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Goodbye Jesus

I Hate When This Type Of Shit Happens.


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So this morning on my way in to work, I'm at this gas station filling up, when this little red car with 4 people in their mid 20s or whatever pull up to the pump next to me. One guy gets out of the backseat and walks right up to me and starts proseletyzing immediately. So I'm just like, "Ive been going to church my whole life dude, no thanks" or something like that.


Now, I've only been deconverted/ing for about 6 months or so. So of course it hits me like, "gee, is god trying to tell me something??" of course they seemed like they were in some really wierd cultish denomination anyway. Kinda robotic. i mean i only talked to him for 5 seconds, but he was about to hand me something, and from the 1 second I saw it it said "atheist" on the cover, but im not sure in what regards. and then he gest right back in the car, and they leave. didnt even get gas. Pulled right off of the access road, boom, jumps out, hey, no thanks, gets into car, leaves.



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Shoot 'em. To me, they look like they're armed and dangerous.

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So this morning on my way in to work, I'm at this gas station filling up, when this little red car with 4 people in their mid 20s or whatever pull up to the pump next to me. One guy gets out of the backseat and walks right up to me and starts proseletyzing immediately. So I'm just like, "Ive been going to church my whole life dude, no thanks" or something like that.


Now, I've only been deconverted/ing for about 6 months or so. So of course it hits me like, "gee, is god trying to tell me something??" of course they seemed like they were in some really wierd cultish denomination anyway. Kinda robotic. i mean i only talked to him for 5 seconds, but he was about to hand me something, and from the 1 second I saw it it said "atheist" on the cover, but im not sure in what regards. and then he gest right back in the car, and they leave. didnt even get gas. Pulled right off of the access road, boom, jumps out, hey, no thanks, gets into car, leaves.




It's the cold call strategy of salesmanship. If only 1 out of 100 people you talk to are interested in what you are selling then you have to drop the 99 fast and keep moving till you find that one.

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God told 'em to harass a hundred people in a hundred locations today and he'd have a hundred virgins waiting. I know 'cause he told me the same thing, but I can't use more than 37 at a time.

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Well, I have decided now that anythime I hear of someone getting proselytised to, I'm going to go and try to make a religious person have questions. So, in honour of your experience today, McDaddy, I've spent the last couple of hours asking a mormon how they know that they have the truth. How is mormonism right and all the other religions wrong? She got rather flustered with me, in the end. My only hope is that I might have said something that may stick with her as a question.


I know some people here don't see the point in debating with christians and the like, but I figure, hey, fair's fair. You going to proselytise to me and my friends, I'm going to ask questions back. And things like Mormon chat just make it too easy. I'm over having other people's beliefs shoved down my throat, or hearing about them doing it to anyone else. I'm going one-for-one now.

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I know some people here don't see the point in debating with christians and the like...

There's no point if the goal is to win a debate, but if the goal is to irritate them, well, there's a winner!

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I know some people here don't see the point in debating with christians and the like...

There's no point if the goal is to win a debate, but if the goal is to irritate them, well, there's a winner!


Well, I'm not really into debating. I'm into discussing. Far more productive if you discuss rather than debate. Debating gets too argumentative, and too many defenses come up. So discuss is the word I should have used. Because that is, essentially, what I did. She had real difficulty with it in the end, and actually pulled the plug on me, in a very nice way. I've absolutely had it, though, with seeing people get shit shoved down their throat all the time, though. I can respect a person's right to believe, but that doesn't mean I have to be silent in my disagreement.

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I quit working out at a local YMCA because it was crawling with fundies who'd come up to me when I was on a treadmill or stationary weight machine and start in. Usually it was about something else but I knew what their purpose was. Final straw was when I accidently left a copy of "Fate" magazine on the treadmill - it's a mag focusing on paranormal stuff- I realized a couple minutes later what I'd done and went back for it. It was in a trash can, torn up into little pieces. Bet the fundie that did that felt real good. I'm sick or arguing with these morons, I just avoid places where I run into them.

