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Goodbye Jesus

I Love You Ex-C!


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Hello everyone, I haven't posted in awhile but I still try and come here whenever I have the time. It is such a good feeling to know that there are people out there who have been where I have been and escaped the insanity. When I think I cannot stand one more "god bless you" or "I'll pray for you" from the xtians in my life, I know that I can come here and read another extimony and brighten up my day. Thank you Ex-c! xxxooo

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Good to hear from you. I often wonder about members who are silent for a while.

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Good to see you again. I too wonder where some folks have gone! Hope you're well.

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The extimonies are my favorite part, so many similar stories about the search for truth which oddly led them away from what they thought was the truth.

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I come here every day. Ya'll are my little bit of sanity-of course it's much better now that I moved out.

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This is one of the few sane places I can come to when the religious bullshit gets to be too much. I deconverted last November, and no one in my xtian family knows this- I have to pretend. It's getting very hard, however. Easter is literally making me nauseous, and my nutso xtian family members seem to become even more crazy on Easter.

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