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Goodbye Jesus

Spit Out The Gum


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Having been an atheist for roughly 10 years now, I still have sense-triggered memories I find annoying to no end. I cannot chew cinnamon or mint (of any variety) gum, have a mint breath freshener of any sort without memories of sunday school and church services rushing forward. Every time I'm watching a tv show / movie and hear "Amazing Grace" play, I hit the mute button.


I know these are purely psychological imprints I probably will never be able to rid myself of, however it really does bother me knowing that I can never enjoy various mints or cinnamon. It annoys me that no matter how hard I work at it, I cannot undo a memory. Do any of you have similar annoyances / memories you'd like to erase?


For the moment, I suppose I have to be content with avoiding mints.

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"Amazing Grace"...


I have the same reaction. One day I decided to search for parodies of the song in hopes of reprogramming my gut reaction. Here's one of my favorites, Amazing Cash:


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You may want to try something to rid yourself of the triggers. Watch some porn several times and eat the mints. As for Amazing Grace, try replacing the words with the tune with alternate ones.....smile.png


I was going to post almost the exact same thing - lol. Try having sex while chewing gum. LMAO, you'll probably create a new psychological imprint of having sex in a church.

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Now there's an idea. Watch THIS, Yahweh!!! Ohhhh, minty for your pleasure . . .

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