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Goodbye Jesus

Taking It Slow With My Parents


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I've been enduring the torture of reason-seed-planting with my parents, in-laws, and siblings for a few years now. I usually chime in a few facts when they talk about global warming, evolution, drug laws, or homosexuality. I try not to be cocky, but I can be a bit snarky at times. They all know that we are no longer involved in church, and they worry about us.


While I was speaking with my mother today she brought up a few things, I think, to show that she loves me no-matter-what. She mentioned another neighborhood family that joined a strict religious sect and no longer watches TV or plays video games--seemed to think that was odd and cult-like. She told me about a gay couple next-door that is taking great care of their gardens. They offered to help with hers, and she finds them quite loveable. She's really trying to get me to open up with her, bringing up that it's ok to be real and use bad language at times, stating that Christians can do those things. Then she mentioned that "even I" was loveable... I told her, "thank you," and that even she was loveable too. Of course, she's never said that it's ok not to be a Christian... tongue.png

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This doesn't sound all that bad, TF. BTW who is "we"?


It's weird that Christians seem to feel obligated to deny that human burning of fossil fuels contributes to global warming. Is this part of a general bias against science, or it's part of the package they think they have to accept, or they're in favor of more drilling for oil and gas and coal mining, or...? I don't see the connection except a general right-wing slant.

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It sounds like your mom is growing as a person despite her faith, good for her! :) That was one of the very first steps that led to my deconversion- 6 years later here I am!


I am on the slow road of hoping to drop small hints and bits of information over time in hopes that when I finally say "Not a xtian!" my family and friends won't die of shock. And a very small part of me hopes that they might even understand a little bit where I'm coming from. A girl can always hope!

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Ficino.... Yes. All of the above.

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It's sad how discussions about global warming tend to lead to evolution-denial. When I make it known that I agree with what the majority of qualified scientists have to say about global warming I get responses like, "you probably believe in evolution as well!"

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There's a general distrust of the scientific community amongst fundamentalists.

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@Peace: I hope that strategy works out for you! In my case, they have been very concerned about me since I stopped going to church. I've had to deal with a few rumors as well...

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Guest Valk0010

This doesn't sound all that bad, TF. BTW who is "we"?


It's weird that Christians seem to feel obligated to deny that human burning of fossil fuels contributes to global warming. Is this part of a general bias against science, or it's part of the package they think they have to accept, or they're in favor of more drilling for oil and gas and coal mining, or...? I don't see the connection except a general right-wing slant.

Its picking your losses, you may be for climate change protection, but the democratic party is for gay rights. So therefore you have to lose the climate change business to be your normal christian bigot against gays.
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@ficino: "we" is my wife and kids--posted my extimony last week. ;)

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@Peace: I hope that strategy works out for you! In my case, they been very concerned about me since I stopped going to church. I've had to deal with a few rumors as well...

While my family is definitely Christian none of them are church goers. My parents have, over the last few years, begun to reject the more mainstream xtian culture. They've come a long way from the more legalist/fundamentalist mindset they had when I was young. All that to say that I'm glad I don't have to feel at all ostracized that I don't conform to the image of the 'perfect xtian'. My life hasn't, and won't change drastically since my deconversion- just my interpretation of it. :)


I might be in the minority that I don't think all xtians are hateful. It sounds like your mom really loves you and is trying to grow to be a more loving person despite what other xtian influences might be telling her.


I just realized you're in Dallas. Me too. :)

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@Peace: It's great to see another Ex-C in Dallas! I've always been able to relate to my mom. She's pretty sharp, and she's always been on my side. My dad is a very sensitive guy, and he's always tried to support me, but he's very fearful and judgmental. And for the past few years he's been constantly talking about gawd, and how buybulll gawd is on his side and how his gawd is in control of everything. I feel sorry for him...

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There's a general distrust of the scientific community amongst fundamentalists.


Which has been exploited by certain people in the petroleum business.

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One step at a time, right? I'm glad it's progressing so well.

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Thanks, Akheia! It's definitely had some rough patches, and I don't know how open I'll be with some people, but I'm getting more comfortable with myself.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Lol I remember telling my mom once that global warming actually happening and the debate is on whether or not it's caused by humans. She gave me a look and said something like "Well I guess we know where you're getting your information from." O.O


If the topic ever comes up again I'm going to be sure to mention that even Sarah Palin admits that global warming is happening. Surely Mrs. Palin couldn't also be in the devil's grip.

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