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I know some people here don't see the point in debating with christians and the like...

There's no point if the goal is to win a debate, but if the goal is to irritate them, well, there's a winner!

:HaHa: Yeah, that's how I feel most of the time.

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I quit working out at a local YMCA because it was crawling with fundies who'd come up to me when I was on a treadmill or stationary weight machine and start in. Usually it was about something else but I knew what their purpose was. Final straw was when I accidently left a copy of "Fate" magazine on the treadmill - it's a mag focusing on paranormal stuff- I realized a couple minutes later what I'd done and went back for it. It was in a trash can, torn up into little pieces. Bet the fundie that did that felt real good. I'm sick or arguing with these morons, I just avoid places where I run into them.


Um, wow. Can't say I've had that problem.


The neighborhood I live in doesn't allow solicitation, so we don't get stuff like that here. The only thing the cops might turn a blind eye to as far as solicitation is Girl Scouts selling cookies...


However, when I lived elsewhere, my mom would see Mormons or Jehovah's Witnesses down the street on their way up or neighbors would call us and warn us they were coming. We would actually go into a panic, shut off all the lights, close all the windows, hide and not talk until we knew they'd gone away. It was kinda hilarious now that I think about it.

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I quit working out at a local YMCA because it was crawling with fundies who'd come up to me when I was on a treadmill or stationary weight machine and start in. Usually it was about something else but I knew what their purpose was. Final straw was when I accidently left a copy of "Fate" magazine on the treadmill - it's a mag focusing on paranormal stuff- I realized a couple minutes later what I'd done and went back for it. It was in a trash can, torn up into little pieces. Bet the fundie that did that felt real good. I'm sick or arguing with these morons, I just avoid places where I run into them.


Um, wow. Can't say I've had that problem.


The neighborhood I live in doesn't allow solicitation, so we don't get stuff like that here. The only thing the cops might turn a blind eye to as far as solicitation is Girl Scouts selling cookies...


However, when I lived elsewhere, my mom would see Mormons or Jehovah's Witnesses down the street on their way up or neighbors would call us and warn us they were coming. We would actually go into a panic, shut off all the lights, close all the windows, hide and not talk until we knew they'd gone away. It was kinda hilarious now that I think about it.


Mom would do the hiding routine. As if we were required to open the door. :-)


I think it is best to take their literature then throw it away. Spare some other victim the propaganda. Though I don't always remember to do that.

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Well, I have decided now that anythime I hear of someone getting proselytised to, I'm going to go and try to make a religious person have questions. So, in honour of your experience today, McDaddy, I've spent the last couple of hours asking a mormon how they know that they have the truth. How is mormonism right and all the other religions wrong? She got rather flustered with me, in the end. My only hope is that I might have said something that may stick with her as a question.


I know some people here don't see the point in debating with christians and the like, but I figure, hey, fair's fair. You going to proselytise to me and my friends, I'm going to ask questions back. And things like Mormon chat just make it too easy. I'm over having other people's beliefs shoved down my throat, or hearing about them doing it to anyone else. I'm going one-for-one now.



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I never had problems with the jehova's witnesses. I think they showed up at my door maybe once or twice and I simply told them I wasn't interested and I haven't heard back from them since. (that was like 2 years ago)

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I never thought I'd do this, but I've actually stated voicing my opinions, I get so frustrated by the ignorance which religion leads to.

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Woah hahaha. When I first started reading this story I thought for sure we were hearing the tale of an armed car-jacking or one of those drive-half-by-get-out-shoot-you-get-back-in-drive-the-rest-of-the-way-by gang home-boy execution style murders.


Nope. Just a bunch of zombie minions all high as shit on the faithamphetamine tripping balls and vomitting the excesses of their brain-scrub all over the place infront of you. Kinda reminds me of this time I went to this bar nearly everyone has been to for my first time just to see what it was like. I walk up to the doors and immediately some guy bursts out, bends over, violently pukes his guts out all over the sidewalk right infront of me, splashing orange chunks my way. He went and passed out on the hood of the car and I just carried on inside.


