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What Does In God’S Image Mean? He Created Adam & Eve Without A Moral Sense.

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What does in God’s image mean? He created Adam & Eve without a moral sense.


I take, in God’s image, to refer to God’s and our mental image and not the physical. God does not look like us in any way. He and his form is quite alien to us.


Genesis shows that Adam & Eve were created without the moral sense that would make them like Gods. That being the case, they had to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil to be in God’s mental image. That is without a doubt a requirement to the development of a moral sense and is confirmed by God after Adam and Eve disobeyed his command to stay dumb and without a moral sense.


If they were created in God’s image then they would have already had the moral sense that comes from the knowledge of good and evil and would therefore not have been tempted by Satan to eat of the tree of knowledge because they would have had that knowledge already. This would also mean that God was punishing them unjustly.


One must conclude from these biblical facts, that God did not make mankind in his image.


The only other logical alternative is that God does not have a moral sense and that he too, like Adam and Eve, was basically as dumb as a cow.


Could that be why God is shown as doing other immoral things in scriptures?


The two main ones that come to mind is God having his own son murdered for the forgiveness of sin when there was no real need to and the genocide of Noah’s day.


Does being in God's image mean not having a moral sense?





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It's a moot question, since Adam and eve are a myth.

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What does in God’s image mean? He created Adam & Eve without a moral sense.



It means that the Bronze Age humans who created God made God in man's image. It's not a physical image. God is a character in a story. But that character comes out of what we hope, dream, want and how we fail.

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Guest wester

Humans were not created in god's image.

god as such was created in the image of humans.

god is an attempt to antropomorphize the universe.

Hahah. Good luck with that one buddy.


Such schtick might work effectively in poetry and novels,

but in reality - gimme a break.

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Thank you all.




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What does in God’s image mean? He created Adam & Eve without a moral sense.


I take, in God’s image, to refer to God’s and our mental image and not the physical. God does not look like us in any way. He and his form is quite alien to us.


Genesis shows that Adam & Eve were created without the moral sense that would make them like Gods. That being the case, they had to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil to be in God’s mental image. That is without a doubt a requirement to the development of a moral sense and is confirmed by God after Adam and Eve disobeyed his command to stay dumb and without a moral sense.


If they were created in God’s image then they would have already had the moral sense that comes from the knowledge of good and evil and would therefore not have been tempted by Satan to eat of the tree of knowledge because they would have had that knowledge already. This would also mean that God was punishing them unjustly.


One must conclude from these biblical facts, that God did not make mankind in his image.


The only other logical alternative is that God does not have a moral sense and that he too, like Adam and Eve, was basically as dumb as a cow.


Could that be why God is shown as doing other immoral things in scriptures?


The two main ones that come to mind is God having his own son murdered for the forgiveness of sin when there was no real need to and the genocide of Noah’s day.


Does being in God's image mean not having a moral sense?







A sentient being can have the ability to know right from wrong before they know right from wrong. Sin is volition against God's will.


Joh 9:41

Jesus said to them, "If you were blind, you would have no sin; but since you say, 'We see,' your sin remains.


Act 17:30

"Therefore having overlooked the times of ignorance, God is now declaring to men that all people everywhere should repent,

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A sentient being can have the ability to know right from wrong before they know right from wrong. Sin is volition against God's will.


Joh 9:41

Jesus said to them, "If you were blind, you would have no sin; but since you say, 'We see,' your sin remains.


Act 17:30

"Therefore having overlooked the times of ignorance, God is now declaring to men that all people everywhere should repent,


Non sequitur!


A sentient physical being (i.e., a human) with no knowledge of X at time Y has no knowledge of X prior to time Y. This is because, unlike God, humans are beings that inhabit time and space. We are totally bound by the limitations of Past, Present and Future. Nobody can know anything before they know it.



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A sentient being can have the ability to know right from wrong before they know right from wrong. Sin is volition against God's will.


Joh 9:41

Jesus said to them, "If you were blind, you would have no sin; but since you say, 'We see,' your sin remains.


Act 17:30

"Therefore having overlooked the times of ignorance, God is now declaring to men that all people everywhere should repent,


Non sequitur!


