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Goodbye Jesus

These Christians Never Cease To Amaze Me


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I met up with an old friend of mine today, and I told her that since I last saw her, I lost my faith and I no longer believe in God. She asked why, and I told her everything, including how I prayed for three years and NONE of my prayers were answered, and after all the heartache and disappointment, I couldn't believe anymore. She had the nerve to tell me two ridiculous things:


The first thing she told me is that my prayers weren't answered because I didn't attend church enough and that you have to be with other Christians to make prayer work.rolleyes.gif I wanted to tell her that's a bunch of horseshit because I know many people (including people on here) who went/go to church all the time and their prayers weren't answered either, but I didn't feel like fighting, so I just let it go.


The second thing she told me was one of the most stupid things I've ever heard: She said that maybe my name (my "God given name") was bringing me "negative energy" and that maybe I should change my name!eek.gif WTF??? I am NOT going to change my name that I've had for 29 years and start being called something else just to experiement and see if that brings me "positive energy", especially when I like my name as it is.Wendystop.gif She said that she had a friend that did this, and that it worked, and tried to use Saul going to Paul in the bible as an example, but I wanted to tell her that this superstitious mindset contradicts from her Christian beliefs (because Christians aren't supposed to be superstitiousrolleyes.gif ). But again, I just let it go because we all know that arguing with Christians is a waste of breath.Wendywhatever.gif


Where do they come up with this shit?!Wendyshrug.gif She also said some other things that made me angry, and I couldn't believe this was my same friend that I used to think was great.Wendytwitch.gif

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I met up with an old friend of mine today, and I told her that since I last saw her, I lost my faith and I no longer believe in God. She asked why, and I told her everything, including how I prayed for three years and NONE of my prayers were answered, and after all the heartache and disappointment, I couldn't believe anymore. She had the nerve to tell me two ridiculous things:


The first thing she told me is that my prayers weren't answered because I didn't attend church enough and that you have to be with other Christians to make prayer work.rolleyes.gif I wanted to tell her that's a bunch of horseshit because I know many people (including people on here) who went/go to church all the time and their prayers weren't answered either, but I didn't feel like fighting, so I just let it go.


The second thing she told me was one of the most stupid things I've ever heard: She said that maybe my name (my "God given name") was bringing me "negative energy" and that maybe I should change my name!eek.gif WTF??? I am NOT going to change my name that I've had for 29 years and start being called something else just to experiement and see if that brings me "positive energy", especially when I like my name as it is.Wendystop.gif She said that she had a friend that did this, and that it worked, and tried to use Saul going to Paul in the bible as an example, but I wanted to tell her that this superstitious mindset contradicts from her Christian beliefs (because Christians aren't supposed to be superstitiousrolleyes.gif ). But again, I just let it go because we all know that arguing with Christians is a waste of breath.Wendywhatever.gif


Where do they come up with this shit?!Wendyshrug.gif She also said some other things that made me angry, and I couldn't believe this was my same friend that I used to think was great.Wendytwitch.gif




I have tears running down my face!! You did it again!!! made me pee my pants!!


I had the most beautiful picture in the world, of a girl sitting on the ground, looking over a huge field with a little smile on her face.....gazing at an old barn in the background. It really was a beautiful picture.


I had a christian come into my home and tell me that one of the reasons I was having trouble in the house was because god told her, to tell me, that the picture was full of demons Wendytwitch.gif and I should get rid of it at once.......so I didWendytwitch.gif and the trouble in my house did not get better, but worse!!!eek.gif


A beautiful picture.....I can still picture the picture.. slammed into the garbage........

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I have tears running down my face!! You did it again!!! made me pee my pants!!


I had the most beautiful picture in the world of a girl sitting on the ground, looking over a huge field with a little smile on her face.....gazing at an old barn in the background. It really was a beautiful picture.


I had a christian come into my home and tell me that one of the reasons I was having trouble in the house was because god told her, to tell me, that the picture was full of demons Wendytwitch.gif and I should get rid of it at once.......so I didWendytwitch.gif and the trouble in my house did not get better, but worse!!!eek.gif


A beautiful picture.....I can still picture the picture.. slammed into the garbage........


I knew YOU'D get a kick out of this story! Before I submitted this thread, I was thinking of titling it "Have a laugh on me"!lmao_99.gif


And your story about throwing the picture away and things getting worse just proved my point - these people who claim God "told"rolleyes.gif them some secret information that will help someone else is a fucking joke. These people truly are delusional and out of their minds.eek.gif


I still can't get over her advice that I should change my name I've had for 29 years because it's bringing me "bad energy". Yeah, OK. Whatever.Wendywhatever.gif I also asked her if that's the case, then what about the good times/experiences that I've had with this name? Of course, she started rambling about something else to shift away from my question which she had no answer to...

