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Goodbye Jesus

Crappy Things You Once Felt Strongly About


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Probably be a repeat thread.i am mainly ranting but others are most welcome to post in a cathartic manner.


I am sitting here at my computer in the uni libary smiling at how I spent my 20's actually caring about end timey conspiracy crap about how the Roman catholic church would one day take over the world and start persecuting protestants and all that shit.Now at the age of 37 my biggest concern is whether i will get laid this weekend.I cannot belive I ever gave my youthful strength to that utter crap.I mean wtf was i tinking?if I had been on drugs i would have an excuse but I was actually worried about that crap!

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My youth was pretty godless when I left school and I had a lot of catching up to do since my last 5 years of school was at a boys only one. :(


The only thing I did feel strongly about was the fear of the end times and being left behind but I must admit, I still had reservations and did not buy into it fully.

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Ugh. End times crap almost ruined my life. It was in the Bible, so hell, it must be true! I made all kinds of big life decisions based on the imminence of the end of the world. Wendyloser.gif


I still have flashbacks. Like last week, my husband was no where to be found when I got out of bed. The cars were here, the bikes were here, his shoes were here, his iPhone, wallet and keys were here. But he was missing. I look forward to the day when the flashbacks stop!

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That I was right.



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I worried about it until I discovered booze, sex, and rock & roll, about which the church and I strongly disagreed. My three vices beat their four horsemen hands (or hooves) down.

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I used to feel very strongly about supporting the Republifuckedup Party.


THAT was pretty stupid.


THEN I used to feel very strongly about supporting the Demgofuckyourself Party.


THAT was pretty crappy too.


THEN I decided why bother to fucking cast a vote for these fucknuts in Washington anymore.


THAT was even more idiotic.


Now, I try to find what I can live with and go with it.


No luck yet this election cycle. >:0(

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I used to feel very strongly about supporting the Republifuckedup Party.


THAT was pretty stupid.


THEN I used to feel very strongly about supporting the Demgofuckyourself Party.


THAT was pretty crappy too.


THEN I decided why bother to fucking cast a vote for these fucknuts in Washington anymore.


THAT was even more idiotic.


Now, I try to find what I can live with and go with it.


No luck yet this election cycle. >:0(


Sadly, there are third party alternatives but our system is set up so they have no chance.

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Used to be strongly against my sister or friends listening to secular music...Wendyloser.gif lol.

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I'm not proud of my days as an anti-abortion catholic.

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Eh, I am a passionate guy i guess. I swerve to extremes and go all out with whatever I believe. That use to be computers, then Christianity, then atheism and I then got into politics for a real short while and now I don't care all too much. I am becoming more of a practical guy than I use to be. Don't see the need of me getting worked up on, or stressed over some theoretical idea about whatever because in the end unless I actually get up and do something actively about it, all I am doing is arguing with others who are also in no position to make a change. Just blowing hot air. Now I'm just concerned all about having a good time while I am here, no longer want or need the stress of anything unpractical.

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I just got soooo tired of all the guilt that I felt all my life......that guilt came from judging myself and others for not living up to god's standards..


I am so happy to report that those days are gone!!

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