A sentient physical being (i.e., a human) with no knowledge of X at time Y has no knowledge of X prior to time Y. This is because, unlike God, humans are beings that inhabit time and space. We are totally bound by the limitations of Past, Present and Future. Nobody can know anything before they know it.





Wow that is really messed up. If right and wrong is defined as an opinion of some other being then the only way for others to know that that is would be communication.

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What does in God’s image mean? He created Adam & Eve without a moral sense.


I take, in God’s image, to refer to God’s and our mental image and not the physical. God does not look like us in any way. He and his form is quite alien to us.


Genesis shows that Adam & Eve were created without the moral sense that would make them like Gods. That being the case, they had to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil to be in God’s mental image. That is without a doubt a requirement to the development of a moral sense and is confirmed by God after Adam and Eve disobeyed his command to stay dumb and without a moral sense.


If they were created in God’s image then they would have already had the moral sense that comes from the knowledge of good and evil and would therefore not have been tempted by Satan to eat of the tree of knowledge because they would have had that knowledge already. This would also mean that God was punishing them unjustly.


One must conclude from these biblical facts, that God did not make mankind in his image.


The only other logical alternative is that God does not have a moral sense and that he too, like Adam and Eve, was basically as dumb as a cow.


Could that be why God is shown as doing other immoral things in scriptures?


The two main ones that come to mind is God having his own son murdered for the forgiveness of sin when there was no real need to and the genocide of Noah’s day.


Does being in God's image mean not having a moral sense?







A sentient being can have the ability to know right from wrong before they know right from wrong. Sin is volition against God's will.


Joh 9:41

Jesus said to them, "If you were blind, you would have no sin; but since you say, 'We see,' your sin remains.


Act 17:30

"Therefore having overlooked the times of ignorance, God is now declaring to men that all people everywhere should repent,


God created man with a conscience. When man started contemplating disobeying God then that conscience would have kicked in and therefore they should have desisted from falling into temptation. It's like toddlers who steal candy or cookies, how do they know to try to hide it? They sense that it is wrong plus mommy or daddy told them not to take it.


12Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him. 13Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man: 14But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. 15Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death. James 1:12-15

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God created man with a conscience.


Was this 2 million years ago when humans drifted away from their cousin hominids or many more millions of years ago when hominids drifted away from the other apes? It's a known fact that our life came from older species which we can track back for millions of years through the eons.



When man started contemplating disobeying God then that conscience would have kicked in and therefore they should have desisted from falling into temptation.


If you mean your book of myths it says right there in the Genesis story that Adam and Eve had no knowledge of good and evil. So they were ignorant and did not have the tools to make the right choices.



It's like toddlers who steal candy or cookies, how do they know to try to hide it? They sense that it is wrong plus mommy or daddy told them not to take it.


Toddlers do not understand the concept of stealing. They get their cues from adults. If they realize the adults will hit them if the adult see something the todler tries to protect himself or herself by not letting the adult see it. Property is and advanced concept that a child has to learn.

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God created man with a conscience.




When man started contemplating disobeying God then that conscience would have kicked in and therefore they should have desisted from falling into temptation.


If you mean your book of myths it says right there in the Genesis story that Adam and Eve had no knowledge of good and evil. So they were ignorant and did not have the tools to make the right choices.


You have knowledge of pregnancy but do you have KNOWLEDGE of pregnancy? Do you actually know what it feels to have a baby inside of you and the pain of childbirth?







It's like toddlers who steal candy or cookies, how do they know to try to hide it? They sense that it is wrong plus mommy or daddy told them not to take it.


Toddlers do not understand the concept of stealing. They get their cues from adults. If they realize the adults will hit them if the adult see something the toddler tries to protect himself or herself by not letting the adult see it. Property is and advanced concept that a child has to learn.



Just as Adam and Eve got their cues from God? Toddlers have a fallen nature and can still sometimes know when something is not quite right. That makes what Adam and Eve did way worse, they had no reason to do what they did. Some people do not hit toddlers but those babies sure can be tricky and they're cute too and one has to refrain from cuddling them when they do wrong.

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Being a god would not require that god to have a moral compass. God's do what they want to do with their pets and other play things just to show how tough they can be. Men have always given their gods human characteristics such as pettiness, jealousy, lust, and envy. There is no assurance any god is morally justified by what it does. Their cruelty towards their own creation is legendary.

