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Goodbye Jesus



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These videos are by TheraminTrees -- he doesn't mind links to his videos, but I would encourage people to 'like' the videos if you enjoyed watching them.

I think both of these videos are just amazing.

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Very moving!! Death shouldn't be feared. Eternal life is what should be feared. That would suck.


And from everything I've heard from NDE'ers, it's a blast!

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Very moving!! Death shouldn't be feared. Eternal life is what should be feared. That would suck.


And from everything I've heard from NDE'ers, it's a blast!


One of the worst things I can think of is having to spend an eternity with christians.

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Bu you'll be able to fly! at the speed of thought across the universe! and eat all the fried twinkies you want and not gain an ounce! Thats what i thought heaven was all about.

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