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Goodbye Jesus

Kudos If You Can Make It The Entire Clip


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I really want to see the whole thing but I had to close it down 15 min in because Ray Comfort IS THE MOST GARGANTUAN FUCKING IDIOT OUR SPECIES HAS EVER SPAWNED. I think I was seconds away from having an aneurysm. I want to carve out my eyes with sporks after watching that. Like Ren from Ren and Stimpy would say.....

"You eeeeediot!!!"


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Well I managed to trod on through most of the rest and I had to stop again because I literally want this shithead to stop breathing immediately. I'm a good person. I love my fellow man. I'm a good dad and husband.



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As soon as I saw the name Ray Comfort I couldn't bring myself to click play on that video.

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Thank you for the health warning (re: aneurysm). To avoid such a cardiovascular (and possibly cerebrovascular) event I think I will pass on Ray Comfort. Isn't he the banana lunatic? What a nutter.

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Yes. Banana man. His arguments/apologetics make me want to shoot myself. In the face. With a nuclear weapon. Infinitely. While self-mutilating my privates, with a cat of nine tails, thus rendering the next 16 generations sterile and impotent.


Words cannot capture in any meaningful capacity the things abhorrent and cruel I want him to experience. And I'm a veRY PEACEFUL GUY.

I've seen amoeba with more intelligence.



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Arh the Banana Man, that was a painful video to watch, well all of Ray Comforts videos are very painful to watch, he makes me ashamed to be part of the human race.


He reminds me of a guy i know, he's exactly like Ray, he's name is Ray, he sounds like Ray, and he's a brain dead zombie like Ray, and very fucking annoying.

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Arh the Banana Man, that was a painful video to watch, well all of Ray Comforts videos are very painful to watch, he makes me ashamed to be part of the human race.


He reminds me of a guy i know, he's exactly like Ray, he's name is Ray, he sounds like Ray, and he's a brain dead zombie like Ray, and very fucking annoying.




I dont know why TFoot even entertains this fucking jackass. Its like trying to talk to a Pop tart. (mmmm...pop tarts....)

I seriosly would pay 500 dollars to see TFoot just smack the shit out of him. open handed slap, like ray's his little bitch. I seriously wonder if ray really buys into the shit he says. its so damn juvenile and idiotic. no shades of gray. BLACK AND FUCKING WHITE with no allowances for any kinds of nuance. I WOULDNT KILL 50 MILLION TO SAVE 2 BILLION! BUT I WOULD KILL HITLER TO SAVE 6 MILLION JEWS! WTFFFFFFFFFF

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Ray needs to work on his listening skills.


I admit, about 18 minutes into it when Ray tells the rationalist to "stop" - he is being an ass. He is interviewing the guy but doesn't want to hear what he has to say because it contradicts his "God is the source of absolute morality" baloney.

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I dont know why TFoot even entertains this fucking jackass. Its like trying to talk to a Pop tart. (mmmm...pop tarts....)

I seriosly would pay 500 dollars to see TFoot just smack the shit out of him. open handed slap, like ray's his little bitch. I seriously wonder if ray really buys into the shit he says. its so damn juvenile and idiotic. no shades of gray. BLACK AND FUCKING WHITE with no allowances for any kinds of nuance. I WOULDNT KILL 50 MILLION TO SAVE 2 BILLION! BUT I WOULD KILL HITLER TO SAVE 6 MILLION JEWS! WTFFFFFFFFFF


Yeah i know, i have no idea why he entertained that fuckhead, i think he was shocked by the stupidity of his questions.


Ray was pretty much asking questions with no right answer, it didn't matter what Tfoot said.


But i struggled to get through that video, i had to pause it every couple of minutes and walk away, it was so frustrating.

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Exactly. I flew into a rage after watching. As is apparent from my posts. I don't know if it's his voice, lack of any capacity of mentation or geological time scale size arrogance.


