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Up late. Due tomorrow: circulate 5-10 pages of a seminar paper to the class for feedback Wednesday.


I've done the research, I just don't have anything new to add and I haven't for the past 5 days I've been focusing on it. Now I'm up late, t-12 hours until I really won't have any time to finish it. ugh.

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Guest Valk0010

Do a detailed outline.


I like using a dry erase board if I can get a hold of one. Once you get one of those done. Take a break, then write the paper, take a break again, then edit. And drink a ton of coffee or energy drinks/soda. You will hate yourself tommorow, but you will have a decent paper.

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What Valk said. Sometimes it just takes writing something, anything down to get it out of your head, then walking away and coming back to it in a little while. I use a notepad type app on my computer to type it, just something that isn't my regular word processor, to at least free the ideas. Even if it's a sucky topic, at least write it down so you can stare at it. When I've found myself staring at a load of research without a way to synthesize it into something original, I also found it helps to read meta-reviews of the subject--does your seminar topic have that sort of collated research? Like "here's where we are research-wise on the topic of hygiene in 13th-century Venice"?


Good luck with the paper :) Several people called me "Our Lady of the Perpetual Term Paper" thanks to my unfortunate major and minor choices so I feel the pain of anybody suffering like that.

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What Valk said. Sometimes it just takes writing something, anything down to get it out of your head, then walking away and coming back to it in a little while. I use a notepad type app on my computer to type it, just something that isn't my regular word processor, to at least free the ideas. Even if it's a sucky topic, at least write it down so you can stare at it. When I've found myself staring at a load of research without a way to synthesize it into something original, I also found it helps to read meta-reviews of the subject--does your seminar topic have that sort of collated research? Like "here's where we are research-wise on the topic of hygiene in 13th-century Venice"?


Good luck with the paper smile.png Several people called me "Our Lady of the Perpetual Term Paper" thanks to my unfortunate major and minor choices so I feel the pain of anybody suffering like that.

Wow, now I feel like an ass. > <

It's about Florida v. Jardines, upcoming SCOTUS case regarding drug detection dogs and whether or not using them outside of a home is a fourth amendment search.

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Pfft, no worries. I'd like to think that our similarities far outweigh any disagreements that might crop up. I'd still front you a beer at a meet! beer.gif


That's a fascinating case. I'm reading the revised opinion on it now. I'd only heard a little about it before it landed with SCOTUS. I admit I'm not sure what else one *could* say when presented with that. I'm sure the usual suspects are rounded up already--rights to privacy, etc.

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Ugh, that sucked. All done though. For now. Ugh.


But yeah, the opinion is a piece of work. Especially the concurrence. That's one angry judge.

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They all sounded, uh, passionate.

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