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Goodbye Jesus

When Your Boss (That You Love) Is A Christian.


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Hi all. I work for a very small company. Often it's just my boss and I. I get along really great with her, and it's like we're on the save 'wavelength' on a ton of topics.


I value her as I would value a friend or a mentor almost (she's older than I am.) The only thing is, she's really into the whole Christian and Jesus thing. Usually that wouldn't bother me, but I feel like it's a small rift between us, since I'm way more cynical on everything. When I hear her say stuff like 'God is Good' starving babies in Africa pop into my head, totally involuntarily at that. I feel bad that I can't share my feelings about things regarding religion with her, because I know it would create this awkward atmosphere.


She is pretty accepting of my beliefs. She knows I'm way more laid back on everything, and that I go to a church that is very loosely based on Biblical concepts, and that we are allowed to take away whatever we wish from the sermons. I don't think she knows JUST how loosely I base my own beliefs on the Bible though, and on Jesus.


I just wanted to write this down somewhere where I felt safe, since writing things down helps me get my own thoughts in order.

(One thing I really like about this place is the accepting nature of other members.)


I just wanted to know if anyone else has ever gone through this. I'm sure it's 10000x worse with a friend or a relative, but knowing others feel how I do makes me feel less alone.

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Just look at the person, not their belief set. She's probably been indoctrinated since birth and may have never stopped to question any of it. A blue pill-er. That's ok, my wife is exactly the same way . In some regards I don't blame them, it's a cushy little existence in that box. But I just see a box, and I wanted out. I'm a red pill-er. But I don't push anything...it's her life. If she wants to be deluded, as long as she's not hurting anyone, that's ok.

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Thanks guys. The concept of "looking at the person and not their religious beliefs" helps me out a ton. I run into the same problem with my aunt, but she's a whole lot more confrontational at times than my boss is.

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