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Goodbye Jesus

I Think The Theologian I Went To See Actualy Helped Me Let Go Of The Fear Of Christianity.


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So a while back I got invited to see a theologian and I complied because well it would be fun to debate and such but I actually ended up being good friends with him. When I first went to his house I had that same sense of bitterness against Christianity that had been eating me alive for almost to years because I had a fear in the back of my mind that it might be true, it was almost like OCD only with Christianity. Well I must say that the theologian actually helped me get over my fear because he for one presented me with a more respectable form of Christianity based in intellectualism called reformed theology and systematic theology. I was real impressed with parts of the tenants of “reformed” such as they did not believe the Israelis deserve anything, in fact they think the idea that Palestine is their land is unbiblical. They where in full support of the Palestinians having a state of their own which is something I had never heard of. Then the other thing is they are dispensationalist which means they don’t believe in the rapture and they take great pains to try and teach other Christians to stop worrying about apocalyptic scenarios based in sensationalism and to teach people the historical validity of the new testament. I became pretty impressed with theologians like RC sproul and I gained a much better understanding of things like the reformation.


I am not a Christian please dont get that idea because well no physicist ever needed God to solve a physics equation to put it shortly, but I feel so much more free now from the bitterness because I feel so much more opened minded about Christianity. I have been presented with the best of the best when it comes to apologetics and I still don’t believe so really I have nothing left to fear. I think im more opened minded about Christianity because the theologian did impress me on some stuff but it still isn’t really sufficient.


Its almost like being scared of snakes and getting into snake handlers pit and picking one up realizing that it wouldn’t bite you, you then walk away no longer scared of snakes. There is no reason for me to be angry at Christianity any more because I made the choice not to believe because of the lack of sufficient reason too. I can now walk into a church with out feeling intense bitterness because that theologian actually helped me move on from it all.

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Letting go of bitterness is a great thing.

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Kaiser, thank you so much for sharing this story with me. You may have helped me over the last christian 'hump' that still can plague my mind. I am going to read some on this.


I also remember talking with a United Church minister, who did not take the bible in a literal way and she gave me great comfort. I really need to recognize that not all of the whole 'umbrella' of 100's of christian denominations take the bible literly.


Thank you for this today!

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So what DOES reformed xianity still hold onto as doctrine? Substitutionary atonement? Hell? I'd guess probably "no" based on what you said but still curious.

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The doctrine of predestination is pretty bad, I think its the theology which makes god most to appear to be a monster.

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