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Throwing Out Christian Home Decor


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Listening to Eminem's Love The Way You Lie without guilt but much pleasure and throwing out refrigerator magnets and other small home decor items with faith-type messages.


And it feels damn good.


Is this what freedom feels like?

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Yep, that's freedom :) To do what you want, when you want. I threw out so many christian books a few months ago. I laughed as I tossed each one into the bin. Felt like breaking chains or something :)

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I was glad to have a fireplace when I was cleaning house. It was cathartic.

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I was glad to have a fireplace when I was cleaning house. It was cathartic.


Yeah, that would have been awesome. Not a lot of places in my area have fireplaces. Doesn't get cold enough.

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It takes a long time for a bible to burn. Its a lot of paper and leaves a lot of ash.

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Oh yeah I threw away a few home decor items that had scripture on and also books too. I didn't donate them. i threw them in the trash.

It is freeing.

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I didn't really have any christian crap, outside of one of those "chicken soup" books that someone gave me, a WWJD bracelet, and a cross necklace. Gave it to my sister.


I do love obliterating the past with fire though. I had much more of a release burning old photos and things from the christian school, old letters, and recently, an old journal. Fire is cleansing. Nothing left but ash.

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I've thrown away quite a few books in my time. I have a great reverence for books (Fahrenheit 451 junkie). The ones I threw out though, were all a bunch of stupid apologetics or books on how to spend my money, like a Christian.

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Yep, that's freedom smile.png To do what you want, when you want. I threw out so many christian books a few months ago. I laughed as I tossed each one into the bin. Felt like breaking chains or something smile.png

Ooo, I'd forgotten about books! My IL's have given us so many crappy xtian books, I can't wait to toss them!


Other than that I don't have any xtian items, I always thought scriptured items were cheesy.

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It takes a long time for a bible to burn. Its a lot of paper and leaves a lot of ash.

Yah, but the good ones make good rolling papers.

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I'm more of a hands on kind of person & ripped to shreds several bible doctrinal booklets (paperback), letters, cards, pictures. It felt good!

Also trashed a whole lot of sermon cassettes as well as dvds. I was gleeful as I was tossing them into the trash bag. I think I actually watched the garbage

truck pick up that load, just to make sure it was on it's way to where it needed to go!

I would have love to shed the bible with my hands, but it was too thick & my hands got sore! :D

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love it.

some good music really helps.

what a day!

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Someone gave me and Evil Ex a gag housewarming present that we knew was meant to be a joke but couldn't ever bring ourselves to toss. It was a wide rectangular white wall clock; half the thing was the clock, with gold fixtures and hands, and the other half was, I kid you not, a blinkie Last Supper. You know the kind? Not quite a holograph, but if you turn the thing it sort of looks 3D? It was the cheesiest, most horrible thing ever. But throwing it out felt so disrespectful. I was happy to see that thing end up in the garbage some years later when I deconverted.

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I still don't think I could ever purposely burn a bible (and cackle while doing it like i picture some of ya'll doing). I've thrown one in the trash though.

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I've proudly kept my more scholarly christian books, they make good references.


As for throwing stuff out, I'm not too good at it, I still have a large custom cross hanging on the wall over my recliner, granted it looks nice and it was a gift so I view it more as a gift that a torture device.


I do remember when I finally lost my faith, I had a cross made of two perpendicular nails swinging from my mirror in my truck, I'll never forget the feeling when I took it down, I kind of knew then it was a gesture which would be very hard to return from.

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I'm a bibliophile. It just isn't in me to burn books. It's hard enough just to give away anything in my dragon's-hoard of a library.

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I decided my Bible needed to put to good use for the Earth. It got torn into bedding and food for my vermicomposter. ;)

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I still don't think I could ever purposely burn a bible (and cackle while doing it like i picture some of ya'll doing). I've thrown one in the trash though.

I'm kinda wishing I didn't burn it. I'll have to look for a bible in the thrift store big enough to carve a hole shaped like my revolver into the pages.
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I've proudly kept my more scholarly christian books, they make good references.


As for throwing stuff out, I'm not too good at it, I still have a large custom cross hanging on the wall over my recliner, granted it looks nice and it was a gift so I view it more as a gift that a torture device.


I do remember when I finally lost my faith, I had a cross made of two perpendicular nails swinging from my mirror in my truck, I'll never forget the feeling when I took it down, I kind of knew then it was a gesture which would be very hard to return from.


I am keeping a few things that have special meaning to me (gifts from friends, etc). But I know what you mean about the feeling. The Bibles will stay for now, unless I give them away or sell them. Maybe some day that will change, but I gotta take it slow :)

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It takes a long time for a bible to burn. Its a lot of paper and leaves a lot of ash.

Yah, but the good ones make good rolling papers.


Tis true. A friend of mine used the book of mormon to roll her herbs....

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Listening to Eminem's Love The Way You Lie without guilt but much pleasure and throwing out refrigerator magnets and other small home decor items with faith-type messages.


And it feels damn good.


Is this what freedom feels like?


Made me go listen to that song woohoo.gif

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Listening to Eminem's Love The Way You Lie without guilt but much pleasure and throwing out refrigerator magnets and other small home decor items with faith-type messages.


And it feels damn good.


Is this what freedom feels like?


Made me go listen to that song woohoo.gif


It's funny, I used to listen to him often in high school, and after becoming a "born-again Christian" I stopped. When he made his comeback, I watched the video and secretely loved it, but never checked him out again until yesterday. I missed him, and appreciate his authenticity. "Not Afraid" is a good one, too.

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I donated my bibles to my old church. Had a bunch of different versions and study bibles, leather bound - about $500 worth. At least I'll get the tax deduction...

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I'm a bibliophile. It just isn't in me to burn books. It's hard enough just to give away anything in my dragon's-hoard of a library.


I know the feeling. I recently started a new book collection- free-thinking :)

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ah this thread bring back thememories for me of that quiet winter night two yrs back when I filled several garbage bags with crapy christian books some of themdated back to the early yrs of my mistaken christian walk and wasted youth.i particularly enjoyed binning my 'banner of truth' books as they had the worst influence on me.Puritian crap abridged.


Then I culled my bibles,in the ned kept only one as i am still a theological student(3rd yr) I felt I'd need one.I too kept my commentries,many were quite expensive and clealry non faith based.Lingustic study etc.After my uni i may sell them too tho.The rest tho got heaved into the bin.probably several hundred £/$ worth.Like someone else said ,it felt like chains breaking.esp the bibles.I too flung out some christian fridge magnets,bibndle of papers from retreats and courses I went on.All the healing ministry and deliverance notes being binned were a great weight off my mind.I also spat violently into each garbage bag before I tie them up....just for cathartic reasons.The whole thing seemed to build up as i was working,i got slitly frenzied towards the end saying 'fuck you' as I flung each book in lol.

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