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Bible Says That Age Limit Is 120


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Need me to quote it Christians? The Bible says that men can only live to 120.


Then how come with all of modern medicine only about one out of a billion (thats 1, 000, 000, 000) people is lucky enough to live to 115? Shouldn't we all get up into the hundred teens before we drop like flies? Most of us still die of natural caused in our 70's and 80's while a few unlucky ones die of natural causes in our 40's or even younger. And before humans developed the technology to expand out life (read: back when it was all God) we had even shorter lifespans.






Genesis 6:3

And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.


Oh and contradiction much? What would Christians have us believe goes on in heaven? Why of course God's spirit strives with man forever and ever and ever and ever.


Conclusion: the Bible is sometimes wrong.

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Guest Valk0010

Need me to quote it Christians? The Bible says that men can only live to 120.


Then how come with all of modern medicine only about one out of a billion (thats 1, 000, 000, 000) people is lucky enough to live to 115? Shouldn't we all get up into the hundred teens before we drop like flies? Most of us still die of natural caused in our 70's and 80's while a few unlucky ones die of natural causes in our 40's or even younger. And before humans developed the technology to expand out life (read: back when it was all God) we had even shorter lifespans.






Genesis 6:3

And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.


Oh and contradiction much? What would Christians have us believe goes on in heaven? Why of course God's spirit strives with man forever and ever and ever and ever.


Conclusion: the Bible is sometimes wrong.

They would say, the great flood made ages decrease. Of course its adhoc argumentation, but that is what they would say.
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They would say, the great flood made ages decrease. Of course its adhoc argumentation, but that is what they would say.


Yes, I remember. It's also not Biblical. Those who take that route are cherry picking when they will get answers from the Bible and when they will ignore the Bible. And yes when I was a Christian I did it too.

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Guest Valk0010

They would say, the great flood made ages decrease. Of course its adhoc argumentation, but that is what they would say.


Yes, I remember. It's also not Biblical. Those who take that route are cherry picking when they will get answers from the Bible and when they will ignore the Bible. And yes when I was a Christian I did it too.

It doesn't make sense either, atmosphere doesn't really effect the aging process all that much. Your skin could look like shit, and you live till your 100.
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I never got that. People lived to nearly a thousand years of age, then there was a flood and suddenly they didn't. Huh?

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Real life trumps the Bible yet again — at least Jeanne Louis Calment's real life contradicted god's pronouncement of the 120-year maximum limit. She is the ONLY person verified to have reached 120, and then she went on living to the age of 122 years, 164 days.

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Real life trumps the Bible yet again — at least Jeanne Louis Calment's real life contradicted god's pronouncement of the 120-year maximum limit. She is the ONLY person verified to have reached 120, and then she went on living to the age of 122 years, 164 days.


I was going to share the same info.

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Then Jeanne is badass. She defied God lol. Did she know her bible?

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I'd say something, but I'm mesmerized by the kitten in Onyx's pic. That is one seriously cute kitten.


Edit: That whole age thing confused me too as a Christian. I tried so hard to make sense out of that 120 years thing when I could see that almost nobody hit that age--what'd God do to make people die so much earlier? Seemed kind of monstrous.

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When I asked about this as a Christian, I was told that it's not talking about how long men(people) will live, but how long they have until the flood comes to wipe everyone out.

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Real life trumps the Bible yet again — at least Jeanne Louis Calment's real life contradicted god's pronouncement of the 120-year maximum limit. She is the ONLY person verified to have reached 120, and then she went on living to the age of 122 years, 164 days.


I can just hear a fundy argue, well, it says the age of man(not woman).

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When I asked about this as a Christian, I was told that it's not talking about how long men(people) will live, but how long they have until the flood comes to wipe everyone out.


That's what I too was taught when I was a young confused Christian asking about that passage.

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Real life trumps the Bible yet again — at least Jeanne Louis Calment's real life contradicted god's pronouncement of the 120-year maximum limit. She is the ONLY person verified to have reached 120, and then she went on living to the age of 122 years, 164 days.


I can just hear a fundy argue, well, it says the age of man(not woman).


Maybe Moses was just guesstimating.

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Need me to quote it Christians? The Bible says that men can only live to 120.


Then how come with all of modern medicine only about one out of a billion (thats 1, 000, 000, 000) people is lucky enough to live to 115? Shouldn't we all get up into the hundred teens before we drop like flies? Most of us still die of natural caused in our 70's and 80's while a few unlucky ones die of natural causes in our 40's or even younger. And before humans developed the technology to expand out life (read: back when it was all God) we had even shorter lifespans.






Genesis 6:3

And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.


Oh and contradiction much? What would Christians have us believe goes on in heaven? Why of course God's spirit strives with man forever and ever and ever and ever.


Conclusion: the Bible is sometimes wrong.




Conclusion: Another atheist misunderstanding the bible as usual and forming an anti gospel.


Genesis 6:3 was not talking about the lifespan of man, it was talking about the amount of probation the antediluvians had.



The average lifespan is 70's - 80's:

Psalm 90:10

The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labor and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away.






