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Goodbye Jesus

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I don't post on forums very often, because I don't normally have much to say and I'm not very good at conveying myself. But I have no other outlet, so here I go...

Well, I guess I've technically been a Christian my whole life, but I phased out of it pretty easily without much drama. I've questioned Christianity practically my whole life. How does the trinity make any sense? How could Jesus be 100% man and 100% God? Do Jews and Muslims go to heaven? I mean, they worship the exact same god, right? Wait, you mean everyone that doesn't believe in Jesus goes to Hell? Why would God condemn people for not believing in Jesus on blind faith? What about the people that have never even heard of Jesus? The answers I would receive for these questions were not satisfying.

As I grew up I realized that my beliefs are almost completely contradictory to Christianity. I don't think homosexuality is bad. I don't think masturbation is bad. And I don't think contraception is a bad thing. I mean, we have way too many people on this planet already. I've grown sick and tired of people saying things are bad just because it is in the bible.

It wasn't until recently that I the thought even crossed my mind that I don't really have to be Christian. I've just been so busy with school and sports that I never really thought about it.

I honestly only really have good memories of being a Christian. Controversial issues never really came up in church and we spent most of our time having fun or listening to sermons on basic morality. It all just seems really pointless to me and I don't want to waste my time learning about a myth that I don't even find interesting anymore. Not to mention all of the science and archaeology that completely contradicts the bible.

I have a lot more stuff I could talk about but I don't want to waste anymore of your time. I have just been frustrated lately because I live in the bible belt and I have no one to talk to. I guess I've just been wanting to say this somewhere to make it official: "I am not Christian anymore."

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I don't post on forums very often, because I don't normally have much to say and I'm not very good at conveying myself. But I have no other outlet, so here I go...

Well, I guess I've technically been a Christian my whole life, but I phased out of it pretty easily without much drama. I've questioned Christianity practically my whole life. How does the trinity make any sense? How could Jesus be 100% man and 100% God? Do Jews and Muslims go to heaven? I mean, they worship the exact same god, right? Wait, you mean everyone that doesn't believe in Jesus goes to Hell? Why would God condemn people for not believing in Jesus on blind faith? What about the people that have never even heard of Jesus? The answers I would receive for these questions were not satisfying.

As I grew up I realized that my beliefs are almost completely contradictory to Christianity. I don't think homosexuality is bad. I don't think masturbation is bad. And I don't think contraception is a bad thing. I mean, we have way too many people on this planet already. I've grown sick and tired of people saying things are bad just because it is in the bible.

It wasn't until recently that I the thought even crossed my mind that I don't really have to be Christian. I've just been so busy with school and sports that I never really thought about it.

I honestly only really have good memories of being a Christian. Controversial issues never really came up in church and we spent most of our time having fun or listening to sermons on basic morality. It all just seems really pointless to me and I don't want to waste my time learning about a myth that I don't even find interesting anymore. Not to mention all of the science and archaeology that completely contradicts the bible.

I have a lot more stuff I could talk about but I don't want to waste anymore of your time. I have just been frustrated lately because I live in the bible belt and I have no one to talk to. I guess I've just been wanting to say this somewhere to make it official: "I am not Christian anymore."


Thanks for sharing. I agree with you 100%. Good that you connected with the honesty inside yourself. Welcome to ex-C.

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Damn, I wish I'd always had the ability to see through the bullshit like that.


Welcome to the forum :)

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Welcome DJoker!


"I am not Christian anymore." Kinda makes it real when you see it like that & know that others do too. :)


I still haven't come out to many friends & family that I'm not a christian.

I don't need the stress & I just don't know if I could handle it. So I stay mum on it, however if pushed or

if a conversation leads in that direction, I have told a few people of my defection from bible religion.


It became real that I was no longer a xian when I shook my fist at heaven & told the sky that " I hate you bible god, I can't believe in any god who is like you! You are mean & capricious & cruel!!"

& I didn't care..& I wasn't afraid...that's when it became real for me.

It can't be easy living in the bible belt. I hope you can find others who are open minded like yourself.


Thanks for sharing & good luck! You are not alone so stick around & make some friends here ;)

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Yep, there is no good reason that you should have to be a Christian. I remember when I finally abandoned AA it felt as if I had been carrying a refrigerator aroung with me all the time and then realized that there is no good reason to lug that thing around. Just leavit it ther and go on.

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hi Djoker and welcome! Thank you for sharing some of your story!! I enjoyed that very much.


You have done something I have never done........ I have NEVER said out loud, "I am not Christian anymore." Thank you for sharing this very brave sentence with me!! Bravo for you!! Looking forward to hearing more from you!!


