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Goodbye Jesus

We Are A Bloodthirsty Lot!


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Have you noticed that a reasonable question on the forums gets a few hundred views, couple pages, maybe five depending on the subject while a particularly stubborn christian in the Lion's Den can get 30 pages and thousands of views in a few days?

The newbies not so much, although some join right in on the carnage, but we long-timers will lick our collective lips (that sounded dirty) in anticipation of the next feast.

I'll posit that years of otherwise supressed rage about religion and christianity (no, spell check, I will not capitalize the word) come out to play and the LD is the ultimate cage match.

I don't think it's wrong; we need the outlet and the damn fools know where they are and what we are. I just surprise myself sometimes at the fury I muster. Here, kitty kitty kitty........

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Please don't lick MY lip. Thank you.

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I'll posit that years of otherwise supressed rage about religion and christianity (no, spell check, I will not capitalize the word) come out to play and the LD is the ultimate cage match. I don't think it's wrong; we need the outlet and the damn fools know where they are and what we are. I just surprise myself sometimes at the fury I muster. Here, kitty kitty kitty........


My life was ruined by me when I choose to become a Christian. I wasted three and a half decades - my best years. At a time when I was struggling to make ends meet, living paycheck to paycheck, I was tithing ten percent of my gross income right off the top even before taxes. That is how brainwashed I was. And these pastors who took money from starving student like me - today I consider them to be con men. I wish I could go to them and tell them that I missed out on the best opportunities of my life because they fucked my brain. But it wouldn't do any good.


The con men would just tell their marks that I cannot see spiritual matters because I was never a real true Christian just a wolf in sheep's clothing just like the mumbo-jumbo says.

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I've noticed that the residents here back off after awhile while the newbies have to bring their lion.

Correct. And it's kind of the idea.

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I can't be bothered most of the time anymore......I can't stand watching everyone attacking each other.

I Margee, have come to EX-c to bring peace......Wendymagic.gif

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Here, kitty kitty kitty........

What? Did someone call? >.>

Heh, I have noticed that most of the TM christians get more attention than me, but arguments are more entertaining than discussions for most people, I would think.

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Heh, I have noticed that most of the TM christians get more attention than me,


Because you're the gooood kitty. While the others pee on the carpeting, you just want your head scratched. And you wouldn't want us to light your tail on fire like we do to the bad kitties.

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I think it's great that there is this outlet here. Especially since it's on our terms, and not the terms of some authoritarian Christians. I sometimes get worked up by Christians enough to engage in a debate, but I don't think I've participated in one here since I started. Just haven't got the energy I guess. I tend to think there is no point in the debate as it will no doubt result in the Christian running off, or both parties talking past each other for 100+ pages.


I've been here around 2 years, and I have yet to see a Christian go "You're right, Christianity is bullshit and I'm an atheist now". But, if others are getting something out of it I think that's great. It's good to be able to vent and debate people in a safe environment. So, have at it, peeps.

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I used to love to engage with the Christians. Now, its meh...


I guess you have been around long enough, you have seen most everything by way of arguments.


Still, if Buddy Ferris came back, you all might see something.

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We are way more accepting of open dialogue here than they are on most Christian websites, so a little spilt blood won't hurt anyone.

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I've been here around 2 years, and I have yet to see a Christian go "You're right, Christianity is bullshit and I'm an atheist now".

No, nothing that obvious, but my guess is that sometimes something sticks and doubts/questions could start a brain to thinking. At least that's my theory.

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I've been here around 2 years, and I have yet to see a Christian go "You're right, Christianity is bullshit and I'm an atheist now".

No, nothing that obvious, but my guess is that sometimes something sticks and doubts/questions could start a brain to thinking. At least that's my theory.

Agree. It was a long, very long, process for me, and it was thoughts, ideas, and questions that had built up over many years.

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I go through cycles of indifference and full-out attack mode. Right now I seem to be in the latter phase. I'm just now starting to figure out what My triggers are, although "News item about religion-inspired atrocity" and "Thoughtless and rude comments by believers" are in the top 10.


It's nice to have this place to vent.

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for me it depends on just how stupid they are.


However, if they personally attack a friend of mine all bets are off.

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Lately I have become a bit riled up. On the political landscape it appears that fundies have become meaner, more hateful, and more prone to violence.


Their numbers a decreasing. Non-believers aare increasing. In response it appears that they have become more viscious. The fundies had their day in the sun during the W. Bush administration and mega-churches popping up all over the place. In a short period of time the GP tide has turned against them.


They are more dangerous now because they obviously feel threatened. The biggest threat to them is people who at one time were true believers and have come to our senses.


And, yes, three out of five fundies are former atheists -- if that were true the atheist population would have been huge ten years ago and reduced radically. Uh, -- no. We have them of the defensive and like an animal that has been cornered -- watch out!

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No, nothing that obvious, but my guess is that sometimes something sticks and doubts/questions could start a brain to thinking. At least that's my theory.


Sure, I get you. The whole "plant a seed" thing. Anything is possible.

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I like planting seed.

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I like planting seed.

So either you're a farmer or a filthy, sex crazed pervert.

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I like planting seed.

So either you're a farmer or a filthy, sex crazed pervert.


See post in humor.

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. . . a filthy, sex crazed pervert.


Isn't that just a fancy way to say "human"?

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Ah, milf oil. Stops the squeaking, I suppose.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I can't be bothered most of the time anymore......I can't stand watching everyone attacking each other.

I Margee, have come to EX-c to bring peace......Wendymagic.gif


I agree margee, although I am new here, I have no desire to get in a pissing match, although it is fun to watch a Christian come on here and try to convert us heathen's with their faulty logic and house of mirrors.

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You know, it's funny, but even though I've heard the same arguments from the same people over and over again, it still never fails to make me see red. I still get angry at "You were never a real Christian", "Hitler was an atheist", "You believe in nothing" and other similar stupid arguments. It's mostly the accusatory comments and bold assertions that piss me off the most. Granted, I haven't been an Ex-C for even a year yet!

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