Naturally there will be factors that determine if people will live longer or shorter lives but the average lifespan in especially favorable conditions has been 70's - 80's. With good genetics and favorable environments some people live beyond that but compared to the world population these are minority groups.


God wanted/wants His people to live long, healthy lives and He gave certain instructions that would help people to achieve this. Instructions like those contained in Exodus 20:12. This article shows where foundational biblical health principles may have aided humans to live up to their maximum lifespan: Good Health Through The Bible!







"Kimura worked at a post office for 38 years before switching careers to become a farmer, which he was until he was 90 years old."


Hmmm, Kimura had a profession like Adam.

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Guest Valk0010

Need me to quote it Christians? The Bible says that men can only live to 120.


Then how come with all of modern medicine only about one out of a billion (thats 1, 000, 000, 000) people is lucky enough to live to 115? Shouldn't we all get up into the hundred teens before we drop like flies? Most of us still die of natural caused in our 70's and 80's while a few unlucky ones die of natural causes in our 40's or even younger. And before humans developed the technology to expand out life (read: back when it was all God) we had even shorter lifespans.






Genesis 6:3

And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.


Oh and contradiction much? What would Christians have us believe goes on in heaven? Why of course God's spirit strives with man forever and ever and ever and ever.


Conclusion: the Bible is sometimes wrong.




Conclusion: Another atheist misunderstanding the bible as usual and forming an anti gospel.


Genesis 6:3 was not talking about the lifespan of man, it was talking about the amount of probation the antediluvians had.



The average lifespan is 70's - 80's:

Psalm 90:10

The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labor and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away.






Naturally there will be factors that determine if people will live longer or shorter lives but the average lifespan in especially favorable conditions has been 70's - 80's. With good genetics and favorable environments some people live beyond that but compared to the world population these are minority groups.


God wanted/wants His people to live long, healthy lives and He gave certain instructions that would help people to achieve this. Instructions like those contained in Exodus 20:12. This article shows where foundational biblical health principles may have aided humans to live up to their maximum lifespan: Good Health Through The Bible!







"Kimura worked at a post office for 38 years before switching careers to become a farmer, which he was until he was 90 years old."


Hmmm, Kimura had a profession like Adam.

Adhoc, speculation, and special pleading. Yep its fun to be a christian.
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Conclusion: Another atheist misunderstanding the bible as usual and forming an anti gospel.


Genesis 6:3 was not talking about the lifespan of man, it was talking about the amount of probation the antediluvians had.

The New Living Translation Bible was not produced by atheists and it was talking about lifespan.


Gen 6:3(NLT)

Then the Lord said, “My Spirit will not put up with humans for such a long time, for they are only mortal flesh. In the future, their normal lifespan will be no more than 120 years.”


These are not atheist Bibles:


Gen 6:3 (CEV)

Then the Lord said, “I won’t let my life-giving breath remain in anyone forever.

No one will live for more than one hundred twenty years.”


Gen 6:3 (The Message Bible)

Then God said, "I'm not going to breathe life into men and women endlessly. Eventually they're going to die; from now on they can expect a life span of 120 years."


Your interpretation is another example of Christians contradicting each other.

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Thumbelina, not to be rude as I only speak for myself, but I would truly go clinically insane if I had to keep up with the mental contortions you must go through to keep up the charade you do.

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Guest Valk0010



Your interpretation is another example of Christians contradicting each other.

And being totally desperate.
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Guest Valk0010

Thumbelina, not to be rude as I only speak for myself, but I would truly go clinically insane if I had to keep up with the mental contortions you must go through to keep up the charade you do.

I would too, how she doesn't see the obvious horsedung in what she says. I dunno.
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I never got that. People lived to nearly a thousand years of age, then there was a flood and suddenly they didn't. Huh?


Even when I was a believer, I though those ages were bullshit. I always figured they measured age differently, like in months instead of years. Seriously, if people lived for nearly a thousand years and the Earth is only 6000 years old, wouldn't you run into some timeline issues; like Methusula would have to be born before creation.

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Conclusion: Another atheist misunderstanding the bible as usual and forming an anti gospel.


Genesis 6:3 was not talking about the lifespan of man, it was talking about the amount of probation the antediluvians had.

The New Living Translation Bible was not produced by atheists and it was talking about lifespan.


Gen 6:3(NLT)

Then the Lord said, “My Spirit will not put up with humans for such a long time, for they are only mortal flesh. In the future, their normal lifespan will be no more than 120 years.”


These are not atheist Bibles:


Gen 6:3 (CEV)

Then the Lord said, “I won’t let my life-giving breath remain in anyone forever.

No one will live for more than one hundred twenty years.”


Gen 6:3 (The Message Bible)

Then God said, "I'm not going to breathe life into men and women endlessly. Eventually they're going to die; from now on they can expect a life span of 120 years."


Your interpretation is another example of Christians contradicting each other.


Good point. Here's another version that reads similarly:


Genesis 6:3 (Good News Translation)

Then the Lord said, I will not allow people to live forever; they are mortal.
From now on they will live no longer than 120 years.


