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Goodbye Jesus

God Forgives You If You Just Ask Him!


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I asked God to forgive me for writing a series of books which has been aimed at breaking people free from toxic theologies, like Christianity, Islam, etc.. I took his silence as acceptance and now, I consider myself forgiven. In the future I intend to interpret any silence from God as acceptance, which means I will keep writing books that attack religion and other less than rational belief systems.


Hi, my name is Michael Sherlock and I am an independant researcher and author. I live in Japan with my wife and two young children. I look forward to getting to know some of you in the future.


If I ever say something that offends your beliefs, please do not take it personally. Just remember, it is all in your head!





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I don't need to ask "god" for forgiveness anymore. After all the shit he's put me through even after following him faithfully, he should be asking ME for forgiveness!

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I don't need to ask "god" for forgiveness anymore. After all the shit he's put me through even after following him faithfully, he should be asking ME for forgiveness!


But he loves you!!!!!!!!!!

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You just made me laugh, Mr. Sherlock. Please, don't let me distract you from your work. Carry on attacking!!! :D

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I asked God to forgive me for writing a series of books which has been aimed at breaking people free from toxic theologies, like Christianity, Islam, etc.. I took his silence as acceptance and now, I consider myself forgiven. In the future I intend to interpret any silence from God as acceptance, which means I will keep writing books that attack religion and other less than rational belief systems.


Hi, my name is Michael Sherlock and I am an independant researcher and author. I live in Japan with my wife and two young children. I look forward to getting to know some of you in the future.


If I ever say something that offends your beliefs, please do not take it personally. Just remember, it is all in your head!






Mick! welcome to Ex-c!! I love your point about silence!! You just go ahead and write all those books!!



“There are times when silence has the loudest voice” Leroy Brownlow

If god wants your writing stopped, he'll find a way to stop it!! jesus.gif .......Ridigwoopsie.gif

If you don't 'hear' anything....keep writing!!


Really looking forward to hearing more from you!!

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You just made me laugh, Mr. Sherlock. Please, don't let me distract you from your work. Carry on attacking!!! biggrin.png


Thanks Margee! I will. I think it is in my nature. Who knows, maybe I am just antagonistic.

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Nice, another expat. Or is this just in my head too?

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Here Mick...this is for you today!! yellow.gif



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Hi! It's nice to meet you. Make sure you're asking forgiveness from Allah, Shiva, and all the rest of the godly gang--some of these gods react poorly to being left out, and one never knows which one might be real and listening, right? Best to cover everybody.

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I assume Japan is a good place to be for the Ex-Christian. I only spent two weeks there, but its not religious at all. Folks like their superstitions like hanging prayers on trees and ringing temple bells, but Shinto and Buddhism aren't in your face and mean like Christianity. Some of the guilt some of feel is brought on by the constant reminder of our old faiths, our old churches, and those horrible church marquees.


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Hi! It's nice to meet you. Make sure you're asking forgiveness from Allah, Shiva, and all the rest of the godly gang--some of these gods react poorly to being left out, and one never knows which one might be real and listening, right? Best to cover everybody.


It is not the gods you have to worry about!

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I assume Japan is a good place to be for the Ex-Christian. I only spent two weeks there, but its not religious at all. Folks like their superstitions like hanging prayers on trees and ringing temple bells, but Shinto and Buddhism aren't in your face and mean like Christianity. Some of the guilt some of feel is brought on by the constant reminder of our old faiths, our old churches, and those horrible church marquees.



Yes, that is true, but the Christian missionaries are rapidly increasing. For some reason they only ever visit my place once.

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Nice, another expat. Or is this just in my head too?


Depends, From which country do you believe I originate?

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Nice, another expat. Or is this just in my head too?


Depends, From which country do you believe I originate?


I just assumed from your name, grasp of English syntax and the fact you mention you 'live in Japan' (not a common way for a native to refer to his/her own country) you're not Japanese.


I'm an American expat living in Russia btw.

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Nice, another expat. Or is this just in my head too?


Depends, From which country do you believe I originate?


I just assumed from your name, grasp of English syntax and the fact you mention you 'live in Japan' (not a common way for a native to refer to his/her own country) you're not Japanese.


I'm an American expat living in Russia btw.


You are right! I am from Australia, but have been living in Japan for close to a decade, with my wife and two kids. Russia aye. I have always wanted to visit Russia. What are you doing there?

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Nice, another expat. Or is this just in my head too?


Depends, From which country do you believe I originate?


I just assumed from your name, grasp of English syntax and the fact you mention you 'live in Japan' (not a common way for a native to refer to his/her own country) you're not Japanese.


I'm an American expat living in Russia btw.


You are right! I am from Australia, but have been living in Japan for close to a decade, with my wife and two kids. Russia aye. I have always wanted to visit Russia. What are you doing there?


