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Goodbye Jesus

This Is Just Depressing


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Check out this kid's YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/LennartSB/videos


Basically, he is a member of the church that's run by the Koran-burning pastor, and he makes videos about things like how most Christians aren't really Christian, how God hates religion (which somehow doesn't include his church's version of Christianity), and so on. It's depressing, because he's just a teenager and I have the feeling he's probably sheltered from the real world by his parents, and he didn't come to these conclusions on his own. He probably has a severe lack of real world experience. As a result, he rants and raves about Jesus coming, how bad atheists and "religious" people (i.e. any religion outside of his own) and so on are, posting videos that make no sense at times, and are just maddening, until you realize that this is the product of a homeschooled sheltered kid in a religious extremist life.


Once he becomes an adult and enters the real world, he's in for one hell of a shock.

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I don't even have to look. He is just repeating back ideas that adults spoon fed him.

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Check out this kid's YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.c...ennartSB/videos


Basically, he is a member of the church that's run by the Koran-burning pastor, and he makes videos about things like how most Christians aren't really Christian, how God hates religion (which somehow doesn't include his church's version of Christianity), and so on. It's depressing, because he's just a teenager and I have the feeling he's probably sheltered from the real world by his parents, and he didn't come to these conclusions on his own. He probably has a severe lack of real world experience. As a result, he rants and raves about Jesus coming, how bad atheists and "religious" people (i.e. any religion outside of his own) and so on are, posting videos that make no sense at times, and are just maddening, until you realize that this is the product of a homeschooled sheltered kid in a religious extremist life.


Once he becomes an adult and enters the real world, he's in for one hell of a shock.


i believe the Hitler youth there has the flag improperly displayed. Union on the left.

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You can see it in Communism; that's a fact

The way he said this line sooo reminded me of the Sham Wow guy. It's in the atheism video.

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sorry wrong depressing......


Yes this kids is nuts. But then when you raise up a child.

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