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Poor Humans?


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Are we poor?


Let's see. According to my calculations, if we were to take the Rothschild Family's fortune, sell it, and distribute the money equally to every human being on earth,


$200 trillion (an estimation, probably much more)


divided by


7 billion people (a somewhat accurate fact)


every one of us (man, women, child, baby) would get $28,571.


Every freggin human being on earth would get $28,571!


I have 4 kids, so our family of six would get $171,428 US dollars.


And then cancel all the debts every one of us owes to these rich bastards. How rich would you be?


And this is just the Rothschilds' fortune. Let's say we took the 5 richest families on earth, we could easily double the amount. So my family would get at least $342,857 PLUS no more debts.


Conclusion: We're not poor, it's just that most of the money goes to the same few people.


By the way, the Rothschild family is responsible for the establishment of almost all the big banks in the world. We should be thankful, our banking system would not be the same if it wasn't for them ♥. We owe them so much...

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Personally, I think "poor" is a state of mind.

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Guest Valk0010

wow denyoz is a truther


But anyway, debt forgiveness on a mass political level has been something I have been for for a long time.


I sratch my head, when I see the christian right in this country talk about austerity. When the old testament talked about the year of jubilee and debt forgiveness.

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I think if we want to look at wealth from a worldwide perspective, it's not money we look at. Rather, it's natural resources. The real question, in my view, is whether there are enough natural resources so every person can have a healthy and happy life. So, for example, is there enough food so every person can be fed what they need? The remaining question, assuming there is enough, is how are those natural resources equitably distributed but in a way that they are sustainable (i.e., so farmers, in the case of food, will continue producing food at the levels needed to feed everyone).

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I heartily endorse the OP.

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It's not so simple as a minor calculation would make it appear. The laws of supply and demand would zap buying power in a New York minute if you simply divided wealth like this. I agree that the distribution of wealth is a major issue in our time, but this is an oversimplification of the solution IMO.


Overcame Faith alludes to the real issue when he discusses natural resources.


Moreover, what happens to limited natural resources if they are equitably distributed, and certain segments of the world population explode into massive baby booms as a result? What is going to happen when countries like China start to exploit our limited resources at the rate of countries like US/Canada?

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Personally, I think "poor" is a state of mind.

You won't be sayin' that at 57 Pudd! tongue.pngyelrotflmao.gif0-picture.gifkiss.gif

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Personally, I think "poor" is a state of mind.

You won't be sayin' that at 57 Pudd! tongue.pngyelrotflmao.gif0-picture.gifkiss.gif

Actually Pudd...I do know what you mean. Everytime I 'mumble' to myself about lack of money, I look around at what I have and could slap my face. We got people living on our streets...... we got dying humans, lacking shelter and food.

I always try to remember that when I whine.


If you were to look at my little lifestyle, you would gather that I am quite a well off woman.I take a nice trip every year, have lovely home with garage, 2 lovely cars, have my own little beauty shop here at home including sunbed. I also have a massage chair that costs more money than a nice, second hand car. Wendytwitch.gif I have all the 'goodies' including a nice treadmill.


My problem has always been - that if I made $5.00, I spent $10.00! I like pretending I'm rich! I came from a very poor family and was out working when I was 12 years old at a restrurant to help out my mom...


I am wonderfully lucky to have good credit and that's what saves my ass. I really wish I had done a lot of things different because I have made half decent money throughout the years.... but I didn't do the right thing and I also had a couple of 'setbacks' in my life.

So as 'well off' as I look - I really do live from paycheck to paycheck like a lot of people. I'm not embarassed to admit this to you guys because 90% of the people I know are all living this way....and they all look rich! It's not a bad life really...I

just wish I had saved a lot more. I know I am very lucky to live where I live and have what I have. So many people have it so bad, my heart breaks for them.


But, If I had of done the right things with the money I earned, I would be living off my savings right now and totally retired...........


Do the right thing with your money now hon - then you won't have to use your 'line of credit'!


My favorite saying is ....no sense in bein' poor and lookin' poor.............

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one family has 200 trillion. there isn't an economist on earth that could defend that to me. DISGUSTING.

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one family has 200 trillion. there isn't an economist on earth that could defend that to me. DISGUSTING.


Huh? That's more than the US stock market. There isn't a person alive who owns even one trillion.

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Personally, I think "poor" is a state of mind.

You won't be sayin' that at 57 Pudd! tongue.pngyelrotflmao.gif0-picture.gifkiss.gif

Actually Pudd...I do know what you mean. Everytime I 'mumble' to myself about lack of money, I look around at what I have and could slap my face. We got people living on our streets...... we got dying humans, lacking shelter and food.

I always try to remember that when I whine.


If you were to look at my little lifestyle, you would gather that I am quite a well off woman.I take a nice trip every year, have lovely home with garage, 2 lovely cars, have my own little beauty shop here at home including sunbed. I also have a massage chair that costs more money than a nice, second hand car. Wendytwitch.gif I have all the 'goodies' including a nice treadmill.