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Being a god would not require that god to have a moral compass. God's do what they want to do with their pets and other play things just to show how tough they can be. Men have always given their gods human characteristics such as pettiness, jealousy, lust, and envy. There is no assurance any god is morally justified by what it does. Their cruelty towards their own creation is legendary.


Eh, you read too much mythology and watched too many comics.


God is Holy.

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It's like toddlers who steal candy or cookies, how do they know to try to hide it? They sense that it is wrong plus mommy or daddy told them not to take it.


Toddlers do not understand the concept of stealing. They get their cues from adults. If they realize the adults will hit them if the adult see something the toddler tries to protect himself or herself by not letting the adult see it. Property is and advanced concept that a child has to learn.


Just as Adam and Eve got their cues from God? Toddlers have a fallen nature and can still sometimes know when something is not quite right. That makes what Adam and Eve did way worse, they had no reason to do what they did. Some people do not hit toddlers but those babies sure can be tricky and they're cute too and one has to refrain from cuddling them when they do wrong.

Bullshit! Toddlers never encountered a talking snake such as the two children Adam and Eve in the bible mythology. If a talking snake told you god said you could do something I bet you would wet yourself doing it! Toddler in the real world feel bad knowing they did wrong because real people told them it was wrong to do something and even then I doubt their parents would murder them over that transgression, unless they were Christian believers--such stories appear on the news. A murderous god taught humanity his murderous ways. One more reason not to believe in 'Christian Values™'.

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Being a god would not require that god to have a moral compass. God's do what they want to do with their pets and other play things just to show how tough they can be. Men have always given their gods human characteristics such as pettiness, jealousy, lust, and envy. There is no assurance any god is morally justified by what it does. Their cruelty towards their own creation is legendary.


Eh, you read too much mythology and watched too many comics.


God is Holy.

God is bullshit.

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  • Super Moderator
One must conclude from these biblical facts, that God did not make mankind in his image.


That is a logical conclusion. Irrelevant to Biblical apologists, but a proper conclusion from the available text nonetheless.

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If you mean your book of myths it says right there in the Genesis story that Adam and Eve had no knowledge of good and evil. So they were ignorant and did not have the tools to make the right choices.


You have knowledge of pregnancy but do you have KNOWLEDGE of pregnancy? Do you actually know what it feels to have a baby inside of you and the pain of childbirth?


Thanks for missing the point. Yes I have knowledge of pregnancy. And the shift key does not effect my knowledge of pregnancy. I do not know first hand what it feels like to have a baby inside of you nor the pain of childbirth. You see those things are not "knowledge of pregnancy". You are mixing apples and oranges.


When Ezra invented the myth about the Garden of Eden the humans didn't have knowledge of good and evil so they didn't have to tools to make good choices. Ezra either didn't think it through regarding what that says about God or he didn't care.



It's like toddlers who steal candy or cookies, how do they know to try to hide it? They sense that it is wrong plus mommy or daddy told them not to take it.


Toddlers do not understand the concept of stealing. They get their cues from adults. If they realize the adults will hit them if the adult see something the toddler tries to protect himself or herself by not letting the adult see it. Property is and advanced concept that a child has to learn.


Just as Adam and Eve got their cues from God? Toddlers have a fallen nature and can still sometimes know when something is not quite right. That makes what Adam and Eve did way worse, they had no reason to do what they did. Some people do not hit toddlers but those babies sure can be tricky and they're cute too and one has to refrain from cuddling them when they do wrong.


No, not like how Adam and Eve got their cues from God. Unlike Adam, Eve and God - it turns out that toddlers are real. This "fallen nature" you talk about is a false belief you have. Wrong is a human construct. Babies only have the instincts hard wired into their genes. They are born with those but they vary slightly from person to person as will all things programed by genes.

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Being a god would not require that god to have a moral compass. God's do what they want to do with their pets and other play things just to show how tough they can be. Men have always given their gods human characteristics such as pettiness, jealousy, lust, and envy. There is no assurance any god is morally justified by what it does. Their cruelty towards their own creation is legendary.http://bible.cc/2_kings/19-18.htm


Eh, you read too much mythology and watched too many comics.


God is Holy.

God is bullshit.


Use a small g for God and we can agree!

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Eh, you read too much mythology and watched too many comics.




