits and tricks and radiates its glorious perfection!

The cactus. Oh the cactus! The Wasteland's only rose!

But however pretty they may be don't go sniffing one of those!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Take My Hand



"If I just laid in a field of soft grasses

Would you lie right here with me?

And stay with me, as Time slowly passes

And find with me beauty that few ever see?


Would you walk with me, down roads of fire

Holding my hand every step of the way?

Staying beside me, with no desire

But to hold me and guard me when I feel afraid?


Would you cherish the thought of nightly star-gazing

Teaching me things, or learning from me?

Discovering ways that this world is amazing

Discovering just what it is to be free


Or would you leave me, here on my own

Because your heart has no more to give?

Leaving us both feeling lost and alone

If that is the case, then how can we live?


If our lives are lives of only regret

And sorrow is all that's left in our hearts

We must teach ourselves to slowly forget

All the hardships in life that have torn us apart


We must pick up the pieces we thought we lost

Pick up the good things we left behind

And start it all over, whatever the cost

It is then and then only that we will find:


In order to love, we have to hurt first

And get our hearts broken a couple of times

And before we feel better we sometimes feel worse

But after the rain, the sun always shines


The past is the past and it's time to move on

I know it seems hard, but let go of your pain

Whenever it is that your hurting is gone

Is a chance you've been given to start over again


I know how it feels to be sad and alone

And I felt like no one could understand

But I found you, so I try to be strong

Strong enough, anyways, to offer my hand


"Hold my hand and I'll hold yours

Break my heart, and I will fall again"

Neither of us need to hurt anymore

So take my hand, and we'll be friends.


Walking alone on this dark, dusty road

Made me realize how wrong I have always been

But come with me, I'll share some of your load

And together, we both will feel better again


Just take my hand.

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Cacti, Thank you for sharing!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thank you NeverAgainV. :)

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