My problem has always been - that if I made $5.00, I spent $10.00! I like pretending I'm rich! I came from a very poor family and was out working when I was 12 years old at a restrurant to help out my mom...


I am wonderfully lucky to have good credit and that's what saves my ass. I really wish I had done a lot of things different because I have made half decent money throughout the years.... but I didn't do the right thing and I also had a couple of 'setbacks' in my life.

So as 'well off' as I look - I really do live from paycheck to paycheck like a lot of people. I'm not embarassed to admit this to you guys because 90% of the people I know are all living this way....and they all look rich! It's not a bad life really...I

just wish I had saved a lot more. I know I am very lucky to live where I live and have what I have. So many people have it so bad, my heart breaks for them.


But, If I had of done the right things with the money I earned, I would be living off my savings right now and totally retired...........


Do the right thing with your money now hon - then you won't have to use your 'line of credit'!


My favorite saying is ....no sense in bein' poor and lookin' poor.............


About two years ago I came to realise that poverty was often a state of mind- for a lot of us in the Western world, anyway. I'd been doing volunteer work with a blind woman who turned out to use victimhood as a method of manipulation, and I soon woke up to it. But I remember one day, when she had this rant about how "poor" she and I were, and how no-one does enough for us, and yada yada yada, and I just stopped a moment and looked at her. I couldn't believe what she was saying, honestly I couldn't. Due to her condition, she got the blind pension, mobility allowance, rent assistance, education supplement, a guide dog, with half the vet bills paid for, free and worming treatment, half-price cab fares, and volunteers to help with her shopping. She also had $140,000 sitting in the bank thanks to her divorce settlement. Yet she was going for public housing, and she knocked back two places in the few months I knew her, both for being "too small", and also one because she would have to pay for a 2m fence.


At this time, I was sleeping on my parents' couch, homeless. I didn't feel poor- how could I, when I had warmth, shelter, a toilet, shower, heck, even a car. But this woman, who was far better off than I, felt poor. I couldn't fathom where she got the idea from that she was poor. I soon realised that many people feel poor when they have a sense of entitlement, and they have not been given to them by the world what they feel they are entitled to. But the truth is, no-one ever owes us anything. Really, we're all lucky to have what we do have, because life can change so quickly, and that can change our circumstances in a hurry.


There's a lot of things in life that I think would be nice to have. But I'm okay with it if I never get them. Life's too short to worry about what I don't have, I reckon.

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one family has 200 trillion. there isn't an economist on earth that could defend that to me. DISGUSTING.


Huh? That's more than the US stock market. There isn't a person alive who owns even one trillion.

I was referring to the OP, if the figure is wrong, I take back my comment. Burned out, we are officially at odds, have a grand day there Pinochet fan!

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I soon realised that many people feel poor when they have a sense of entitlement, and they have not been given to them by the world what they feel they are entitled to.


I think you made a really good point here girlfriend!!

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Guest Valk0010

I don't pretend to bitch, but to me, applying for government assistance of any kind means your poor.


And puddin, 140,000 in a divorce, in the states would mean, she ain't getting dogshit. I tried to apply for something, and they told me that even if I got 100 bucks from somebody as a present recently, I would have to account for it in establishing my income. She really should have counted her lucky stars.

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Personally, I'd rather be poor in India than in America. In Washington DC homeless people erect tents out of plastic bags on sidewalks and live in the cracks of society begging for food and many have substance abuse problems or mental health issues. In India, you can build a hut in a nice warm area, live with your family and still own a cell phone and scooter and unless you are ill, can still get a job that pays you enough to buy food. If not, your family will probably feed you. When I was there it only cost about $0.05/day for enough rice to live on. Seems more dignified and far less desperate, at least from my vantage point observing both.


It's definitely not easy being poor in America. My empathy and condolences to those who find themselves there.

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Personally, I'd rather be poor in India than in America. In Washington DC homeless people erect tents out of plastic bags on sidewalks and live in the cracks of society begging for food and many have substance abuse problems or mental health issues. In India, you can build a hut in a nice warm area, live with your family and still own a cell phone and scooter and unless you are ill, can still get a job that pays you enough to buy food. If not, your family will probably feed you. When I was there it only cost about $0.05/day for enough rice to live on. Seems more dignified and far less desperate, at least from my vantage point observing both.


It's definitely not easy being poor in America. My empathy and condolences to those who find themselves there.

Vigile you make me want to move to India! I am so 'over' having material possesions...I could live a very simple-dimple lifestlye for myself.....but I have way too much responsibility and obligations to live the way I'd really like to live now. wink.png

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I wonder how much poorer we are than many people in India. If you spend your every waking hour worrying about being a few pay checks away from the street, aren't you poorer than someone who never has to contemplate such horror?


Freedom's just another word for nothin' left to lose...

-Janis J

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