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Would You Be On A Reality Show If Offered?

Mike D

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So i've been offered an opportunity to be a regular on a certain reality show on a certain network.


I am mulling it over, but not sure what to do.


The show itself is sort of like a competition show, not something like hoarders or addictions that makes the people on the show look like complete and total losers.


It might be fun, but then again I know that "reality" shows have a tendency to over-dramatize everything and do whatever they can to create conflict.


On the one hand, getting your name out there can create new opportunities for you, that you may not have had otherwise. On the other hand, being on a reality show can backfire, especially if the editors and producers decide they want to make you look like an ass, or take things out of context.


What would you do?


WWJD? jesus.gif


Should I pray about it? GONZ9729CustomImage1539775.gif

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If I were you I would weigh the chances of actually gaining anything from appearing on the show vs. the detrimental effects of it.


Remember, everything is dramatized and I'm not familiar with what show you are on, but if it involves sadistic punishments, as many do nowadays for some kind of failure, then if you make any negative comments that look bad people will see them and they will probably be played to music and blown out of proportion. You will be ridiculously scrutinized in ways that are unfair, remember this and remember you are dealing with a sensationalist media.


Secondly, I also find reality TV a sad reflection of the state of television as I live in America. I don't know what nation you are from, but these sort of shows showcase just how ignorant a lot of my nation is. They are just one more indication of how obsessed America has become with more and our morbid fascination with competition and ultimately not caring about who loses.


What do we expect foreigners to think when they see a bunch of rich people trotting around the seaside drunk in the Jersey shore, a show in which everyone but one person is fired even though many contestants are intelligent and do well, and a show about people who try to lose many pounds of weight over a short period of time and then usually regain it back after the show is concluded? They will see largely what America has become: obsessed with competition to the point of absurdity, drunk with wealth in some cases, and having problems with obesity which are not solved in a way which will work in the long-term future.



Perhaps the reality show you are interested in is different than this and showcases cooperation for a good cause; but otherwise I wouldn't recommend it.

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I'm at a point in life where I like a little adventure, so I say go for the ride and see how it goes :)

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Guest Valk0010

It depends on the show. For example, i would go on wheel of fortune or something like that, or who wants to be a millionare in a heartbeat. But if it was something like big brother, no way.

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Are you getting paid? Well? Will it hurt your future earning potential?


If yes to the former and no to the later, why not? Life is short and meant to be experienced IMO.

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I vote take Vigile's advice :)

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I would do it. In fact, I'm currently in line for a certain reality show. Chance I'll get in is about 75%... I'll be hearing in 2 weeks!


As for sound advice: weigh the pros against the cons and whatever weighs heavier, should prevail.

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So i've been offered an opportunity to be a regular on a certain reality show on a certain network.


I am mulling it over, but not sure what to do.


The show itself is sort of like a competition show, not something like hoarders or addictions that makes the people on the show look like complete and total losers.


It might be fun, but then again I know that "reality" shows have a tendency to over-dramatize everything and do whatever they can to create conflict.


On the one hand, getting your name out there can create new opportunities for you, that you may not have had otherwise. On the other hand, being on a reality show can backfire, especially if the editors and producers decide they want to make you look like an ass, or take things out of context.


What would you do?


WWJD? jesus.gif


Should I pray about it? GONZ9729CustomImage1539775.gif

I am an attention whore! I've been on television twice, in front of the camera and it is FUN! I say 'GO FOR IT!' Besides, it's something Jesus would do!

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  • Super Moderator

Do it. Don't expect to be accurately represented, but do it anyway. Hell, you could end up endorsing a product and getting other gigs on TV. Sounds like a fun adventure.


You MUST let us know the details so we can watch you!!!

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Are you getting paid? Well? Will it hurt your future earning potential?


Very little pay (of course, reality shows are cheap asses), and it may either hurt or help my earning potential. Basically if people hate me it will hurt, if they love me it will help. And so much of that is dependent on the producers. But things to think about...

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I would do it. In fact, I'm currently in line for a certain reality show. Chance I'll get in is about 75%... I'll be hearing in 2 weeks!


Really? Hmm, interesting we should keep in touch and compare notes. I am meeting with the producers this week but nothing is set in stone yet. Good luck though let me know what happens!

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I am an attention whore! I've been on television twice, in front of the camera and it is FUN! I say 'GO FOR IT!' Besides, it's something Jesus would do!


Haha great answer! I think Jesus would do it too! jesus.gif

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I don't know it's up to you. I wouldn't do it because I wouldn't want the spot light on me like that. I agree with what has been said so far, consider the effects it could have on your future. positive v negative. I don't know if you would be able to trust the producers if they try and portray people in a negative light and take things out of context. You sound like a really nice person, it would be a shame if they made you look like a jack ass but then again if you conducted yourself in a way that just in no way they could twist things around and cause you to look or sound like a jackass then go for it. If you do go for it. Are you able to let us know what show it is and when it will be on? I would love to see it. If it is "Survivor" that would be amazing.

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  • Moderator

Do it. Don't expect to be accurately represented, but do it anyway. Hell, you could end up endorsing a product and getting other gigs on TV. Sounds like a fun adventure.


