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Goodbye Jesus

Dear City Folks


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Please stop dropping off your animals in the country expecting us country folks to adopt and take care of your animals. I understand you mean well when do that because you think we will kindly take in any and all strays, but the truth is you are placing a death sentence upon your animal by doing so. The average country person is not going to see a stray animal and kindly take them in but would rather kill the animal without assessing the temperament of said animal by either shooting it or placing poison out for it to ingest (this is done to either "protect" children or livestock but there are occasions of people just being sadistic); if it is not a human that kills your pet it will be wildlife or livestock that deal the fatal blow.


If you really want your animal to be picked up by a loving family who is seeking a new pet: take them to an animal shelter. Yes, the shelter may euthanize your animal if it stays there too long without getting adopted but its chances of survival are much greater than out in the country (and euthanization is a far better why of dying then by gun shot, predation, poisoning, or from a severe injury inflicted by livestock or speeding cars). So, do right by your animal and take them to a shelter if you can't afford to take care of them.

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I always wonder why people get animals in the first place if they don't have the means or inclination to care for them as they grow up. Fact is, animals are expensive. They get sick, they need medication. And they need love.


Poor darlings. It must break your heart.

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Our county takes in about 50,000 stray animals a year and about 35,000 of them are euthanized. One of our biggest problems is irresponsible owners who don't get their pets neutered. Some folks say our exceptionally high poverty rate is partially to blame, but somehow these poor folks find money for pet food but can't find $50 to get the animal fixed. And dropping them off in the country just feeds the coyotes.

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Our county takes in about 50,000 stray animals a year and about 35,000 of them are euthanized. One of our biggest problems is irresponsible owners who don't get their pets neutered. Some folks say our exceptionally high poverty rate is partially to blame, but somehow these poor folks find money for pet food but can't find $50 to get the animal fixed. And dropping them off in the country just feeds the coyotes.


$50 for desexing? And they can't even be bothered paying that?! We paid like $240 to have Wednesday done!!! That's about standard for female cats here.

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I never desexed my lady's cat, but then again she (the cat not my lady) never leaves the house. I think she's terrified at what's outside the door (:

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Our county takes in about 50,000 stray animals a year and about 35,000 of them are euthanized. One of our biggest problems is irresponsible owners who don't get their pets neutered. Some folks say our exceptionally high poverty rate is partially to blame, but somehow these poor folks find money for pet food but can't find $50 to get the animal fixed. And dropping them off in the country just feeds the coyotes.


Where does it cost $50 for that?

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Thank you! I lived with my family for 4 years in rural (buttcrack of) Louisiana and here is what I saw:


In general, very few people where we lived took care of their animals, animals roamed around w/o any type of care at all, all kinds of b.s.

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Our county takes in about 50,000 stray animals a year and about 35,000 of them are euthanized. One of our biggest problems is irresponsible owners who don't get their pets neutered. Some folks say our exceptionally high poverty rate is partially to blame, but somehow these poor folks find money for pet food but can't find $50 to get the animal fixed. And dropping them off in the country just feeds the coyotes.


Where does it cost $50 for that?


Here in Fresno County there are low-cost clinics that will do the deed for around that. There is one clinic that will do cats for $20 and dogs for $40 if you're on Medi-Cal, and there is another that will do it free for folks who qualify. So lack of funds is no excuse.



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In my area during February you can get spay and neutering for 10 dollars but you can't get an appointment during the month.

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