Bars serve the drug that is alcohol. Churches serve the drug that is faith. People get all fucked up on both and do really stupid shit in public. At least with alcohol, you tend to sober up.

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I have been thinking about doing an analysis of religious propaganda in general. I have not really been able to find accurate data on the efficacy of religious tracts. Most likely there is none. I can't really think of how it could be obtained.


I would like to get a collection of past and present material to examine how it has changed over the years.


The first Chick tract, without double-checking, I think was "Somebody Loves You" which was a kind of sappy get-saved-now message. Chick's more recent material appears to be more hate-oriented. As well as the general fundie population. The message of "God loves you" seems to have gone the way of the Osmond Brothers and the message of -- "God hates you" is the going thing.

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I think it is best to take their literature then throw it away. Spare some other victim the propaganda. Though I don't always remember to do that.


I dunno, if you do that they might be encouraged by their 'success' to print more of it than they would have.

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I think it is best to take their literature then throw it away. Spare some other victim the propaganda. Though I don't always remember to do that.


I dunno, if you do that they might be encouraged by their 'success' to print more of it than they would have.


They are going to keep printing tracts no matter what you do with them. I have picked a few up, altered them in very funny ways, and put them back where I found them.

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I think it is best to take their literature then throw it away. Spare some other victim the propaganda. Though I don't always remember to do that.


I dunno, if you do that they might be encouraged by their 'success' to print more of it than they would have.


They are going to keep printing tracts no matter what you do with them. I have picked a few up, altered them in very funny ways, and put them back where I found them.


Terrific. I'm trying to come up with a way to alter the Gideon Bibles in the motel rooms. I've seen the warning labels and a couple of the pamphlets that are out there but I'm still looking for something that lists "suggested readings" that would point folks to some of the horrors found therein.

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Years ago, I worked alone in a convenience store and a customer tried to push her Bible tract on me. I told her, "No thanks." She persisted. I repeated myself. STILL she continued to try to force her crappy pamphlet on me. I finally told her, "Look. I already told you no twice. This is harassment, and if you don't leave me alone, I'm calling the cops." After that, she finally left. Some of these people are truly obnoxious, and the tract distributors aren't uncommon. When I worked as a waitress, every now and then I'd get a tract either with my tip or in place of it. THAT really pissed me off. The point is, these weirdos aren't a sign from God. They are just everyday, garden-variety religious fanatics.

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Now, I've only been deconverted/ing for about 6 months or so. So of course it hits me like, "gee, is god trying to tell me something??"


If an all-knowing, all-powerful god wanted to tell you something, then he himself could tell it to you. He wouldn't need fallible humans, who can say anything they want about any sort of unverified belief they have, to do his bidding for him. The simple fact the all the proselytizing and defending of the faith is done by mere humans is indicative of the fact that the religion is human rather than divine.

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I think it is best to take their literature then throw it away. Spare some other victim the propaganda. Though I don't always remember to do that.


I dunno, if you do that they might be encouraged by their 'success' to print more of it than they would have.


They are going to keep printing tracts no matter what you do with them. I have picked a few up, altered them in very funny ways, and put them back where I found them.


Terrific. I'm trying to come up with a way to alter the Gideon Bibles in the motel rooms. I've seen the warning labels and a couple of the pamphlets that are out there but I'm still looking for something that lists "suggested readings" that would point folks to some of the horrors found therein.

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Thanks, Joe. I've seen that one. What I'm looking for is a pamphlet that I could insert that would just list recommended verses for study. Then when the dupe checks up on the verses he or she discovers that the "good book" contains bad stuff.

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+1000000000 for Yahweh approved rape!! Hip hip hooray!!!!!! Bring me your chaste virgins! I will subdue and know them per the almighty's direct orders! Bwahahahahahaha!!!!!!

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