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Goodbye Jesus

Church Hypocrisy- Good Grief!


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The more time I spend outside the church, the more grievances I have against the church. So here are a few questions I have been thinking about in regard to the western churches. Anyone else feel free to rant about church hypocrisy here, I'd love to add new points to my list!


How can the pastor of a church refuse to accept her own sister because that sister happens to be gay?


How could a church out believers who don't "fit the mold" of what they think a Christian is?


How does pastoral leadership justify church suspension as a great way to show love for church members?


Why would an educated pastor advise mentally ill individuals against medications by saying they're experiencing a spiritual trial or they are rebelling against God instead?


Why are some sins worse than others, and who has power to list these sins on a Baddness of Sins Scale?


If Adolph Hitler believed "Jesus is Lord" and was saved that means he's forgiven and going to heaven. So does that mean all those "dirty Jews" he had murdered are dammed to hell for not believing?


Why don't Christians ever question what they are told? - (Wait, I know this one: because then they end up here.)

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....and these ^^^ are some of the reasons that Christianity broke my brain!


Gawd. I'm so glad I'm outta there!

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How can parents believe in the unconditional love of jesus and then beat their kids?


How can you say the bible is about unconditional love?

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How can anyone say the times have changed since the bible was written and still be as ignorant as people were in the first century?


How can someone deny proven scientific theory because it contradicts their holy scriptures?


How can parents go against their own parental instincts when it comes to handling their children and follow their pastor's ill instruction instead?

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(Help is then denied in order to build faith.)

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Need help? Become a Christian.

(Help is then denied in order to build faith.)

What? Jesus didn't help you? Maybe you need more faith.

...Jesus still didn't help you? Are you really a true Christian? REPENT OF YOUR SIN!!!

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If we are all "fearfully and wonderfully made" why are Christians so critical of people especially nonChristians?

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Why do churches always need more money? I thought god was going to take care of them?

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What's scary is that I can just see some of the trite apologetic responses to these questions. They weren't true Christians, humans are flawed and sinful, and love the sinner by hating the sin (insert drowning man analogy). It's scary that these answers are still in my head. Fortunately, I now realize how much BS a good portion of them are.

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Why don't Christians ever question what they are told? - (Wait, I know this one: because then they end up here.)

Or they end up at the end of an angry old pastor verbally abusing them for "Questionin' tha lawd!"

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