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I don't know if this is kosher or whatnot to do, but do y'all have any suggestions of other good websites that are similar to this one? Love Ex-C, but I'd like to peruse some other venues as well.

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This is one that is very general and has many many subforums. The link is to the R&P forum, just don;lt cuss there or go into the xian forum and participate till you have gist of what is and is not allowed.


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The Thinking Atheist seems to have a decent community going there. I haven't participated much, but I have done some browsing. Ex-C seems to have more personality, though.
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Thanks guys! I'll check em out.

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The title confused me. There are other websites???

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Sure floriduh. Check out ex-trannie.com. Should be right up your alley!

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Going to the casino. What's the lucky numbers for roulette tonight?

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Sure floriduh. Check out ex-trannie.com. Should be right up your alley!

Florduh used to like trains?

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While we're on the topic of websites, anyone have any good Atheist/Secular blogs they'd like to recommend? The only ones I can seem to get into that I've found is The Friendly Atheist and Pharyngula.

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Wasn't there one site named something like the Skeptic ThinkTank, or something along those lines? I can't find it on google anymore, and it's driving me up the wall. All I know is that it had a lot of articles and I'm almost certain 'Skeptic' was in the title somewhere.

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Sure floriduh. Check out ex-trannie.com. Should be right up your alley!

Florduh used to like trains?


I like trains :) My life's mission has been to ride on a steam engine. Fingers crossed, it'll be off my bucket list by the end of this month :)

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Thanks! I actually remebered it was infidels.org, thanks to a link Margee posted in another thread. I guess I got the 'Skeptic' part mixed up with 'Secular' (they have a image that says 'the Secular Web')


Lol. My memory was totally off. But yeah, http://www.infidels.org is an awesome site!

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