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Atheism, The Fool's Philosophy And Many More ...


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I was actually trying to find some information on the belly button which I will post in another thread and I found several articles that I am sure you will have fun reading and I know how we all love Ray Comfort.smiliegojerkit.gif



So according to him we actually do KNOW that there is a god. hmmmmm I had no clue. LOL anyway the sad thing is this I think this website is for school age kids/teens and this is the kind of information that they will find.


However Check out the Richard Dawkins and the double decker bus with a message on it. Great.


QUOTE "...... the reason many atheists never find God is because they never honestly look for Him. Christians who have been spiritually born-again know that God does reward those who seek Him — but not those who don't seek Him or those who don't care"


The above quote is from the second link. This kind of thing gets me mad. to insinuate that atheists never find God because they don't honestly look for him.

All of us here know that is bullshit. Most of here lived it, breathed it for many years and did the whole seek him with heart, mind and soul.


Another QUOTE "So atheists must know intuitively that God exists. They just want to convince themselves and others that He doesn't exist because if He does it means they have made the worst decision of their lives to reject Him. And that has eternal consequences that are too horrible to contemplate."


I don't think these people realize what they say. that quote doesn't make any sense whatseover. so we are trying to convince ourselves? because otherwise it means we have made the worst decision ever.......eternal consequences that are too horrible to contemplate.

wow what kind of god is it that would create such consequences that are too horrible to contemplate.


I don't know this stuff makes me mad. I don't even believe in hell so what the heck are they going on about.

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Lmao i didnt know this site existed and i was rumaging around in the "Nature" section and i nearly fell out of my chair when ray decided to say that germs and other pathogens of the sort dont evolve resistances to anti biotics. GONZ9729CustomImage1539775.gif


so i just had to keep going and basicaly he described the evolutionary prossces of darwinian medicine as the way they change but he simply said no evolution needed! he even used the example of penicilen.

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I was actually trying to find some information on the belly button which I will post in another thread and I found several articles that I am sure you will have fun reading and I know how we all love Ray Comfort.smiliegojerkit.gif



So according to him we actually do KNOW that there is a god. hmmmmm I had no clue. LOL anyway the sad thing is this I think this website is for school age kids/teens and this is the kind of information that they will find.


However Check out the Richard Dawkins and the double decker bus with a message on it. Great.


QUOTE "...... the reason many atheists never find God is because they never honestly look for Him. Christians who have been spiritually born-again know that God does reward those who seek Him — but not those who don't seek Him or those who don't care"


The above quote is from the second link. This kind of thing gets me mad. to insinuate that atheists never find God because they don't honestly look for him.

All of us here know that is bullshit. Most of here lived it, breathed it for many years and did the whole seek him with heart, mind and soul.


Another QUOTE "So atheists must know intuitively that God exists. They just want to convince themselves and others that He doesn't exist because if He does it means they have made the worst decision of their lives to reject Him. And that has eternal consequences that are too horrible to contemplate."


I don't think these people realize what they say. that quote doesn't make any sense whatseover. so we are trying to convince ourselves? because otherwise it means we have made the worst decision ever.......eternal consequences that are too horrible to contemplate.

wow what kind of god is it that would create such consequences that are too horrible to contemplate.


I don't know this stuff makes me mad. I don't even believe in hell so what the heck are they going on about.

I gotta wonder... Is this why Hindus are Hindus? Because they know that the REAL god exists, and intuitively so, and worst decision ever, and eternal so-on and such?
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I love the way christians know so much more about me than I do about myself. Not to mention my reasons for being an atheist. smiliegojerkit.gif

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This kind of inane, arrogant, uneducated, irrational, ignorant bullshit is what makes blood shoot out of my eyes. Why do non-Christians HATE Christians? Because they "hate those that are in the truth"?? NO YOU EFFING PIECE OF SHIT!! IT'S BECAUSE YOU'RE SO DAMN STOOPID AND HATEFUL BUT THINK YOU'RE INTELLIGENT AND KIND!!! No wonder atheists etc are labeled "angry"!!! It's because these types of people make life unbearable with their SHEER IDIOCY AND INTOLERANCE !! FFFFFUUUUUUU. Where's the Tylenol?

