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Apparently, Only Christians Do Good Deeds


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I was talking to my sister on the phone this morning and she mentioned that the lady in front of her in a drive-thru line paid for her breakfast. The explanation that the lady working the drive-thru gave is that it's something a church is encouraging. My sister replied that she knew a lot of Christians were doing it - they keep encouraging it on a local Christian radio station.


My rant - why does someone have to be Christian to pay for someone else's meal? I've done it several times, just as a good deed. I don't need any recognition or reason to do it, other than to just do something nice for someone.


It just hit a nerve with me - I think my sis really thinks that only Christians are capable of doing good deeds. It one of the reasons I'm keeping my recent deconversion quiet - so that when she does find out, she'll realize you can be a good person without all the religious crap.


Vent over!

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Because, as we all know, "Noone can truly love another without Christ in them". Puke.

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Great rant!


Reminds me of something that happened a couple of years ago when I was xmas shopping. I received $10 too much in change from the cashier and returned it to her. She could've (should've) just said "Thank You" ..... but nooooooooooo.... she had to go on and on about what a fine christian I was. When she finally shut up, I smiled and said, "Nope, I'm an atheist." You could have heard a pin drop at that crowded check-out line.


I quickly got in my car, half-expecting to be mugged for having the audacity to express my heathen ways here in the southern part of the buybull belt. But it sure felt good! GONZ9729CustomImage1539775.gif

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Great rant!


Reminds me of something that happened a couple of years ago when I was xmas shopping. I received $10 too much in change from the cashier and returned it to her. She could've (should've) just said "Thank You" ..... but nooooooooooo.... she had to go on and on about what a fine christian I was. When she finally shut up, I smiled and said, "Nope, I'm an atheist." You could have heard a pin drop at that crowded check-out line.


I quickly got in my car, half-expecting to be mugged for having the audacity to express my heathen ways here in the southern part of the buybull belt. But it sure felt good! GONZ9729CustomImage1539775.gif

I would have loved to have been in that check out line.


These are good stories to relate as morals are NOT biblically based, it is part of our upbringing. I am sure an xian would not even made the effort.

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I wish people realized that. More people do things wrong in the name of Christ than they do right.

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I was talking to my sister on the phone this morning and she mentioned that the lady in front of her in a drive-thru line paid for her breakfast. The explanation that the lady working the drive-thru gave is that it's something a church is encouraging. My sister replied that she knew a lot of Christians were doing it - they keep encouraging it on a local Christian radio station.


My rant - why does someone have to be Christian to pay for someone else's meal? I've done it several times, just as a good deed. I don't need any recognition or reason to do it, other than to just do something nice for someone.


It just hit a nerve with me - I think my sis really thinks that only Christians are capable of doing good deeds. It one of the reasons I'm keeping my recent deconversion quiet - so that when she does find out, she'll realize you can be a good person without all the religious crap.


Vent over!


NO JOKE THIS HAPPENED TO ME YESTERDAY! I was in the Taco Bell line and the lady in front of me paid for my meal! I posted on my FB saying that I felt obligated to pay-it-forward now. It didn't even occur to me that it could be some sort of a Christian-gimmick thing... I'll just choose to believe that she was just a kind person.

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NO JOKE THIS HAPPENED TO ME YESTERDAY! I was in the Taco Bell line and the lady in front of me paid for my meal! I posted on my FB saying that I felt obligated to pay-it-forward now. It didn't even occur to me that it could be some sort of a Christian-gimmick thing... I'll just choose to believe that she was just a kind person.


Well, we could turn this around. What if we said, "The guy behind me has the money." zDuivel7.gif

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Reminds several years ago I gave bone marrow anonymously to this 4 year old boy. He lived and his mother wrote us a very nice letter. My wife felt compelled to stand up and read it in church one Sunday. It was a very eye opening experience to hear all these "selfless christians" telling me how they "just couldn't do something like that".


Filthy pigs.

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I think it's real funny- not "haha" funny but strange funny that these people wouldn't do it unless they were encouraged to do it otherwise.

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Once they do it, they have to call the radio station and brag about what a good person they are.


To me, if you're doing it for the recognition, you're doing it for all the wrong reasons. Whatever happened to being kind for the sake of bein kind?

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even if you don't brag about it and just keep it to yourself, when you're a christian you are NOT being altruistic when doing these kinds of things, because you are following God's commandments or doing it to score points with God. Or worse, doing it as an evangelical method. I have no doubt that the church organizing this kind of thing hopes to bring people into the fold by doing it. That is not altruism.

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I've done it several times, just as a good deed. I don't need any recognition or reason to do it, other than to just do something nice for



From what I understood about being a Christian when I was a Christian, you're a better Christian than most Christians out there. Jesus said that thing about doing good works in secret. Of course, he gave god's rewards and approval as the motive for doing good deeds in secret. So if you do good deeds just to do good to others knowing there is no one up there to reward you, your motives and morality are superior to theists.

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I paid for someones shit the other week, fuck christians.

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As others have said, it bugs me (and bugged me as a believer, too) that Christians do things like this to get you into the fold. Let your light shine, and all that. I was never good at tricking people and bait 'n switches. I wanted to be good, kind and loving as an end in itself.


Now, as an atheist, more than ever, I value "bearing one another's burdens". I realize how damn hard life can be. It just feels so good to be able to do nice things for people just because it's a nice thing to do and can help someone out. So much better than doing it to trick them into thinking Christians have The AnswerTM.

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Well, here's a letter to the editor of our local paper that appeared just this morning. Seems this Christian turned down a beggar in her church parking lot:




As they say: "What would Jesus do?"

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As others have said, it bugs me (and bugged me as a believer, too) that Christians do things like this to get you into the fold. Let your light shine, and all that. I was never good at tricking people and bait 'n switches. I wanted to be good, kind and loving as an end in itself.


Now, as an atheist, more than ever, I value "bearing one another's burdens". I realize how damn hard life can be. It just feels so good to be able to do nice things for people just because it's a nice thing to do and can help someone out. So much better than doing it to trick them into thinking Christians have The AnswerTM.

We're a bunch of week, slow, hairless monkeys. Survival required that we work together and care for one another.
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I wish people realized that. More people do things wrong in the name of Christ than they do right.


I agree with that! Also, some Christians assume that the only way people learn about morals is if they go to church. You can learn it at other places!

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