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The first thing she told me is that my prayers weren't answered because I didn't attend church enough and that you have to be with other Christians to make prayer work.


She said that maybe my name (my "God given name") was bringing me "negative energy" and that maybe I should change my name!

......She said that she had a friend that did this, and that it worked, and tried to use Saul going to Paul in the bible as an example.....

So that's what I've missed since leaving Christendom: name-changing to bring good luck! yelrotflmao.gif

That is a bloody riot!


I've been told some garbage too:

  • The reason I have a genetic problem is not because that's the way God made me. It's something else. Wendytwitch.gif
  • To have my prayers answered, I just need to pray with The Right PeopleTM. jesus.gif
  • To have my prayers answered, I need to have a special dream or some random event that signifies it will happen. silverpenny013Hmmm.gif
  • God is not answering my prayers because there is hidden sin in my life. (This hidden sin is not a problem for anyone else--just me. I'm that special. GONZ9729CustomImage1539775.gif )

Thanks for a highly entertaining post. Don't let the nutters get you down!

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I still can't get over her advice that I should change my name I've had for 29 years because it's bringing me "bad energy". Yeah,


I hope she dosen't know you as 'TotalWreck'Wendytwitch.gif cause that name is kinda negitive......Maybe she's right!!!!Wendytwitch.giflmao_99.gifeek.gif

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So that's what I've missed since leaving Christendom: name-changing to bring good luck! yelrotflmao.gif

That is a bloody riot!


I've been told some garbage too:

  • The reason I have a genetic problem is not because that's the way God made me. It's something else. Wendytwitch.gif
  • To have my prayers answered, I just need to pray with The Right PeopleTM. jesus.gif
  • To have my prayers answered, I need to have a special dream or some random event that signifies it will happen. silverpenny013Hmmm.gif
  • God is not answering my prayers because there is hidden sin in my life. (This hidden sin is not a problem for anyone else--just me. I'm that special. GONZ9729CustomImage1539775.gif )

Thanks for a highly entertaining post. Don't let the nutters get you down!


Yep, apparently having a name that brings "negative energy" is why prayers don't get answered and you need to change your name to something more positiverolleyes.gif


So, if your genetic condition is not the way God made you and it's something else, did they say what that something else is???silverpenny013Hmmm.gif


And if you need to have a "special dream" or "random event", did they say how in the hell you're supposed to make that happen?rolleyes.gif


Christians - they've always got comments, but no answers.

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know you as 'TotalWreck'Wendytwitch.gif cause that name is kinda negitive......Maybe she's right!!!!Wendytwitch.giflmao_99.gifeek.gif


Nope, she doesn't! That's why I said in my first post, she said I should change my "god given name".


And I can assure you that negative shit has been going on in my life WAAAAAY before I ever chose "TotalWreck" as a screen name!yelrotflmao.gif So that's not the problem!


She said some other rude comments as well today, which I think she thought was just being "tough love", but really it was thoughtless nonsense.

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know you as 'TotalWreck'Wendytwitch.gif cause that name is kinda negitive......Maybe she's right!!!!Wendytwitch.giflmao_99.gifeek.gif


Nope, she doesn't! That's why I said in my first post, she said I should change my "god given name".


And I can assure you that negative shit has been going on in my life WAAAAAY before I ever chose "TotalWreck" as a screen name!yelrotflmao.gif So that's not the problem!


She said some other rude comments as well today, which I think she thought was just being "tough love", but really it was thoughtless nonsense.


I am an atheist..... here to tell you that a little voice spoke inside of me Wendytwitch.gif and said that the name, 'TotalWreck' will eventually, very soon....bring you good luck!! yellow.gif The 'holy spirit of the devil told me this....... yes, it was his voice........firedevil.gif Go and be unafraid.......zDuivel7.gif

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I am an atheist..... here to tell you that a little voice spoke inside of me Wendytwitch.gif and said that the name, 'TotalWreck' will eventually, very soon....bring you good luck!! yellow.gif The 'holy spirit of the devil told me this....... yes, it was his voice........firedevil.gif Go and be unafraid.......zDuivel7.gif


That's the best advice I've gotten today!happydance.gifGONZ9729CustomImage1539775.gif

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This thread is cracking me up! (It hits close to home, I must say) But I gotta tell ya - I believe your friend is right! Just look at Marshall Mathers (aka Eminem)! He changed his name to Eminem and Slim Shady and became a miserable rotten sinner and I'm sure he's so unlucky! And think of all the other rappers and musicians! They've brought curses upon themselves with all those name changes! Oh wait. They're loaded. They have huge mansions, fancy cars and maids to clean up after them. But yeah, I'm sure they're so miserably unhappy. Um, yeah...


