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Goodbye Jesus

When Bad Things Happen To Good People


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i think... im finally losing the last traces of faith.


a friend of mine told me she's having chemo.. again. after losing a leg, having lung and heart surgery twice and 1 bout of chemo lasting months and months. there's no god. i wanted to pray, but to what? something indifferent, not there.


yes, im pissed, im upset. but she is my inspiration for life, she is forever upbeat, despite the shit she's gone through.



life sucks sometimes..


this came out ranty.. possibly should be in the rant section..


meh. fuck you god.

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I read something many years ago under the rubric of "When Good People Do Bad Things". I can't remember who wrote it. And as I just now did a google search I can't find it. But it was very powerful. When I read it, I openly wept. The last bits of it were difficult to read because I was crying so hard.

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There's a book by the title "When Bad Things Happen to Good People" written by Rabbi Harold Kushner. I read it around a year or two ago. His thoughts are that God exists and cares about our problems, but is powerless to do anything about anything. Not very comforting. At any rate, hope that things start improving for you and your friend. Yes, life sucks sometimes.

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Ugh. I feel for you. It's hardships like the one you describe that progressively shoved me off the little island of faith.


When I finally gave up my faith and announced I was an atheist, it was so freeing. I just dropped from the cliff I'd been holding onto. Plunk. And I fell but was gathered up by friends who love me, friends who are so very human and who are the true Good Samaritans of this world.


Let go and be at peace.

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Guest Babylonian Dream

Bad things happen to good people because we live in an unfair, indifferent, and sometimes crappy world. We just got to make the best of things while we're alive. Sorry for your friend, that must be rough. I've had to deal with my grandpa and a few other older relatives die early of cancer. It seems sometimes it happens mostly to those you are close to too, even though its just those you're noticing more. Just recently my aunt passed away from leukemia.


It seems like cancer is everywhere in my family. That and heart problems are huge causes of death in my family. You survive those, then there's a good chance you'll see 90 or even 105 (2 relatives came close, one relative, before I was born made it).

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yeah, i wrote this when i just got the news, so i wasn't in the best place at the time..


I prayed and prayed so hard the last time she had surgery, that it would never come back, that she would be fully on her feet and ready to start life (23, still lives at home because of disability) like all her course mates. And yet here it is, all over again.



Yeah, life is cruel and sucky sometimes. But it's making me think about what I want out of it, since life can sometimes be so short and/or unfair. Got to just live it to the best of our abilities, I just hope that she can finish her last semester before chemo really kicks in, and that she comes out the other side whole.


Thanks for replies guys :)

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Hey there Dory,


I symphatize with you and your friend. Bad things happen all the time. Sometimes I too feel that life sucks and things are wrong and all the bad things. But then I know that Allah is there and I just need to keep my trust in Him no matter how bad the situation is, because He knows everything and it all happens for a reason.


Sometimes bad things happen to good people. But when we don't even believe in God, how do we ask for His help?


Anyways if what I wrote does not relate to you or to your situation, then please it was not my intention to hurt you by writing my point of view.


I hope that a positive mind and environment will drive out the negatives that are going around, and positively make them disappear.

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Dory already feels bad. Dory has made her feelings known quite clearly.


We don't care if its Bible God or Allah, take your God talk elsewhere, plainly we are all stocked up here.

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But when we don't even believe in God, how do we ask for His help?

Maybe the point is we are not supposed to be looking for God to intervene in life for us. Maybe by not doing that we begin to find that healing in ourselves to affect good in the world. Have you ever stepped outside your beliefs long enough to consider that?

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"good things happen to bad people, but then I remember that my particular brand of Abrahamic deity exists because a book says so and then I am at peace. I hope this helps you".


yeah. that helps a lot.

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