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Goodbye Jesus

How Evil Christians Can Be (More Mind Games)


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About a month or two back, I was reading a deconversion story on the main blog. I don't remember the details, but the poster was struggling with the fear of hell and finally broke free. The first comment was from some dumb fundie bitch who talked about how he may be free of the fear, but hell is still there. Of course, providing no objective evidence that this place exists. Her post had this obnoxious and condescending sing songy tone which made it all the more evil and sinister (like Umbridge from Harry Potter).


Another example involved someone who was struggling with guilt and depression. She made a post reaching out on here, saying they finally broke free, but that she still feels guilty. This delusional fundie bat told her that her guilt was the holy spirit convicting her! That us here couldn't prove we were really happy and that if she leaves "God", she won't prosper. Of course, she gets a well deserved bitch slapping from the members. And of course, she pulls the "I sense a lot of anger" card, acting like she's this nice old lady being persecuted by the ebul godless heathens. It doesn't help that she disguised the poison of her message with a bunch of flowery Christianese (calling people "my dear"). I read other posts from the same troll and it was more of the same crap.


I guess what really gets me is how they are always preying on those who are most vulnerable. If they really had the truth or were really concerned with our souls, they'd provide some actual evidence instead of relying on cheap scare tactics. But they don't have that, so they resort to sinister and evil mind games.

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It's precisely crap like that that keeps Me coming back, both here and to the main blog. Those sick bastards don't care who they hurt, so long as they can say they brought home one of the lost sheep.


I remember all too well that fundie fuckwit. Spent several days chasing her the length and breadth of the blog with the Clue-By-Four™, and IIRC someone got the e-mail address for her church and sent them a friendly little message. I don't know if she was banned, or if her own church told her off, but thankfully she hasn't been back.


I'm proud to be one of the members of the Ex-C Main Blog Bitch-Slapping Committee and Unwelcome Wagon.

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Yeah, I think she got banned. I recall a comment of hers that got deleted.


What I find infuriating is that it's so easy to see them as well intentioned. When you've had it beaten into you that you'll go to hell if you do this or that, you think others feel the same way and will do anything to keep you out. But even when I believed that, I wouldn't have resorted to the cruel mind games and manipulation fundies use to keep others in line. Even on the off chance that they are well intentioned, they are still being fucking assholes. But as long as they can threaten the vulnerable people with hellfire, they can have some influence and control. They don't have to prove it, they just have to "plant seeds", letting the "Holy Spirit" do the work. It's pure evil.

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JB Totally. You said exactly what is going on perfectly here, "cheap scare tactics...sinister & evil mind games." mad.gif


It's no "spirit of god" convicting a person, it's blatant text book manipulation, coercion & mind games.


I HATE it when self righteous religious know-it-alls use scare tactics. When a person's conscience & reasoning kicks in, & it completely goes against the grain of the dogma, & the pastor informs them they need to obey or the devil is getting into them..I fucking HATE that! (I've had that happen to me & it is horrible) The person who is actually thinking is made to feel like shit because pastor is not happy that they have different thoughts than pastor's dogma thinks they should have. I absolutely detest it when religious smiliejerkoff.gif s make their fellow man feel less than zero using the "holy spirit is making you feel guilty" bullshit. I feel strongly about this too..can ya tell?blush.png

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Fortunately, I've picked up on a few of their tricks.


One of the things they love to do is make you think you can't escape a relationship with God. Like the bitch in the first example who said that "hell is still there". It's simple really, they treat their beliefs as if they are an undenyable fact. They'll use analogies, comparing your denial of God to denying something obvious like gravity (gravity is a favorite one for them). Ultimately, they want you to feel trapped so that they make you dependant on their brand of Jesus. But to me, this is like encouraging someone to go back to their abusive partner. Unfortunately, since that abuser is Jesus, their shit is actually tolerated in some circles. Fucking Christianity.


Then there's the armchair psychologists; the ones who try to read your mind and tell your intentions. "Deep down you know" NO YOU DO NOT!! I could start an entire different thread just on these fuckers. I hate them so much!!!


And don't even get me started on Ray Comfort. Gods... I could go on for days...

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Fortunately, I've picked up on a few of their tricks.


.. they want you to feel trapped so that they make you dependant on their brand of Jesus. But to me, this is like encouraging someone to go back to their abusive partner. Unfortunately, since that abuser is Jesus, their shit is actually tolerated in some circles. Fucking Christianity.


Then there's the armchair psychologists; the ones who try to read your mind and tell your intentions. "Deep down you know" NO YOU DO NOT!! I could start an entire different thread just on these fuckers. I hate them so much!!!


And don't even get me started on Ray Comfort. Gods... I could go on for days...


Thank reason I have seen through the bullshit too. You are right with what you said, " they want you to feel trapped so that they make you dependant on their brand of Jesus" JB this is SO TRUE. Also, I've seen all or nothing arguments, "if it's not of God, it's of the devil!" "God" of course meaning pastor's viewpoint, as he is the mouthpiece for gawd.dry.png not


I will have to look up Ray Comfort because though I've heard of him, I dont think I am aware of his teachings, etc. the cult I left was so close minded we didn't read much religious material outside of what the holy see...I mean pastard recommended, which wasn't much. It was extremely cultic.


I've seen & experienced so much of that manipulation. I've heard xpastor say words like "there is a vacuum inside a man yearning for jeezus/gawd.." of course as you mentioned, it's HIS doctrinal version of jeezus. Your yearning for jeezus means joining pastards church & the hoops & control begin to constrain you. He's hammered from the bully pulpit how basically all of those other churches are wrong, deceived & lukewarm christians, if they are even christians at all! The implication of course is that pastards church is the right one & your mind dismisses anything else as being a viable option. Pastard narrows people's minds by the exclusivist & pious sermon rants mad.gif


If the names of these sermons don't indicate manipulation, coercion & control..I don't know what does. yes, expastard actually preached sermons with those very sermon titles. However, I’ve added my own interpretations after each title for consideration)

Relating to your Pastor
........... Isn’t that what church is all about??


Knowing when to Keep Silence
..........Who is the pastor trying to keep quiet now??


Authority of the Pastor
.......... Church is not a democracy or you better know who the boss man is & it aint jeezus!


Church Membership
...... Relinquish control of your life to the pastard.


Church Attendance
...... Because you can not miss your indoctrination sessions every week


The True Church
...... Because we have it...& those others DON’T

I hate that manipulation & indoctrinating fear are being passed off as "teaching & preaching". These guys sure have a gig going...repuke.gif

As you wrote, the abuse is done in the names of Jeezus, god & the bible which makes it all A-OK & acceptable. It's despicable.

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