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This thread is cracking me up! (It hits close to home, I must say) But I gotta tell ya - I believe your friend is right! Just look at Marshall Mathers (aka Eminem)! He changed his name to Eminem and Slim Shady and became a miserable rotten sinner and I'm sure he's so unlucky! And think of all the other rappers and musicians! They've brought curses upon themselves with all those name changes! Oh wait. They're loaded. They have huge mansions, fancy cars and maids to clean up after them. But yeah, I'm sure they're so miserably unhappy. Um, yeah...


You know, I never thought of it that way - maybe she's right after all!biggrin.png

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Change your name. Change your name? HA! I'd love to see what this friend of your's would recommend for MY name. My first name is Renee. It literally means "reborn". My middle name is Joy. You all know what Joy means. "Reborn" Joy. My indoctrination literally started with the choice of name for me. My name is worse than having christian tattoos all over my body!

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Change your name. Change your name? HA! I'd love to see what this friend of your's would recommend for MY name. My first name is Renee. It literally means "reborn". My middle name is Joy. You all know what Joy means. "Reborn" Joy. My indoctrination literally started with the choice of name for me. My name is worse than having christian tattoos all over my body!


you are an angel pudd!! Wendytwitch.gif What a nice name!! Beautiful!! so godly.......


My name stands for 'lady' smiliegojerkit.gif , so these fuckin' people better not tell me to change my name, cause I'd rather stay a fuckin' lady..........

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wow what utter bullshit. I thought I had heard it all until I read your post. I think my response to her would be that her god must be pretty small and powerless to not be able to work or answer prayer because of stupid things like what your name is or how often you go to church, or even if another christbot happens to be present in the room.


if there is something bigger than a double face palm her "reasoning" surely deserves it.


I wish I could laugh at this but really it's kind of sad.

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So, if your genetic condition is not the way God made you and it's something else, did they say what that something else is???silverpenny013Hmmm.gif


Christians - they've always got comments, but no answers.

The fuckers always have a useless horseshit answer! They won't say it, but they are thinking it: SIN IN MY LIFE. PageofCupsNono.gif

Well, I don't think the problem is my name, although my middle name means "bitter", and yes, having a goddamned migraine makes me bitter sometimes. My middle name is a Biblical one however.........so it's perfect, right? Wendytwitch.gif My first name is not Biblical, goddammit. That's what's wrong with me! Shit!


I'd like to change my name to Wendymagic.gif Joy Wendymagic.gif , because that would be the biggest goddamn paradox in the world. Me with my melancholy and serious disposition.


Please excuse my negativity and excessive use of the word "goddamn". blush.png

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It's amasing the excuses people make for why an all powerful God won't answer your prayers. A fucking name? You gotta be kidding me.


Margee: God told her to tell you? Why can't God just tell you himself!! Or is this one of those "god works in mysterious ways" cases? Again, I don't understand Christians some time.

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Change your name. Change your name? HA! I'd love to see what this friend of your's would recommend for MY name. My first name is Renee. It literally means "reborn". My middle name is Joy. You all know what Joy means. "Reborn" Joy. My indoctrination literally started with the choice of name for me. My name is worse than having christian tattoos all over my body!


you are an angel pudd!! Wendytwitch.gif What a nice name!! Beautiful!! so godly.......


My name stands for 'lady' smiliegojerkit.gif , so these fuckin' people better not tell me to change my name, cause I'd rather stay a fuckin' lady..........


LOL Margee!! I just think it's rather ironic- the atheist with the christard name ugh.gif

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So, if your genetic condition is not the way God made you and it's something else, did they say what that something else is???silverpenny013Hmmm.gif


Christians - they've always got comments, but no answers.

The fuckers always have a useless horseshit answer! They won't say it, but they are thinking it: SIN IN MY LIFE. PageofCupsNono.gif

Well, I don't think the problem is my name, although my middle name means "bitter", and yes, having a goddamned migraine makes me bitter sometimes. My middle name is a Biblical one however.........so it's perfect, right? Wendytwitch.gif My first name is not Biblical, goddammit. That's what's wrong with me! Shit!


I'd like to change my name to Wendymagic.gifJoy Wendymagic.gif, because that would be the biggest goddamn paradox in the world. Me with my melancholy and serious disposition.


