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Daily Mail Doesn't Get Sarcasm ... Obviously.


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Headline ... "Keira Knightly regrets being an atheist."


Keira's statement, "

It's absolutely extraordinary. If only I wasn't an atheist, I could get away with anything," thesun.co.uk quoted her as saying.

"You'd just ask for forgiveness and then you'd be forgiven."



I don't know, maybe I'm wrong, she could be saying that she actually wants to get away with everything. So, is this just stupidity, or is this intentional deception on the Daily Mail's part?

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It probably isn't deception because that would depend on a reasonable number of readers caring about the headline but skipping the article/letting the headline guide their judgment, and the whole story is a little short for that.


Maybe they meant to echo the sarcasm/get the most gripping ironic headline. The statement could be interpreted literally in the sense of lamenting that she doesn't have a means to escape personal responsibility despite not wanting to trade off her conscience. It just looks more provocative than the same headline with "regrets" in quotes. But if that's the deal, it's too subtle.


Or ... I'm giving them too much credit and they're just effin' stupid.

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I think that was a whoosh at an altitude 12" above the reporter's head.

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And that's another reason it's so hard to debate Christians. Some of them are so literal minded that they can't take simple jokes.

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It's the Daily Fail. 'Nuff said.


Oh yeah, I'm an American that reads it.

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