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"god Works Through People"


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Have you ever heard this expression? I won't say I've heard it too much, but this seems to be the sentiment behind some evangelicals.


On one side of the coin, it encourages people not to be completely out of touch with reality. Example, a mother who's son is sick and relying on God may need to hear this. It can be used to look outside dogma so even believers aren't stuck in a rigid form of thinking..


On the other side of the coin, it's too often used to promote their own agenda. If I wanted to, I could easily spin it to say that God is using me to lead others and thus have power. Or when faced with questions such as why doesn't God simply reveal himself to make sure people know which religion is true, they'll say God is working through people. Of course, the fact that God is supposidly using "people" to promote spread his word is what got us into this mess of having all these different religions. Then they'll say that we should use the bible to determine which ones are telling the truth which defeats the purpose of God working through "people" in the first place. And even if there was one true religion, why would God rely on ordinary people to spread his message.


It seems that the only means God uses to communicate are (a) through fallible humans who are really no different than anyone else. (B) through the bible, a 2000 year old book. The problem with the Bible is that it's just a book. It would be like a father leaving a note for his kids with no further communication. If he does communicate, it would be through other people telling him how much he loves him. Ultimately, no one would blame the kids for doubting that their father cares, let alone exists. Yet Christians act so surprise when someone doubts that God exists or cares.

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I saw a church sign awhile back that read "He has no hands but ours." Since I know personally that this church is running a food pantry and other ministries that actually help people, I give them a free pass. But obviously, they haven't completely thought through the whole idea because if God was all-powerful as they say He is, then He could make food appear on people's tables.

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Look at the scripture I just found jack!!!Wendytwitch.gifGOD DOES NOT WORK THROUGH PEOPLE!!! eek.gif


''"The God who made the world and all things in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands; nor isHe served by human hands, as though He needed anything, since He Himself gives to all people life and breath and all things" (Acts 17:24-25 NASB).


We've been lied to!! Wendytwitch.gifVOGT6223CustomImage8223074.gif

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Even without the verse that Margee provided, if God has been working through the hands of people all this time, you would think that he could see that this plan isn't working so well and try something else. Hell, you'd think he would have learned after the whole Noah fiasco...

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Whenever I hear phrases like this all I can think of is satanic possesion. I swear the church does not ever see how they are using the supernatural to convince people of an unproven fact. And yet they constantly warn about supernatural things like satan, spirits, Harry Potter. :o


And how creepy to think that a "god" is inside me making me do things. That is enough to make an unstable person paranoid about their own actions. "Is it me doing this or god?"


Suddenly "possession" is now a good thing. I honestly think religion will regurgitate anything to get people to believe in it. Snake oil, that's all it is. If I tell you the supreme being is working through you, it makes you feel special, and that is how I control you to do as I want.


Snake oil.

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Look at the scripture I just found jack!!!Wendytwitch.gifGOD DOES NOT WORK THROUGH PEOPLE!!! eek.gif


''"The God who made the world and all things in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands; nor is He served by human hands, as though He needed anything, since He Himself gives to all people life and breath and all things" (Acts 17:24-25 NASB).


We've been lied to!! Wendytwitch.gifVOGT6223CustomImage8223074.gif

The Force is strong with this one ....

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"God" is an excuse to do or not to do. It works for both purposes. The concept relieves people of responsibility either way.

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I am so tired of hearing this lunatic statement, "God works through people." God is impotent--lacking the power to act on his own behalf--so relies on us to do something? I thought he was omnipotent. Make up your mind, people: Is god impotent or omnipotent?


It has got to be the biggest excuse for the inaction of God. ugh.gif

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Whenever I hear phrases like this all I can think of is satanic possesion. I swear the church does not ever see how they are using the supernatural to convince people of an unproven fact. And yet they constantly warn about supernatural things like satan, spirits, Harry Potter. ohmy.png


And how creepy to think that a "god" is inside me making me do things. That is enough to make an unstable person paranoid about their own actions. "Is it me doing this or god?"


Suddenly "possession" is now a good thing. I honestly think religion will regurgitate anything to get people to believe in it. Snake oil, that's all it is. If I tell you the supreme being is working through you, it makes you feel special, and that is how I control you to do as I want.


Snake oil.


It's all in the semantics. For Christians, getting information from ouija boards, tarot cards and astrology is EVIL! Getting information from some wack job preacher is Prophecy and godly. Casting a magic spell (making a supernatural request) is EVIL! Asking Jesus for something (making a supernatural request) is godly prayer! :-)


Similarly if it is 'possession' it's a bad thing....better to be 'filled' , as if there was a difference. I wonder what a xian would say if you told them you were filled with the unholy spirit...or...possessed by Jesus? Fun to twist around phrases that mean the same thing.

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I just finished reading this on "Answers to Prayer": http://www.infidels.org/kiosk/article26.html

It's a good read. It talks about how Christians are not to lean on their own understanding, so they bypass normal, healthy thought processes. Not only do Christians not give credit where it's due, they for centuries resisted much of the progress from which they now benefit. God works through people? That's not what Christian used to say....


I always find it annoying when religious people go for surgery and give God the credit, saying "God guided the surgeon's hands".

