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Goodbye Jesus

Letting Go


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I've been battling an insurance company for two years now, and it's time to accept that I'm just pushing shit uphill. But I'm struggling with the concept of giving up, walking away, cutting my losses. I'm worn out and tired, but I am so angry still.


I just don't handle injustice very well. How they dealt with me was just plain wrong. They knew I had a mental illness, and they provoked me, aggravated me. They used personal information that was irrelevant to the case against me, made me out to be a liar, deceptive, when I was nothing but upfront and honest with them. They went beyond mean, and I don't understand why people have to be mean unnecessarily. It's been awful.


You know, I can handle losing the dispute. What I can't handle is how they've treated me. And more than that, I really can't handle the idea that they will treat someone else with a mental illness in the same way. They could have landed me in the psych ward. I am unwilling to let them just get away with that scot-free.


So I'm having a disability advocate assess the correspondence now. I'm not walking away from the dispute without bringing it to someone's attention that this shit is going on, and that it is wrong. Someone will commit suicide at some point if these pricks don't stop this shit.


But damn, it hurts to have to show those letters. Showing those letters means having yet another group of people read something deeply personal, that is only mine to share. And I've been avoiding scanning those letters all night long. All I hope is that one day, someone appreciates this. I don't want anyone else to go through this shit.

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Maybe if they were atheists, they'd be cooler.


Sorry for the trouble you're going through. Money turns people into assholes.



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Maybe if they were atheists, they'd be cooler.


Sorry for the trouble you're going through. Money turns people into assholes.


Yes, that it does. It wasn't even a lot of money, either. There was just no need to be such arseholes to me. I nearly did end up in a psych ward at one point during the course of this shit. I missed my sister's wedding because my parents were terrified that I'd end up in a psych ward in another state if I went to the wedding. My fiancee stayed home with me and took care of me.

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It sounds like your best course is to do exactly what you've done - cut losses and try to warn others. Now, get happy!

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Sounds like you're making the right decision - letting go physically may help you to let go mentally and move on to the next stage in your life.

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It sounds like your best course is to do exactly what you've done - cut losses and try to warn others. Now, get happy!


Yeah, but I'm not going down without a parting shot at the bastards. It's just too good of an opportunity to pass up- their Chief Medical Officer is a media whore, and I found an article that will prove to be rather embarrassing to him when I reference it. I'm pretty fucking pissed off. The parting shot's for closure. I'm too proud for my own good. Of course, apart from my "half-caste" eyes, it's one of the reasons the Maoris I know accept me. They reckon I've got that pride and that fight in my blood.


I'll see what the disability advocate has to say. If they decide to run with it, these pricks are in a world of trouble.

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Sounds like you're making the right decision - letting go physically may help you to let go mentally and move on to the next stage in your life.


Yeah, I am trying to clear some of the chaos from my life. I'm just stubborn as all hell.

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Well, it's all done now. I've sent all the stuff off to the disability advocate. Now I just wait and see.

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Good luck, I hope it works out in your favor. Using irrelevant personal info is just cruel. Then again insurance companies are just cruel. :(

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Keep us updated! I hope they find something worth pursuing. I love it when assholes face justice. It makes me all giggly inside!

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Somewhere we forgot how to be accountable. Good on you for trying to make someone man up. Hope it works out for you.


I am still so angry at an organisation for the way they treated me six years ago, with unneccesary unkindness and unfair bias that when I see one of them riding his bike on my way home from work somedays I have to remind myself he is not worth the jail time. I am FURIOUS at these people for the way they treated me, and I'm not suprised you are either for the way you were treated. I was emotionally extremely ill at the time and they still continued to push me even after they knew I was suicidal. Christians of course :)


Bottom line is they probably just don't care. Let us hope your letters make them.

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Insurance companies will do anything they can to fuck people over even on legitimate claims.


Give 'em hell.

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My greatest concern is that if these insurance companies don't stop treating people in this manner, particularly when they're dealing with people who have a mental illness, someone will commit suicide. And I just don't think saying "oh, that's just what insurance companies are like" is really good enough. We don't excuse criminal behaviour, saying "oh, that's just what they're like", so I don't understand why people give insurance companies get-out-of-gaol-free cards.

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Suicide is not the only danger. Some people are peaceful and easygoing under normal circumstances. However, if you provoke or stress them out enough they could become violent if they feel like everyone is against them and they have no other options.

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Suicide is not the only danger. Some people are peaceful and easygoing under normal circumstances. However, if you provoke or stress them out enough they could become violent if they feel like everyone is against them and they have no other options.


Well, yes, while there is that consideration, in my experience the majority of mentally ill people tend not to be violent- they're more likely to get verbal than physical. But it goes without saying that it is always a concern that someone will snap and go postal.

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