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Goodbye Jesus

Thomas Kinkade Dead.


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forgive me if this is posted elsewhere I had searched on the forums quickly but found nothing.I posted it here as right now all my posts are rants and this will be too.


He was very popular with christians,pretty sure he was a christian at least at some point but perhaps had deconverted.I read an article that he was alchoholic and had left his wife.I hope he found some time away from the church if he had been a christian.


he died in a way that is so easy,seeminly accidental mixture of alcohl and opainkillers.I persoanlly have overused painkillers myself on more than a few occasions and used them like sweeties,so many folk esp stars seem to die like this.


I liked his art both when I was a christian and after actually.Its no everyones cup of tea but I really liked it.


My gripe is the christians that introduced me to his work back in the 1990's.They thought him a wonderful christian artist and his picture represented heaven.i wonder how many idolised this ordinary man and the pain he maybe carried being idolised thus.When underneath he was just like 7 freinds I can think of straightaway with painkiller addictions.i bought into it.he was someone to look up to but was just an ordinatry guy since he had his addictions.


goodbye Mr Kinkade,hope you enjoyed a few years deconverted.

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My fundy mom always said he knew how to paint the illusion of light/luminescence well. only thing I really remember about him.


I'll take Bob Ross anyday over TK though.


"And a happy little cloud over here....and a happy little bush down here...."


Serenity now.

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I was never impressed with his work, I found it bland and unimaginative. The painter of light? Maxfield Parrish was doing that in a far superior way 50 years earlier.

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There was a thread on this earlier. I was kind of surprised how much people seemed to hate him and his work. His art doesn't move me (I'm an old masters kind of guy) but he created a product that people were willing to pay for. Capitalism, eh? More power to him. I don't judge art on the religion of the artist.

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I was never impressed with his work, I found it bland and unimaginative. The painter of light? Maxfield Parrish was doing that in a far superior way 50 years earlier.


just google imaged that name.Really like the pics what came up,thanks

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I was never impressed with his work, I found it bland and unimaginative. The painter of light? Maxfield Parrish was doing that in a far superior way 50 years earlier.


This must be displayed in the Louvre.

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I was never impressed with his work, I found it bland and unimaginative. The painter of light? Maxfield Parrish was doing that in a far superior way 50 years earlier.


This must be displayed in the Louvre.


In fairness tho this is populist ,accesable art.It was never intended to be on dispaly in prestigious art galleries.

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I was never impressed with his work, I found it bland and unimaginative. The painter of light? Maxfield Parrish was doing that in a far superior way 50 years earlier.


This must be displayed in the Louvre.


In fairness tho this is populist ,accesable art.It was never intended to be on dispaly in prestigious art galleries.


Not my cuppa. I don't judge an artist on anything except "do I find this subject matter interesting and relevant to me and is it aesthetically pleasing to me on a personal level?" Kinkades work pulls a double negative for me.

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Awwww, I'm so sad to hear this. I'm apparently in the minority, but I really did like Kinkade's work. They fill me with a sense of tranquility.

His peaceful scenes of homes in the country with warm glows in the windows and surrounded by the peace, quiet, and beauty of nature has helped keep my dreams alive for a home of my own during some very hard times.


R.I.P. Mr. Kinkade.

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