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Goodbye Jesus

Grrrr. Now I'm Super Annoyed.


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A xtian friend of mine just went into a super rage on her FB page about 'how dare someone say 'it's part of God's plan' to her friend who is losing her baby.


And of course others agree that it's a horrible thing to say and obviously that person is spewing 'bad theology'.






Right. How dare someone be so led astray in reading their Bible as to believe that someone dying would be part of his plan.


Because he didn't crucify his own son. Because he didn't kill thousands of soldiers when the Red Sea closed on them. Because he didn't instruct the Israelites to kill whole cities of people in his name. Because he didn't doom the greater part of all humanity to hell.


I don't know how I believed in a good God for so long. I don't know how it makes sense that it's not God's plan, he just allows it.

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If he didn't allow it we all couldn't become good, strong, independent believers who will die to be with him and be utterly dependent for all eternity.



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It is part of god's plan...god's diabolical plan for her life. Or gosh, maybe it is just one of the innumerable chance outcomes that occur.

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All things work together for the good of those who love the lord and are called according to his purpose......what a load of s**t

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All things work together for the good of those who love the lord and are called according to his purpose......what a load of s**t

Someone quoted this as a reply. They said they see a big difference between God allowing something to happen and then working it for good and God wanting it to happen.


So God has the power to stop bad things from happening. And we pray to him hoping he'll stop them. And when they don't happen, we praise him. And when they do happen we say it wasn't in his timing. And we say he allowed it but that he is sad it happened too. But we continue to believe that he really didn't WANT it to happen. It's the biggest mind F ever. Wendytwitch.gif

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That is so insensitive, these people just don't think about what they are saying.


All things work together for the good of those who love the lord and are called according to his purpose......what a load of s**t

Someone quoted this as a reply. They said they see a big difference between God allowing something to happen and then working it for good and God wanting it to happen.


So God has the power to stop bad things from happening. And we pray to him hoping he'll stop them. And when they don't happen, we praise him. And when they do happen we say it wasn't in his timing. And we say he allowed it but that he is sad it happened too. But we continue to believe that he really didn't WANT it to happen. It's the biggest mind F ever. Wendytwitch.gif


and to agree with Peace. "It's the biggest mind fuck ever!" yes it is.

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