It just pisses me off to no end when people start with the answer and then move on to questioning, and only accept confirmationally biased premeses. Their logic is so flawed I don't know whether to have pity or just want to rip their heads off for trying to lead others into their brand of stupidity.

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What a moron. What is he trying to do? I thought, if he's going to interrupt all the time he would probably at least give some arguments for his viewpoint, to show why what he's got to say is SO MUCH BETTER than what the other person has to say. Except that doesn't happen. He just keeps yelling MURDER IS WRONG and ABORTION IS WRONG. He might as well go stand somewhere with a sign, it would be the same thing.


This kind of 'discussion' (I use that word very loosely here) makes me want to crawl into a corner and weep.

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I made it all the way through and Ray annoys me alot. He likes to work too much in absolutes like 99% of christians do. He also likes to interrupt the guy, not accept the answers he gives he just keeps fishing for those absolute answers that this guy can't/won't give, just backing him into off the wall situations to give an absolute right or wrong answer. I hate people like that. Is murder wrong? the answer is always to be pending, if someone is trying to kill your family then I'd say murder the guy, if he ain't done anything to deserve death then murdering him is wrong but Ray wouldn't accept that kind of answer.

Also Ray rustles my jimmies ALOT

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I've seen him in action before. So I just couldn't watch it because today I want to remain calm.

Rude. Arrogant. Pompous. Sanctimonious. Fucktard. Typical Funny-mentalist. (and I don't mean "Ha-Ha Funny"!)

They're everywhere! They're everywhere! Arghhhhhhhh..........



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I listened to an entire hour of him on the Atheist Experience, I'm completely shocked at his head in the sand ignorance and he's proud it if and actually thinks he's bright. I hope one day he starts to argue for a geocentric unmovable earth!

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The thing that makes me angriest at people like this Is that they will eventually die THINKING THEY ARE RIGHT. after they're dead they will (most likely) never understand how wrong they were, bc they'll be effing DEAD. that's not justice.


Maybe I should create a religion to rectify this apparent injustice.

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Ray Comfort makes me crazy. It's not just that he's an idiot, it's that he's an idiot and proud of it.

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Ray Comfort makes me crazy. It's not just that he's an idiot, it's that he's an idiot and proud of it.

I wonder if folks like this are somehow able to turn off all their thinking abilities or if they're charlatans in it for the money.
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Ouch that was painful. I could feel my IQ lowering as I was watching.

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I'm still slowly going through it, ray is so much of an annoying ass that I can only do about 2 minutes at a time before i want to strangle someone.


It's pretty obvious he has no interest in what thunderfoot has to say and just wants to play the same silly childish games that he always plays in an attempt to make himself look like he has won (did this guy ever grow past being 13 years old or so?)

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The pinilty for sin is dith.

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I listened to an entire hour of him on the Atheist Experience, I'm completely shocked at his head in the sand ignorance and he's proud it if and actually thinks he's bright. I hope one day he starts to argue for a geocentric unmovable earth!


That was actually a good interview, Matt didn't stand for his bullshit, he pulled him up on everything and pretty much shut him down. He (Matt) debates this with people everyday, and he understands both sides.


Listening to ray talk about science is like listening to a 6 year old talk about science.

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I am so saddened when I think of all of the sheep buying his books and repeating his bull shit. Thanks a HEAP for reminding me! fun_84.gifsmall3dblackeye.gif

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If he was my dad, I would be like, what the fuck, dad.

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I'm sadly more impressed with comfort than with thunderfoot in the way that interview was handled. thunderf00t should know how to respond to that nazi shit by now. At least he takes time to show that he's trying to be thoughtful... unsure.png

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I'm sadly more impressed with comfort than with thunderfoot in the way that interview was handled. thunderf00t should know how to respond to that nazi shit by now. At least he takes time to show that he's trying to be thoughtful... unsure.png


Yeah this was round 2 with him. Should have embarrassed that assmunch. Should have grabbed the damn mike and been like "IMA LET YOU FINISH, BUT SCIENCE IS THE GREATEST OF ALL TIME!!!!!"

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