That being said, most versions don't translate it that way, and as a Christian I took it to mean the length of time until the flood (of course, I had been taught that that's what it meant). At any rate, though, these do prove your point that this is not merely the "atheist misunderstanding" that Thumby claims, because there have been Christian translators who expressed it as meaning a permanently fixed limit to human lifespans.

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Guest Babylonian Dream

About the strange changes in lengths of life. The writers of the Bible clearly subscribed to the belief that there were 3 ages. I'll call them the Golden, Silver and Iron ages after their Greek counterparts. But they believed that the world was getting progressively worse as time carried on. There was the Golden age, where in Sumerian, Babylonian (See the sumerian kings list) and Biblical texts, the sequence was as followed:


The Golden Age: People lived hudreds almost thousands of years (Biblical), or they lived tens of thousands of years (sumerian, Babylonian)


The Silver Age: The middle point where people lived really long lives, in the hudreds of years, but not as high as before.


The Bronze/Iron Age: People's lives were kept low, and in the case of the Bible, not allowed to exceed 120 years.


The difference was though for the sumerians and babylonians, the Sumerian Kings list wasn't meant to reflect real history, but to legitimize kingship for the ,kings that had them written.




Though I'm of the same view of the Bible, my UPG is that biblical geneologies were originally meant to justify the rightful reigns of the kings of Israel, Judah, etc....

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Here's another version that reads similarly:


Genesis 6:3 (Good News Translation)

Then the Lord said, I will not allow people to live forever; they are mortal. From now on they will live no longer than 120 years.


That being said, most versions don't translate it that way, and as a Christian I took it to mean the length of time until the flood (of course, I had been taught that that's what it meant). At any rate, though, these do prove your point that this is not merely the "atheist misunderstanding" that Thumby claims, because there have been Christian translators who expressed it as meaning a permanently fixed limit to human lifespans.

Christians will use atheists in the same way they use Satan...as a whipping boy to blame things on.

We've found at least 4 Bibles that contradict the teaching about 120 years being the waiting period for the flood.

Apparently the Holy Spirit doesn't guide Christians to all truth.

They can't even interpret a simple line of scripture in a uniform way, yet they pretend to be experts on all things spiritual.

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Conclusion: Another atheist misunderstanding the bible as usual and forming an anti gospel.


Genesis 6:3 was not talking about the lifespan of man, it was talking about the amount of probation the antediluvians had.

The New Living Translation Bible was not produced by atheists and it was talking about lifespan.


Gen 6:3(NLT)

Then the Lord said, “My Spirit will not put up with humans for such a long time, for they are only mortal flesh. In the future, their normal lifespan will be no more than 120 years.”


These are not atheist Bibles:


Gen 6:3 (CEV)

Then the Lord said, “I won’t let my life-giving breath remain in anyone forever.

No one will live for more than one hundred twenty years.”


Gen 6:3 (The Message Bible)

Then God said, "I'm not going to breathe life into men and women endlessly. Eventually they're going to die; from now on they can expect a life span of 120 years."


Your interpretation is another example of Christians contradicting each other.


In the biblical narrative Noah's decendants CLEARLY lived for more than 120 years. Though people eventually did get weaker and therefore lived shorter. The text you are looking at was not talking about the lifespan of future humans; look at the context.




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Conclusion: Another atheist misunderstanding the bible as usual and forming an anti gospel.


Genesis 6:3 was not talking about the lifespan of man, it was talking about the amount of probation the antediluvians had.

The New Living Translation Bible was not produced by atheists and it was talking about lifespan.


Gen 6:3(NLT)

Then the Lord said, “My Spirit will not put up with humans for such a long time, for they are only mortal flesh. In the future, their normal lifespan will be no more than 120 years.”


These are not atheist Bibles:


Gen 6:3 (CEV)

Then the Lord said, “I won’t let my life-giving breath remain in anyone forever.

No one will live for more than one hundred twenty years.”


Gen 6:3 (The Message Bible)

Then God said, "I'm not going to breathe life into men and women endlessly. Eventually they're going to die; from now on they can expect a life span of 120 years."


Your interpretation is another example of Christians contradicting each other.


In the biblical narrative Noah's decendants CLEARLY lived for more than 120 years. Though people eventually did get weaker and therefore lived shorter. The text you are looking at was not talking about the lifespan of future humans; look at the context.




Your apologetic website is at odds with other Christians and with the cited Bibles, nor does it make the problem go away.

The cited examples clearly state in the context that from that point on, people would live no more than 120 years.


"from now on they can expect a life span of 120 years."


"No one will live for more than 120 years."


Now, if you don't like these Christian versions of the Bible, I suggest you stop blaming atheists, get busy and lodge formal protests to the editors and scholars that were involved in producing these Bibles.

You can inform them that they have misled millions with their faulty translations.

The point being that believers cannot agree on what their own holy book means.


All of this could have been easily resolved by simply stating "humans have only 120 more years to live until the flood (or their destruction) arrives", but that's not what any of these translations say.


Also, the Old Testament says nothing about Noah preaching at all, let alone preaching for 120 years.

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