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Goodbye Jesus

Workplace Reconversion


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So i worked a closing shift tonight, and i was talking to one of my co-workers i havent seen in awhile, telling her about tellingm y father im not a christian and how he is freaking out and wants me to move out.

And this OTHER co-worker, who i wasnt talking to, says, "Well, i would freak out too! You can only go two places you know: heaven, or HELL."


and i just looked at him and kinda of scoffed, and said "I don't believe in heaven or hell." and he looks confused and says "Well, where do you think your soul is going to go? You don't believe in reincarnation do you???"


and i told him, "Im not really sure i believe we HAVE souls."




Now that i think about it, reincarnation would make more sense if we do have souls than a perfect heavenly realm anyways.

Nature recycling energy, etc.



I have a feeling he's going to become all concerned and try to start preaching to me at work.


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I wonder what I'd do, how my face would look, if I ever ran into a genuine morontheist at work... :scratch:


Fortunately that's not too likely over here.

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My best response for shutting down these types is to tell them that I want to go to hell so I can be with my friends. There is absolutely no comeback they can make to that.


But that notwithstanding, in California, there are workplace laws about this, so if he does start in on you, you can tell him to stop. If he doesn't you report it to your boss, in writing. And if that doesn't work, then it's lawyer time. Don't put up with any shit that you don't want to.

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My best response for shutting down these types is to tell them that I want to go to hell so I can be with my friends. There is absolutely no comeback they can make to that.


But that notwithstanding, in California, there are workplace laws about this, so if he does start in on you, you can tell him to stop. If he doesn't you report it to your boss, in writing. And if that doesn't work, then it's lawyer time. Don't put up with any shit that you don't want to.



Yeah, its really not that hard for me to shut out my peers when they get preachy: its only my father i have trouble speaking up to.

So if he starts in ill just give him a hard stare, or if he really wants to get into it, i'll tell him exactly why i don't believe anymore ONCE< and wont put up with it anymore after that.

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And this OTHER co-worker, who i wasnt talking to, says, "Well, i would freak out too! You can only go two places you know: heaven, or HELL."


Response: Yeah, and you're going to hell because you're an infidel living in rebellion against Allah.

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Why not just tell him you don't discuss religion on demand? And that if he preaches at you, the boss WILL be hearing about it?


I don't know why every employer in California isn't quaking in their socks at the idea of a lawsuit brought by some furious preached-at employee.

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Why not just tell him you don't discuss religion on demand? And that if he preaches at you, the boss WILL be hearing about it?


I don't know why every employer in California isn't quaking in their socks at the idea of a lawsuit brought by some furious preached-at employee.


Well it was kinda of my fault: I WAS talking about religion in front of him, albeit not TO him. I'll just have to be careful not to mention it around him in the future

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That still doesn't give him any right to intrude and push into the conversation. You don't have to talk about anything to anybody you don't want to.

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Why not just tell him you don't discuss religion on demand? And that if he preaches at you, the boss WILL be hearing about it?


I don't know why every employer in California isn't quaking in their socks at the idea of a lawsuit brought by some furious preached-at employee.


Well it was kinda of my fault: I WAS talking about religion in front of him, albeit not TO him. I'll just have to be careful not to mention it around him in the future

You probably don't want to talk about religion at work at all. It's just one of those things, you know? Also, the manager is like to just fire the entire shift rather than deal with a lawsuit.
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I had a "customer" come into our office today and, in front of my desk, start talking with a co-worker and me about church and prayer and how great god is and all that. I just glued on a smile and sat there and nodded my head, wishing she would hurry up and leave! I felt absolutely un-empowered to ask them to converse about something else since she's a "customer" so to speak. That's a topic that really should be off limits on either side of the reception desk! Unless you work in a church or other establishment with a religious bent, I feel you shouldn't ever be subjected to that type of conversation. A little different than your situation, but religion just doesn't belong in the workplace and whether an employee or visitor, you should leave it outside the door!!!!

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I used to be a computer guru at a Kinko's, and let me tell you all about getting preached to by customers. For some reason people feel like a captive audience is still a valid audience. If it wasn't the religious nuts, it was the Amway freaks (who were, generally, themselves rather fundie). They seemed to figure that I was sitting down so therefore had time to chat. Finally I got around it by saying "We're not allowed to discuss those things at work," and then just respectfully decline invitations to discuss the matter elsewhere ;) People go into "sheeple mode" when you talk like you're a cog, and it feeds nicely into Christian delusions of persecution and victimization; if someone's enough of a fundie to preach at captive workers, then he's enough of a fundie to think that all that talk about the "WAR ON RELIGION" is getting truer and truer every minute--when the reality is that we're all fucking sick of his moose chatter.


Customers who preach at workers rank right down there with people who mistreat waitstaff.

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