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Goodbye Jesus

Amendment 1...


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To start off on the 8th of May my state, North Carolina, shall be holding a vote to amend the state constitution to state that the state of NC will only recognise the marriages that constitute one man and one woman. The state already doesn't allow same sex marriage but will abide by pre-exisitng ones from other states. It sickens me that the people of my state, the bunch of toothless biblethumpers they are, will be able to add ANOTHER step in the marriage equality process. I am angered by these notions of homosexuality being wrong and immoral. I need to set some points up you CANNOT pray the gay away, CANNOT adjust sexuality without massive emotional trauma years to come, it IS NOT from bad parenting. I myself have had problems in the past with my sexuality and tried all of these and only came out angry, scarred and disspointed until I accepted that it all being bad was a crock of bullshit. Very little will set me off on a rage mode and this homophobia is part of that list. I know plenty of gay guys and girls who faced much emotional trauma because christianity was taught to them that it hated gays. I live in a country that's supposed to be religiously neutrul in law but allows people like the rednecks in my state to change laws on the ground of the bible told them to. The supporters have stated it's strictly to enforce a current law... Bull... It's to enforce an unjust situation and is unjust because of the homophobia.



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In 200 years religion will be decayed and gone like a meth-head's teeth. Too bad we won't be around for that though.


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In 200 years religion will be decayed and gone like a meth-head's teeth. Too bad we won't be around for that though.

Not sure this is true. Religion has been around for thousands of years, I see no reason it will end :(

Amendment 1 is a crock of shit, but at least the bigots are coming out as such. Perhaps it is a first step in ridding our selves of them (in office).

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Exevolt, I've been posting regularly against A1 and have already voted. Homophobia, church/state as one, legislating morality, so many things wrong with this law it makes me almost as ashamed of being a tarheel as Jesse Helms did.

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