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This kind of inane, arrogant, uneducated, irrational, ignorant bullshit is what makes blood shoot out of my eyes. Why do non-Christians HATE Christians? Because they "hate those that are in the truth"?? NO YOU EFFING PIECE OF SHIT!! IT'S BECAUSE YOU'RE SO DAMN STOOPID AND HATEFUL BUT THINK YOU'RE INTELLIGENT AND KIND!!! No wonder atheists etc are labeled "angry"!!! It's because these types of people make life unbearable with their SHEER IDIOCY AND INTOLERANCE !! FFFFFUUUUUUU. Where's the Tylenol?


lol dude, you should try being half deaf. People seem to never understand why the deaf have short tempers. It's because we have to constantly ask people who know we are deaf to repeat themselves when they mumble, cover their mouths, talk to us from another room, talk to us as they are walking away from us, or, worse, walk up to us from behind and then start talking without alerting us to their presence, thereby scaring the shit out of us. Then you ask them to repeat themseleves, and they get this tone in their voice, like they're annoyed that they have had to repeat themselves, and sometimes, I snap back, and they wonder why. Why do I snap back? Because they don't realise that they have had to repeat themselves only once that day, and I've had to ask 50 times for someone to repeat themselves and deal with the exact same fucking reaction. If they think it's annoying to repeat themselves once, they should try asking people to repeatedly repeat themselves!!!


Or people think you're being rude or obnoxious, when you simply didn't hear them!!! Seriously thinking about buying a badge, that says "I'm deaf. Please look at me and talk normally. If I ignore you, it's because I never heard you, not because I'm trying to be rude."

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I remember once my old young adult group got a camera went to new orleans during mardi gras with a ray comfort type of discussion ready. They would find drunk or 'obscene' people to witness to and ask his normal retarded questions about if they're a good person, do they sin, blah blah., I was unable to make it and I never saw the footage. Oh well too bad, I'm sure it was pretty damn embarrassing (for everyone).

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Another QUOTE "So atheists must know intuitively that God exists. They just want to convince themselves and others that He doesn't exist because if He does it means they have made the worst decision of their lives to reject Him. And that has eternal consequences that are too horrible to contemplate."


I actually agree that intuitively it seems as though a god (ie a creator of some sort) exists. Why else would there be so many religions? But that doesn't actually make it true...


Also, the notion that atheists are trying to convince themselves that God does not exist when really they know better is just simply ridiculous.

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Seriously, that reminds me this youtube video where some guy said that atheists sounded like criminals. He came up with these ridiculous conclusions that amounted to "atheists try to defend themselves from theists accusations, therefore, they know they're guilty". He also used some bible bullshit to say that they were proving God exists simply because they are rebelling against the so called "truth" that God supposidly gave us. In other words, they come up with conclusions that contradict what the Bible says. The bible says people will "rely on their own understanding", therefore any conclusions that contradict the Bible prove the bible?


That's like an aggressive cop who uses intimidation tactics to put people on the defensive, but then assumes that because they are on the defensive, they are guilty. The legalistic Christians who sees everyone who leaves their stupid hateful cult as criminals are the absolute worst. You cannot reason with them because they'll just put you down as a criminal who has something to hide. In reality, the "crimes" that we commit are insignificant and do not deserve any punishment, let alone an eternity of misery. They are the bullies hiding behind their authoritarian, legalistic God to intimidate the vulnerable.


I hate that interrogation crap. Interrogations should be my speciality anyway! :wink:

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"Have you ever told a lie? then you're a liar!!"



I changed out the trap under my kitchen sink, that doesn't make me a plumber.

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I screwed the wife last night, that doesnt make me a porn star.

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I love the way christians know so much more about me than I do about myself. Not to mention my reasons for being an atheist. smiliegojerkit.gif

I know right? I mean it makes so much sense! somebody whose never met us or listened to us somehow has full knowledge of our reasoning and true beliefs!

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"Have you ever told a lie? then you're a liar!!"



I changed out the trap under my kitchen sink, that doesn't make me a plumber.

Have you ever told a truth? Then you're always honest!!!

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Pfft. He's good for a laugh. Here's his infamous banana clip, for anyone who hasn't seen it yet.



And is it just my depraved mind, or does the way he handles a banana seem totally eroti.. "The contents don't squirt in your face."


Okay, now i KNOW I'm not just being a pervert. Come on Ray, you know what you really wish you were manhandling...

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He just needs a pair of cherries tied to that banana and the circle is complete.

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"Have you ever told a lie? then you're a liar!!"



I changed out the trap under my kitchen sink, that doesn't make me a plumber.

Have you ever told a truth? Then you're always honest!!!


Ha! Best comeback ever to a Comfortbot. I would love to see one of them try and think of a comeback after that was thrown at them.

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They tend to forget that in the Prophets they say many times that if you ask God for forgiveness, he will forgive. No human sacrifice required. There's a reason Jews ain't Christians.

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Ha! Best comeback ever to a Comfortbot. I would love to see one of them try and think of a comeback after that was thrown at them.


In my experience they don't think, they just parrot :D

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Ha! Best comeback ever to a Comfortbot. I would love to see one of them try and think of a comeback after that was thrown at them.


In my experience they don't think, they just parrot biggrin.png


That's the beauty of this line. They aren't trained how to respond to it. My guess is most will just be dumbfounded.

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He just needs a pair of cherries tied to that banana and the circle is complete.



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