Sincerely, Margee

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You should hang out in the chat. I can't really talk openly about my atheism, so I've been in the chat for two months. There's a lot of interesting people in there.

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Thanks for the replies, everyone!


Damn, I wish I'd always had the ability to see through the bullshit like that.

I don't know why, but I've taken almost everything the church has ever told me with a grain of salt. Even when I used to say I believed in Jesus, I still realized that most of reality contradicted what church told me.

I still haven't come out to many friends & family that I'm not a christian.

I don't need the stress & I just don't know if I could handle it. So I stay mum on it, however if pushed or

if a conversation leads in that direction, I have told a few people of my defection from bible religion.


It became real that I was no longer a xian when I shook my fist at heaven & told the sky that " I hate you bible god, I can't believe in any god who is like you! You are mean & capricious & cruel!!"

I actually told my mother that I didn't believe in Christianity and she freaked out for all of two seconds and then acted like it was fine. I don't even understand why she's christian, considering most of her opinions on topics seem to disagree with the church that we go to. My main problem is that she wants me to go to church anyway. I don't think she understands how much it hurts me to listen to all this crap and realize that my friends are buying into every bit of it and basing their opinions around it.


A few weeks ago, just to prove to myself that I wasn't Christian anymore, I painfully muttered "F-fuck God..." and I rarely cuss.

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A few weeks ago, just to prove to myself that I wasn't Christian anymore, I painfully muttered "F-fuck God..." and I rarely cuss.


Swearing is one of my favourite things to do :) It's all about how you do it. Apparently, though, I get away with it because people think it's funny when I swear- they reckon I manage to sound posh even when swearing LOL. I don't try to sound posh, it's just that I was born half deaf, so I pick up on everyone else's inflections... And my dad's English. So, even though I'm Australian born and bred, I've picked up on those damn inflections.


Anyway, don't mind me yabbering on- kind of had a little accident tonight and I'm high as a kite on painkillers. And I'm not used to anything stronger than paracetamol lol

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Thanks for the replies, everyone!


I actually told my mother that I didn't believe in Christianity and she freaked out for all of two seconds and then acted like it was fine. I don't even understand why she's christian, considering most of her opinions on topics seem to disagree with the church that we go to. My main problem is that she wants me to go to church anyway. I don't think she understands how much it hurts me to listen to all this crap and realize that my friends are buying into every bit of it and basing their opinions around it.


A few weeks ago, just to prove to myself that I wasn't Christian anymore, I painfully muttered "F-fuck God..." and I rarely cuss.


Hee hee, yeah, I cuss now, just like I did before I joined the cult! I went a little overboard because so much had been held in over the years...at least I'm leveling out now.

But I'll admit, I do cuss now when I think I need to & it feels good!


In regards to your mom, I don't understand why people continue to go to church, tithe, etc. & they don't really believe the half of what the preacher is saying is "the truth"?? To me it makes no sense.

But I guess there are many reasons why people just continue on with the status quo, they don't want to lose their social standing or they don't want to go to hell & think that attending church & tithing will keep them from hell. but I never understood that because if god is god then he would know if you are being a hypocrite. That's one reason I HAD to leave that church cult I was in.....I HATED going. I couldn't fool myself anymore & if god is god, I wasn't fooling god either, so why pretend?? Towards the end I wanted to bolt out of the sermons screaming, it was so against everything inside of me.

I thought, if god is god, he knows I HATE that church dogma & the vitriol that preachers spews from his pulpit every friggen sunday.


Everyone has their own timetable as to how long they can continue on living in cognitive dissonance. A ((hug)) to you for being brave, I mean just thinking outside of that box is HUGE. Who knows, maybe someday if your mom sees you are living a good life outside of bible religion, she may wake up. :)

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Hi and welcome! It's hard to imagine how ANYBODY could believe in that crap, isn't it? And yet culture and conformity press people in toward it. Congratz on getting out!

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Hi Djoker, you may think you may not have much to say usually but what you have said here is well worth sharing and I thank you.


I don't live in the bible belt but so many people around here believe in God and they go to church. I was walking my dog the other day and I got talking with a lady who was gardening in her yard. she liked my dog. After a while she brought up the subject of church and invited me to her church. I thanked her and I told her that I no longer go to church and do not believe anymore. I was afraid that she may start prying and asking question but she didn't and was really nice. so anyway it is a bit lonely because so many people believe and I wonder will I ever meet someone who doesn't believe in God and I actually would like to meet an atheist who doesn't follow any kind of spiritual belief or any kind of religion. I still haven't met one in real life. So I come here and I have a couple of friends in another online group who are non believers.


I am so grateful for this place. I am glad you found us.

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