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Goodbye Jesus

Letters To The Editor


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Had a wtf moment this morning while I was reading the local newspaper's 'Opinions' section. I am thinking of making an anonymous email to respond to this incredible load of crap... here are a couple tidbits in his commentary on France and other recent happenings in the political arena (yes this was actually printed in a newspaper, complete with erratic capitalization of words):


"We, in the US, are on the same path as France and other European countries, with Socialist policies having being snuck in by Liberal Democrats, with a hefty shot in the arm from the first Socialist (and first anti-Christian, and first anti-Israel AND first same-sex marriage president in our history).


"... because Socialist economic ideas, and the policies that come from those ideas, are a religion. It's a strong religion, and it has commandments; not written on stone tablets like ours, but written in their hearts, stemming from books like Das Kapital, Karl Marx's critical analysis of Capitalism. Marx was an atheist; there's nothing Godly associated with Marxism, or its offsprings, Communism and Socialism."


And this final little gem, "I must congratulate President Obama for his decision to approve of same-sex marriage. When he was speaking on ABC last week, his reasoning for approving same-sex marriage was the incredible commitment he saw with same-sex couples. I wholeheartedly endorse his decision. In fact, since incredible commitment is the key, I'm relieved. You see, I am incredibly committed to my dog, and it makes as much sense to me to say that I can now "come out of the closet" and marry him!"



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Yeah, it's a bit off the mark I think, but not too far off.


Obama sucks ass. He comes as close to being anti-American as any president we've ever had. His policies suck. His personality sucks. His tactics suck. And yes, Leftism is a religion for many people.


Oh, and so there won't be any confusion in the minds of those here... Christians and Republicans suck too.

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Thats actually somewhat tame compared to the letters we get in our central Arkansas paper.

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If anti-American means pro human than I'm for it.

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Well, most ex-Christians here are Left leaning. They tend to support Obama. Even though he does indeed suck major ass.

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"... because Socialist economic ideas, and the policies that come from those ideas, are a religion. It's a strong religion, and it has commandments; not written on stone tablets like ours, but written in their hearts, stemming from books like Das Kapital, Karl Marx's critical analysis of Capitalism. Marx was an atheist; there's nothing Godly associated with Marxism, or its offsprings, Communism and Socialism."

This is a common talking point, especially among evangelicals in the South.

This Christian drone probably isn't aware that the early Christians were communists, and distiribution of wealth was done by a central authority.


Acts 4:32-35

And the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and of one soul: neither said any of them that ought of the things which he possessed was his own; but they had all things common.

And with great power gave the apostles witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus: and great grace was upon them all.

Neither was there any among them that lacked: for as many as were possessors of lands or houses sold them, and brought the prices of the things that were sold,

And laid them down at the apostles' feet: and distribution was made unto every man according as he had need.


Communism is Godly, unless this zealot wants to label these early Christians as atheists.

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This is a common talking point, especially among evangelicals in the South.


I'm most certainly Southern and also most certainly not evangelical, and I see that Leftism has a religious hold on many of it's adherents.

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Awe poor little christard, doesn't feel speshall aneemore - quick run hide, the sky iz falling.

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I would be the first to say I'm disappointed with what Obama's gotten done this term, but in terms of candidates, he's the only one out there that's not proposing to crawl into my uterus or institutionalize creationism in schools. This time around I think I'm going to have to vote *against* someone, not necessarily *for* someone.

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I've thought about whether or not to vote this time around. I might not. I'm torn between being an active engaged citizen, and participating in a farce.


There is not a shred of doubt in my own mind that Obama sucks more ass than an astronaut's toilet, but Romney is a bought and paid for tool.

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Well, most ex-Christians here are Left leaning. They tend to support Obama. Even though he does indeed suck major ass.


I definately wouldn't say I, for one, am Pro-Obama, but I definately don't see him as quite the devil I used to. I don't trust or even like any politicians. Ron Paul is okay to me, he's the only one in this whole cycle I would get out to vote for. The rest suck donkey balls.

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Electing the right person to be president will fix all my problems...

Electing the right person to be president will fix all my problems...

Electing the right person to be president will fix all my problems...

Electing the right person to be president will fix all my problems...

Electing the right person to be president will fix all my problems...

Electing the right person to be president will fix all my problems...


Just keep saying that.

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Electing the right person to be president will fix all my problems...

Electing the right person to be president will fix all my problems...

Electing the right person to be president will fix all my problems...

Electing the right person to be president will fix all my problems...

Electing the right person to be president will fix all my problems...

Electing the right person to be president will fix all my problems...


Just keep saying that.


I don't think that will solve much of anything. we could have ron paul in and things would not change much. I think the president's job is mainly to distract you from the real people in charge and give you someone to hate on.


That said. for the few things the president does have authority to do (at least on paper, I suspect that someone else pulls the strings in reality) If I have to choose between a spineless, mostly secular tool like Obama and a crazy religious nut that wears magic underwear. (or any of the nuttty republicans running save ron paul) I will hold my nose and vote Obama.


The republicans have really screwed the pooch with this one and I really expect a lot of Americans to vote for Obama for the same reasons. I will be surprised if he is not re-elected, and quite scared if any republican gets elected in his place. Romney is probably the most tame of the electable republicans running (no way ron paul will EVER be elected as much as I would like him to be) but he

still scares me more than Obama.


I hope we can kick most of the tea party guys out of the house/senate. but like you said above most people only focus on the president and completely drop the ball on other offices that are far more important on a local,state and federal level.


Personally I vote for Zaphod Beeblebrox for president. not much difference between how he had basically no real world power in Douglas Adam's book and was nothing but a distraction and how it seems to play out in real life. Although Zaphod would at least be cool, unlike the card board cut outs I've seen in my lifetime.

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