Please excuse my negativity and excessive use of the word "goddamn". blush.png


Damn Pos! Let it out! Tell us how you really feel!!! lmao_99.gif

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Change your name. Change your name? HA! I'd love to see what this friend of your's would recommend for MY name. My first name is Renee. It literally means "reborn". My middle name is Joy. You all know what Joy means. "Reborn" Joy. My indoctrination literally started with the choice of name for me. My name is worse than having christian tattoos all over my body!

LMFAO!! I'd love to see her reaction too!lmao_99.gif But knowing these Christians and the way they operate, they would just use one of their other endless excuses as to why you're having troubles when one excuse doesn't make sense (you have some sort of hidden sin in your life, etc).rolleyes.gif


you are an angel pudd!! Wendytwitch.gif What a nice name!! Beautiful!! so godly.......


My name stands for 'lady' smiliegojerkit.gif , so these fuckin' people better not tell me to change my name, cause I'd rather stay a fuckin' lady..........


LMAO!GONZ9729CustomImage1541245.gif OMG, you've got me cracking up with that wank smilie after 'lady'!happydance.gif

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wow what utter bullshit. I thought I had heard it all until I read your post. I think my response to her would be that her god must be pretty small and powerless to not be able to work or answer prayer because of stupid things like what your name is or how often you go to church, or even if another christbot happens to be present in the room.


if there is something bigger than a double face palm her "reasoning" surely deserves it.


I wish I could laugh at this but really it's kind of sad.


Exactly - it's hilarious, yet at the same time, extremely sad that people are so delusional that they truly believe the shit that comes out of their mouths.ohmy.png


It's amasing the excuses people make for why an all powerful God won't answer your prayers. A fucking name? You gotta be kidding me.


Margee: God told her to tell you? Why can't God just tell you himself!! Or is this one of those "god works in mysterious ways" cases? Again, I don't understand Christians some time.


That's what I want to know too. Why is it always God has to use others to "relay" some message to someone else? Especially if that someone else is a Christian too - why the fuck can't God just go straight to that person instead of using a middleman/woman? Oh, I forgot - because so many of these Christians think they're on a higher level than everyone else and that they're the "special" ones privy to exclusive information.Wendywhatever.gif

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"Hidden sin"? I'm the Queen of TMI. I could tell her ALL ABOUT my sins- if she could bear it zDuivel7.gif

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I'd like to change my name to Wendymagic.gifJoy Wendymagic.gif, because that would be the biggest goddamn paradox in the world. Me with my melancholy and serious disposition.


Please excuse my negativity and excessive use of the word "goddamn". blush.png


ROTFLMFO!!! :lmao: Positivist, you've got me dying over here! :dead: And go ahead and use the word "goddamn" all you want. After all, it's "god" that causes all this "damn" horseshit!!GONZ9729CustomImage1539775.gif

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"Hidden sin"? I'm the Queen of TMI. I could tell her ALL ABOUT my sins- if she could bear it zDuivel7.gif


OMG, speaking of "hidden sin", I forgot to tell you all something:GONZ9729CustomImage1539775.gif This same fundie friend that tries to dish out religious advice and tell ME what I'm doing wrong is the same woman who will literally minutes before tell stories about her latest boyfriend and go into major detail about what a great fuck he is and the various places they've fucked.eek.gif Not even joking. And she even uses the word "fuck" when telling these stories.


But of course, I'M the one that wasn't Christian enough. :rolleyes:

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"Hidden sin"? I'm the Queen of TMI. I could tell her ALL ABOUT my sins- if she could bear it zDuivel7.gif


OMG, speaking of "hidden sin", I forgot to tell you all something:GONZ9729CustomImage1539775.gif This same fundie friend that tries to dish out religious advice and tell ME what I'm doing wrong is the same woman who will literally minutes before tell stories about her latest boyfriend and go into major detail about what a great fuck he is and the various places they've fucked.eek.gif Not even joking. And she even uses the word "fuck" when telling these stories.


But of course, I'M the one that wasn't Christian enough. rolleyes.gif


I'm a christian... I can do whatever I like because Jesus loves me and I can repent later. But YOU, you dirty, filthy atheist, you, you need the LARD in your life!!! You need to repent and be SAVED!! In the meantime, I'll just be over here, fucking my boyfriend and praising Jebus. I'm not the one that needs salvation, you are, blasphemer!!!

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I'm a christian... I can do whatever I like because Jesus loves me and I can repent later. But YOU, you dirty, filthy atheist, you, you need the LARD in your life!!! You need to repent and be SAVED!! In the meantime, I'll just be over here, fucking my boyfriend and praising Jebus. I'm not the one that needs salvation, you are, blasphemer!!!


And the sad thing is that's EXACTLY how they act and what they truly believe!eek.gif Talk about sick and twisted!

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