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Hello Everyone. Newly Atheist, Disabled And Isolated.


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Hey, I am newly atheist, and disabled. I have brain damage and it has been hard to learn that Christians have lied to me, and to educate myself, particularly concerning evolution. Christians that used to visit me no longer do. Seems they were only concerned about me bring lonely when I was a believer. If anyone would like to be friends that would be great. I am a 35 year old girl. I like star trek and the big bang theory. Hope everyone is happy today. From crispeeduck

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Hi, Crispeeduck. Now, that's a cool name! Welcome to ExC. Glad you're here.


Sorry to hear of your disability and that the Christians abandoned you. I think you'll make a lot of friends here. wink.png

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Hey there. Thanks for the welcome. I am glad I found this site. Glad you like my name! All my friends call me crispee. Its great that there is a place like this. It's very hard de-converting and causes real pain so it's good to know I am not alone. Hope you are having a good day. Hugs and wheelies

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Lovely to have you!


If I may be so crude, it's interesting that even someone suffering brain damage can see through Christianity. Well done!


(No offense regarding any disability is intended.)



Edit: I almost forgot.... BAZINGA!

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Welcome to ex-C.

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Hey, I am newly atheist, and disabled. I have brain damage and it has been hard to learn that Christians have lied to me, and to educate myself, particularly concerning evolution. Christians that used to visit me no longer do. Seems they were only concerned about me bring lonely when I was a believer. If anyone would like to be friends that would be great. I am a 35 year old girl. I like star trek and the big bang theory. Hope everyone is happy today. From crispeeduck

hi Crispee! So good to have you. I'd love to be your friend. This is my favorite place in the whole world too!! I just told a real good friend of mine about my non-belief a few days ago and it was awful....that's why I come here because I don't have any real 'non-believing' friends here in my community who will let me be me.


Tell us more about you? When did you realize christianity was a lie? We're you a believer for a long time?


Welcome to EX-c!!

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Hugs and wheelies


Okay, the hugs I understand, but wheelies? When I was growing up and riding a bicycle, a wheelie was when you were able to bring the front tire of the bicycle up and ride only on the back tire. So if that's what you mean, then happy wheelies.



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Wait a minute. I think I just got the wheelie thing. Are you in a wheelchair?

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Welcome Crispeeduck! :)

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Hi CD!!! Welcome!

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Hi Crispee, nice to see you here. I love the Big Bang Theory too.

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Welcome to Ex-C, Crispee!


I think you will find some friends here. I am an introvert (although my job forces me to work with people) but it's so nice to come online and hang out with people who have been through similar experiences. This is my first time involved in an online forum. Anyhow, all that to say, it's a great place to hang out! See you around!

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welcome! you will get alot of support here.Sothey are not interested now your no longer a christian?Aye thats a common enough story round here.very 'christian' of them....Not!

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Hey everyone, thanks very much. Yes I am in a wheelchair! I will have to learn how to use this site properly and try to make friends, everyone seems fab. I have always had a thirst for learning, and researched the bible a lot, but I also read a lot of Christian books. I thought because they were Christian authors, they could not lie. Lee strobel books seemed wrong to me, so I looked into things more, and realised all the fibs. I am now studying science with the open university and I accept evolution now. My mental age is around 15 so it is often hard to keep up with adults and also hard to know when people are lying. Hope everyone is having a happy day. Bazinga, and hugs and wheelies!

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everyone deserves hugs and wheelies.


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Welcome to Ex-C -- The Best Place On The Web!


I love what you just said above:


so I looked into things more, and realised all the fibs


That's what it takes!


I love the Big Bang Theory also!

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Lee strobel books seemed wrong to me, so I looked into things more, and realised all the fibs.


By what you say from what I quoted, you are obviously intelligent. You are right, what Lee Strobel says in his books is nothing more than him trying to overcome the obvious problems with the bible which we now see as irreparable.


Hugs and wheelies (that's a cool line).

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Welcome! I'm glad you're here. Lee Strobel is a total mess once you learn some science, isn't he?


I loved what you said about "accepting" evolution. I often hear Christians talk about "believing" in evolution--but one doesn't "believe" in a scientific fact. Might as well "believe" in the theory of gravity. That made my day. :)

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...I also read a lot of Christian books. I thought because they were Christian authors, they could not lie.

I used to think this too. I'm not sure "lie" is the right word, but they certainly have their own perspectives and tend to ignore or reinterpret certain points of evidence that are inconvenient. I think people often start with their conclusions and then find facts to bolster that conclusion, rather than letting the evidence speak for itself.

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Hi! Welcome to Ex-C! I heart Big Bang Theory!

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Hey everyone, happy Friday the 13th! Hope everyone is happy and well today. Yes, I accept evolution now. I think when we say we believe in evolution, creationists assume there may be some doubt as to it's truth, so although I of course believe in evolution, I do prefer to say I accept evolution. I thought I was too stupid to learn because I have brain damage and people used to tell me I wasnt smart enough, but some great people encouraged me and now I am almost finished on my first year of the open university in the uk. I love science and now I can see when people are misrepresenting it to support their creationist claims. I am mostly happy as an atheist although strangely I do miss praying sometimes. I get lonely sometimes so it was nice to think someone was there to listen, and also, as a disabled person who feels they cannot help others very much, I at least thought prayer was helping my friends. Now I have learned to help my friends in different ways, ways that actually make a difference! If anyone needs a hug or a friend, I would be there. I love star trek, the big bang theory, cartoons, and the walking dead (even though I have to hide a lot!) if anyone has any science questions I will be happy to help too. Hugs and wheelies to everyone here, your friend crispeeduck

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Welcome to ex-c. Would love to hear you tell your story sometime.

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Welcome, another big bang fan here!

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Hey Crispeeduck! I'm not a very active member of this site, but I wanted to reply and tell you that you're not alone. I'm also a disabled atheist although I've been deconverted for a while now. It can definitely be hard being disabled and an atheist since your built in social life (church) will often fall away as your belief does, but you should try not to let it get you down. The people who are no longer your friends because you left the faith weren't really your friends to begin.


I have found that you are really going to have to be proactive creating a social life for yourself. This is true for everyone, but especially so for wheeled individuals such as us. It's very easy get down on yourself, sit at home, and let yourself be forgotten. I've fallen into that before myself. You just gotta get out there and meet people no matter how scary it might be.


I'm always here to talk if you need it. Just IM me and I'd be happy to talk or just listen.

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Welcome!! :D:)

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