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I am so tired of hearing this lunatic statement, "God works through people." God is impotent--lacking the power to act on his own behalf--so relies on us to do something? I thought he was omnipotent. Make up your mind, people: Is god impotent or omnipotent?


It has got to be the biggest excuse for the inaction of God. ugh.gif

They don't see that this makes God into an easily expendable middleman.
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I wonder what a xian would say if you told them you were filled with the unholy spirit...or...possessed by Jesus? Fun to twist around phrases that mean the same thing.


lmao_99.gif possessed by jesus, I love it. This has the making of a great horror movie. :o

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This belief, "god works through people", was a BIG part of our belief system and the church we were a part of.


Recently Jblueep (my husband) and NathanB (our son) picked my parents up (an hour from where we live) and took them to the ER b/c my mom had fallen and broke her wrist. They spent hours with my parents in the waiting room and then took them home afterwards (at 2:30am). My dad was very grateful and sent us an email thanking them and made the comment that they were "Jesus with skin on". jesus.gif


I wanted so badly to reply and explain that J and NB didn't do what they did b/c Jesus possessed their bodies and made them do something kind. They just did it b/c they are kind and loving people and they care about their family.


Oh well. Wendyshrug.gif

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...My dad was very grateful and sent us an email thanking them and made the comment that they were "Jesus with skin on".


I wanted so badly to reply and explain that J and NB didn't do what they did b/c Jesus possessed their bodies and made them do something kind. They just did it b/c they are kind and loving people and they care about their family.

I agree. Just say, "You have been so good, so kind. Thank you."


Instead, because you are considered, through this faith system to be inherently evil and a vessel for either your evil self or the Lord, when you do something good, it is because you are possessed by God to do so. Such a poisonous belief system. wacko.png

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So God really fucks up when a surgeon accidentally leaves material inside their patient or in the case of a doctor at my mom's job, operates on the wrong knee.

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This belief, "god works through people", was a BIG part of our belief system and the church we were a part of.


Recently Jblueep (my husband) and NathanB (our son) picked my parents up (an hour from where we live) and took them to the ER b/c my mom had fallen and broke her wrist. They spent hours with my parents in the waiting room and then took them home afterwards (at 2:30am). My dad was very grateful and sent us an email thanking them and made the comment that they were "Jesus with skin on". jesus.gif


I wanted so badly to reply and explain that J and NB didn't do what they did b/c Jesus possessed their bodies and made them do something kind. They just did it b/c they are kind and loving people and they care about their family.


Oh well. Wendyshrug.gif


"Well Dad, we didnt want to take her, but Jesus made us..." lol.

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So God really fucks up when a surgeon accidentally leaves material inside their patient or in the case of a doctor at my mom's job, operates on the wrong knee.


God loves malpractice lawyers too. We know not His ways. :-)

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I generally don't like that phrase because while it can be very inspiring to good things, it's not a good idea to give your power away like that. How many of us have sat and dawdled thinking God would use us and our hands when the time is right, when we could have been creating what we wanted/needed for ourselves and our community at that very moment?

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If gawd needs people to do his bidding and actual physical work, who needs god then?


Imaginary friends do not make you empathetic - they make you say stupid shit and do stupid things (not really but never underestimate the large grouping of delusional folk and how it affects them, we have all been there)

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I just finished watching the Passion of Christ - for my 17th or 18th time, I am not sure. Anyhow, I love that movie. I hope everyone here watch the movie.



Thank you, Mel Gibson. You are a hero for God!!!

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Guest Valk0010

I just finished watching the Passion of Christ - for my 17th or 18th time, I am not sure. Anyhow, I love that movie. I hope everyone here watch the movie.



Thank you, Mel Gibson. You are a hero for God!!!

just because it feels really good to say



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I just finished watching the Passion of Christ - for my 17th or 18th time, I am not sure. Anyhow, I love that movie. I hope everyone here watch the movie.



Thank you, Mel Gibson. You are a hero for God!!!

just because it feels really good to say





Such trifle of a verbal insult is nothing compared to what Jesus went thru. My response should be "God loves you and so do I. "

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Guest Valk0010

I just finished watching the Passion of Christ - for my 17th or 18th time, I am not sure. Anyhow, I love that movie. I hope everyone here watch the movie.



Thank you, Mel Gibson. You are a hero for God!!!

just because it feels really good to say





Such trifle of a verbal insult is nothing compared to what Jesus went thru. My response should be "God loves you and so do I. "

I bet if jesus existed he would be ashamed of you. He ate dinner with the sinner's not mocked them.
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I just finished watching the Passion of Christ - for my 17th or 18th time, I am not sure. Anyhow, I love that movie. I hope everyone here watch the movie.



Thank you, Mel Gibson. You are a hero for God!!!

just because it feels really good to say





Such trifle of a verbal insult is nothing compared to what Jesus went thru. My response should be "God loves you and so do I. "

I bet if jesus existed he would be ashamed of you. He ate dinner with the sinner's not mocked them.




Are you insane? I am not mocking you. You people throw f- bombs at each other like it is nothing. Christians like myself are shocked by your language. But I do not take offense. I have nothing against you. Why? Because God loves you and so do I.

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