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Christian And Secular Definitions.


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One of the major deceptions I've had in the Christian pentecostal church is taking singular definitions and completely counterfeiting it. A few classic examples are as follows:


Brainwashing: Your brain needing to be washed from impurity.

Worship: Submission, whether religious OR non-religious.

Insanity: Doing the same thing over and expecting a different result.


That last one was Ben Franklin, I thought to throw that in since Christians use it a lot.


I'm almost entirely certain if you went to the oxford dictionary, you would find completely different results. So then what makes a secular source for definitions more reliable than it's competitor if both sources simply rely on thinking? I ask specifically about definitions, NOT fact because I am inclined to believe that definitions do not always spawn from fact, and that definitions can also play with the subconscious.


For any ex-Christian, I'm sure the trust department is quite essential, I need to know what I can rely on. If someone can help that would be most helpful.

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One of the major deceptions I've had in the Christian pentecostal church is taking singular definitions and completely counterfeiting it. A few classic examples are as follows:


Brainwashing: Your brain needing to be washed from impurity.

Worship: Submission, whether religious OR non-religious.

Insanity: Doing the same thing over and expecting a different result.


That last one was Ben Franklin, I thought to throw that in since Christians use it a lot.


I'm almost entirely certain if you went to the oxford dictionary, you would find completely different results. So then what makes a secular source for definitions more reliable than it's competitor if both sources simply rely on thinking? I ask specifically about definitions, NOT fact because I am inclined to believe that definitions do not always spawn from fact, and that definitions can also play with the subconscious.


For any ex-Christian, I'm sure the trust department is quite essential, I need to know what I can rely on. If someone can help that would be most helpful.


Christians put all their eggs in one bible basket. They look to the bible as their primary (and often only) source of information. But you, who are now a wise ex-christian might look at 10 different dictionaries that define the same word 10 different ways and come away with your own personal understanding of it. You may use many sources to gain an opinon on something but in the end you rely on yourself. :-)


Trust yourself and give yourself some credit. Since you now are aware that you've been manipulated I'm sure you will figure out how to fully discard religious bs.


You're right, definitions are not facts. They are just an agreement by certain people as to the meaning of written symbols. Though definitions change with time and word use. The bible is full of baloney. Who is to say that a dictionary is not baloney as well? Both are and were written by people and are the opinions of people.

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I really like your pov.


I suppose now that I am an ex-C, I would have the propensity to find definitions that best fits my lifestyle accordingly... or whatever seems right to me, and not according to some old manuscript.

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