You MUST let us know the details so we can watch you!!!


I'm with some of the gang here...go for it!! But you must realize that you are asking an ole' doll who would do anything for excitement right now!!! wink.png


Yes, try to make sure you got nothin' to lose by doing it!! Let us know Mike!!

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I am a big fan of reality tv and for me it would really depend on what show it is, whether it's established or not (you don't want to be on the receiving end of the next 'Joe Millionaire'), and what you want out of the experience as well as what you may gain from it in the future.


For example, a lot of reality tv is very inoccuous, like American Idol, The Amazing Race, Extreme Makeover, Trading Spaces, Wipeout, etc. Then there are shows where the entire purpose is to generate controversy, like (as mentioned) Big Brother, The Bachelor, Survivor, The Apprentice, etc. Keep in mind, many if not most of these shows pick the final list of contestants with the explicit purpose of generating controversy which is what drives the bottom line. You will be pitted against people they know will push your buttons (and who's you will push) to get the most outrageous behavior they can get. They will also only show the most controversial 44 minutes out of 168 hours of material, so keep in mind that when contenstant A drives you up a wall and you call him a blankedy blank, that three seconds will be shown on the show's kickoff commercials, and previews throughout the series' run. If it's this type of show you will never live down your worst 5 seconds of behavior.


What kind of "new opportunities" do you hope to get out of this? Will you PM what show it is?

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Sorry to be anti, but I say don't do it. Don't contribute to the dumbing down of society and the glorification of voyeurism. Networks put this shit on cos it's cheap to make and appeals to the audience's lowest common denominators. It means they don't have to spend money on quality programming like documentaries or drama, and hiring those pesky people with actual talent or training, like writers, journalists and actors. Sorry, reality TV is a pet hate.


Of course, if you were to infiltrate the show and then do an expose'.....

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Putting me on a reality show would be cost prohibitive, I would smash too many cameras.


It's up to you. Show biz can be fun. Probably worth the experience.

Please don't eat a bin full of cockroaches or drink urine.

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A few years ago, My friend Red and I were joking that someone should put cameras in My house and market it as a surreality show -- Kind of like The Osbournes on steroids, or at least on mass quantities of chocolate and coffee.


Not a big fan of the competition-type shows or the "Let's fix this person's problems" shows, unless there are tens of thousands of $$$s of elegant renovations up for grabs. Or a shopping spree in a really big music store...

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Go for it! I've been on TV several times, and I always get a big kick out of it. The first time was in the 80s. I was on a volleyball team in a tournament playing for a charity, and I was interviewed. BTW, at 53 I'm still a damn good player, although I can't leap as high and I hurt like hell the next day. GONZ9729CustomImage1539775.gif


More recently I appear annually as the coach of my school's Scholars' Bowl team. The competitions are locally broadcast. Last weekend I was at the Alzheimers Walk in Knoxville and placed myself in the background when Pat Summitt was speaking. It's fun to hear from friends who say "Hey, I saw you on TV last night!"

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One of my good friends was on the Big Brother reality show. Said he had a great time, and he made like 10,000 bucks. Why not?

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why not,,, go for it


if i were to be in reality show, there will probably be tonnes of beeps beeps. beeps wth all vulgarities blocked out,,,,,

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geez, you Americans just love being on TV don't you? I remember about ten years ago they tried an Oprah/Donahue type show here, forget who hosted it, but it was axed pretty quickly. THey discovered that those shows work in the US cos you guys just love talking about yourselves, and very loudly. The problem with this particular show was... no-one in the audience wanted to hold the microphone and ask questions and no-one got cranky, hence no conflict, hence no show.

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geez, you Americans just love being on TV don't you? I remember about ten years ago they tried an Oprah/Donahue type show here, forget who hosted it, but it was axed pretty quickly. THey discovered that those shows work in the US cos you guys just love talking about yourselves, and very loudly. The problem with this particular show was... no-one in the audience wanted to hold the microphone and ask questions and no-one got cranky, hence no conflict, hence no show.


Durr hurr I like making broad generalization and making fun of people from other countries. By the way, I am better than you people!

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geez, you Americans just love being on TV don't you? I remember about ten years ago they tried an Oprah/Donahue type show here, forget who hosted it, but it was axed pretty quickly. THey discovered that those shows work in the US cos you guys just love talking about yourselves, and very loudly.


That's funny because some of the biggest attention whores I know are from other countries (especially Western Europe). They come here to America (more specifically to Hollywood) because they want to become movie stars and be rich and famous. I know, because that's where I live and I see it every day. They sit out on the patios at coffee shops wearing their big dark glasses talking as loudly as they can into their cellphones so everyone can hear them talking to their "agents", "making deals" and "getting pitched" to the studios. It's hilarious, half of them are probably talking to a dial tone.

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Very little pay (of course, reality shows are cheap asses), and it may either hurt or help my earning potential. Basically if people hate me it will hurt, if they love me it will help. And so much of that is dependent on the producers. But things to think about...


Do you tend to get along with others? Do you think of yourself as having a likeable personality? If so, you may as well go for it.Wendyshrug.gif

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