This from the Christian who faithfully reads her Bible mythology every day? Tell us again about Adam and Eve, Mythology Queen.

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Being a god would not require that god to have a moral compass. God's do what they want to do with their pets and other play things just to show how tough they can be. Men have always given their gods human characteristics such as pettiness, jealousy, lust, and envy. There is no assurance any god is morally justified by what it does. Their cruelty towards their own creation is legendary.http://bible.cc/2_kings/19-18.htm


Eh, you read too much mythology and watched too many comics.


God is Holy.

God is bullshit.


Use a small g for God and we can agree!


The god Jesus Christ is bullshit. The god YHVY is bullshit. Is that better?

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Thanks for missing the point. Yes I have knowledge of pregnancy. And the shift key does not effect my knowledge of pregnancy. I do not know first hand what it feels like to have a baby inside of you nor the pain of childbirth. You see those things are not "knowledge of pregnancy". You are mixing apples and oranges.



Thanks for missing the point. An omniscient lawgiver will know the pain that will happen to disobedient creatures. Adam and Eve experienced what God KNEW would happen. The serpent already experienced it and misery likes company. In essence they were like God in that they knew about the pain of sin.

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Thanks for missing the point. Yes I have knowledge of pregnancy. And the shift key does not effect my knowledge of pregnancy. I do not know first hand what it feels like to have a baby inside of you nor the pain of childbirth. You see those things are not "knowledge of pregnancy". You are mixing apples and oranges.



Thanks for missing the point. An omniscient lawgiver will know the pain that will happen to disobedient creatures. Adam and Eve experienced what God KNEW would happen. The serpent already experienced it and misery likes company. In essense they were like God in that they knew about the pain of sin.


I didn't miss that point. An omniscient, all powerful and all good God could not have created our universe. It's just not possible. A God that knew what would happen but set up the Garden of Eden and Talking Serpent anyway must be evil. Of course if you read Ezra's story without the Christian prejudice you will see that Ezra made God ignorant. Ezra had God make mistakes, regret, repent, and get tricked.


Of course all of this is just fiction anyway.

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Thanks for missing the point. Yes I have knowledge of pregnancy. And the shift key does not effect my knowledge of pregnancy. I do not know first hand what it feels like to have a baby inside of you nor the pain of childbirth. You see those things are not "knowledge of pregnancy". You are mixing apples and oranges.



Thanks for missing the point. An omniscient lawgiver will know the pain that will happen to disobedient creatures. Adam and Eve experienced what God KNEW would happen. The serpent already experienced it and misery likes company. In essense they were like God in that they knew about the pain of sin.


I didn't miss that point. An omniscient, all powerful and all good God could not have created our universe. It's just not possible. A God that knew what would happen but set up the Garden of Eden and Talking Serpent anyway must be evil. Of course if you read Ezra's story without the Christian prejudice you will see that Ezra made God ignorant. Ezra had God make mistakes, regret, repent, and get tricked.


Of course all of this is just fiction anyway.


Bad comparison but ...


There was this caricature I saw once with an agnostic flea standing on a dog from its TINY vantage point and it said "Sometimes I don't believe there's a dog." That dog was giving it sustenance and look at what it was saying. *shakes head*

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The flea is PHYSICALLY STANDING on the dog!!! Does this mean you're a pantheist Thumby? That the nature/earth we're standing on is God??


The dog was actually there, that's the difference. Unless you think we're standing on god, literally, like a flea on a dog, that comparison is childish, unintelligent and moronic.

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Do you think God has a face, hands, feet, and likes the smell of burning flesh? The OT plainly says all that. So whether he's inside the universe or outside it, according to *some* authors in the bible he's some bodily being just hanging out somewhere. Sounds a little pagan doesn't it? That god is basically a human with supernatural powers. He looks like us, has emotions like us, forgets, regrets and gets angry and jealous like us. Unless you prefer the NT god who is more ethereal and spirit like, since over time they came to realize how fawking stupid the idea of a superhuman deity was. So they made him into an abstract concept.


With a buttload of help from Greek / roman thought. It certainly wasn't Jewish.


The thing that always bothered me was, the disciples who supposedly wrote the gospels were Jews right!?? But they were written in GREEK!!!!!!!!!!!!





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