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Goodbye Jesus

When Do Christians Cross The Line?


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I was reading through some of the comments left by Christians on the main blog. Like with a lot of things, they come in many flavors. There are those who just want to discuss things. They appear interested in why we left and want to present their case. Now maybe it's because Christianity didn't affect me as much as it did others on here, but I can't get angry at these people. They seem interested in the other view and are maybe on the road to questioning what they've been raised with. Sure, they may be ignorant, say things we've heard before, or even come across as condescending, but I've been there, so I'm willing to cut them some slack. I'll explain why their wrong, but I won't make it personal.


However, when they make it personal, I get pissed. My biggest berserk button are those try to blame us for not loving God enough or wanting to live a life of sin instead. That to me is when their true colors show and I feel like I should pull no punches in letting them have it. Sure, it just feeds their persecution complex, but there is nothing more satisfying than seeing a smug, self righteous, emotionally abusive BULLY get the smackdown. Yes, they're emotionally abusive, as I believe most fundamentalists are. They tell you you're trash, make you think you're arrogant for thinking you're anything less, and use fear and guilt to keep you in line. I don't even consider them "well intentioned" anymore. In their mind, they are following the orders of a tyrant God, and tyranny is not well intentioned.


But lately, I find myself getting annoyed by even the ones who want to "discuss" things. They'll tell us we were in the wrong church, give subtle hellfire threats, that "it's not a religion, it's a relationship", and use extremely stupid analogies to convince us that they have the truth. I mean yeah, those discussions might start out friendly, but once you point out their logic fallacies, they'll most likely leave in a huff, claiming that we're not open minded enough. And the overall dishonesty about what they are offering us is so sleezy. If they say that God is waiting with open arms, but then imply a kind of hell (that we "choose" with our "free will") for not wanting back, they are not offering anything new. All they are doing is trying to sugar coat a brutal messege.


So ultimately, if they want to discuss things, I'm open to it. Even if I don't agree with what they are saying, I won't flip out. But the dishonesty, the mind games, and the judgemental bullshit just gets right under my skin.

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I respect a salesman's right to sell, but he has to respect my "not interested."

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Christians cross the line from the outset because they attend church and absorb sermons, read Christian books, and absorb language from their fellowship, so that almost none of their words are their own. Its almost impossible for them not to regurgitate it all when talking to an ex christian who has heard it already.

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However, when they make it personal, I get pissed. My biggest berserk button are those try to blame us for not loving God enough or wanting to live a life of sin instead. That to me is when their true colors show and I feel like I should pull no punches in letting them have it. Sure, it just feeds their persecution complex, but there is nothing more satisfying than seeing a smug, self righteous, emotionally abusive BULLY get the smackdown. Yes, they're emotionally abusive, as I believe most fundamentalists are. They tell you you're trash, make you think you're arrogant for thinking you're anything less, and use fear and guilt to keep you in line. I don't even consider them "well intentioned" anymore. In their mind, they are following the orders of a tyrant God, and tyranny is not well intentioned.




I think at the back of every Christian's mind is the idea that no one could possibly truly be an Ex-Christian. They are so adamant in their world-view that they cannot conceive of anyone who truly believes that they are wrong. And so they think that we left to pursue a life of sin, or because we didn't love God, or because we're angry at God or whatever. But the fact is, they don't know a thing about us. And the reality is, their assumptions about why we left are usually wrong. So they come off as very judgemental, pedantic, and arrogant. But you can't really blame them. They are just doing God's will.

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