My wife is Russian and has a career here. I'm a money manager and work for private clients online, freeing me up to travel. We've been there 8 years now.

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Nice, another expat. Or is this just in my head too?


Depends, From which country do you believe I originate?


I just assumed from your name, grasp of English syntax and the fact you mention you 'live in Japan' (not a common way for a native to refer to his/her own country) you're not Japanese.


I'm an American expat living in Russia btw.


You are right! I am from Australia, but have been living in Japan for close to a decade, with my wife and two kids. Russia aye. I have always wanted to visit Russia. What are you doing there?


My wife is Russian and has a career here. I'm a money manager and work for private clients online, freeing me up to travel. We've been there 8 years now.


Cool. BTW, I love your sig! Very good.

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Jesus should ask forgiveness for all the lies the told in the bible and the wrong promises, all these ex-christians who were wounded by him and his so called "children".

To be honest with you, I don't like him because I know I cannot trust him and most of time you have to help yourself. He should also ask forgiveness for all the slaughters he ordered "in his name" in the bible and all the intolerance.

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Jesus should ask forgiveness for all the lies the told in the bible and the wrong promises, all these ex-christians who were wounded by him and his so called "children".

To be honest with you, I don't like him because I know I cannot trust him and most of time you have to help yourself. He should also ask forgiveness for all the slaughters he ordered "in his name" in the bible and all the intolerance.


Yes - if Jesus knew what crimes were committed in his name and he could do it all again, he would probably just keep his mouth shut (assuming he existed in the first place).


Pharisee (to Jesus): They say you call yourself the Son of God. Is this true?


Jesus (who knows the future): I don't know what you're talking about. Piss off!

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Jesus should ask forgiveness for all the lies the told in the bible and the wrong promises, all these ex-christians who were wounded by him and his so called "children".

To be honest with you, I don't like him because I know I cannot trust him and most of time you have to help yourself. He should also ask forgiveness for all the slaughters he ordered "in his name" in the bible and all the intolerance.


I like what you have said, but I would not get too upset at Jesus, nor Batman, Superman, or even Homer Simpson!


In the words of Robert G. Ingersoll:


“If abuses are destroyed, man must destroy them. If slaves are freed, man must free them. If new truths are discovered, man must discover them. If the naked are clothed; if the hungry are fed; if justice is done; if labor is rewarded; if superstition is driven from the mind; if the defenseless are protected, and if the right finally triumphs, all must be the work of man. The grand victories of the future must be won by man, and by man alone."


Robert Ingersoll. The Gods, and Other Lectures. C.P Publishers (1802). Pg. 59.

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Jesus should ask forgiveness for all the lies the told in the bible and the wrong promises, all these ex-christians who were wounded by him and his so called "children".

To be honest with you, I don't like him because I know I cannot trust him and most of time you have to help yourself. He should also ask forgiveness for all the slaughters he ordered "in his name" in the bible and all the intolerance.


Yes - if Jesus knew what crimes were committed in his name and he could do it all again, he would probably just keep his mouth shut (assuming he existed in the first place).


Pharisee (to Jesus): They say you call yourself the Son of God. Is this true?


Jesus (who knows the future): I don't know what you're talking about. Piss off!


I love it! But I spat my coffee everywhere!! damn you!


It reminds of the less humorous, yet equally as valid words of Robert G. Ingersoll:


If Christ was in fact God, he knew all the future. Before him, like a panorama, moved the history yet to be. He knew exactly how his words would be interpreted. He knew what crimes, what horrors, what infamies, would be committed in his name. He knew that the fires of persecution would climb around the limbs of countless martyrs. He knew that brave men would languish in dungeons, in darkness, filled with pain; that the Church would use instruments of torture, that his followers would appeal to whip and chain. He must have seen the horizon of the future red with the flames of the auto da fe (public executions). He knew all the creeds that would spring like poison fungi from every text. He saw the sects waging war against each other. He saw thousands of men, under the orders of priests, building dungeons for their fellow-men. He saw them using instruments of pain. He heard the groans, saw the faces white with agony, the tears, the blood—heard the shrieks and sobs of the moaning, martyred multitudes. He knew that commentaries would be written on his words with swords, to be read by the light of fagots (kindling). He knew that the Inquisition would be born of teachings attributed to him. He saw all the interpolations and falsehoods

that hypocrisy would write and tell. He knew that above these fields of death, these dungeons, these burnings, for a thousand years would float the dripping banner of the cross. He knew that in his name his followers would trade in human flesh, that cradles would be robbed, and women's breasts unbabed for gold, and yet he died with voiceless lips. Why did he fail to speak?


Robert. G. Ingersol. The Christian Religion. North American Review. (1882). Pg. 17

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