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Pain = Humor?


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I was actually in my late thirties before I learned that a large percentage of humans equate injury to humor. I've never laughed at someone getting hurt and it never fails to shock me when someone does.


People bring up the 3 Stooges as a reference, but those stunts are carefully choreographed with all the poke/smack sounds primitively follied in later. Even as a child I could tell that no one was really getting poked in the eye.


Modern videos shows REAL injuries and people repost these constantly as a source of amusement. Is it that a large percentage of humans feel no empathy?


One person explained that they were raised that way, that their mother always laughed when they got hurt and they learned to deal with the pain that way. Wow, my mom ran and got the bandages and bactine. I think my mom would have punched someone in the face if they laughed at my childhood injuries.


And why are broken bones/cuts funny, but say, measles are not? Losing a foot in a motorcycle wreck is HILARIOUS, but losing it to diabetes is tragic?


I don't understand the feeling, but evidently people feel "superior" when someone else is injured?


The romans guffawed in the coliseum while slaves were eaten alive by animals.


If anyone can explain this, please do. I seriously feel like "unfriending" people who point and laugh at accidents - it doesn't make me feel safe to be around people like that.

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The most common answer I've heard is "nervous laughter". ??


I wondered the same a few months ago when someone on this forum made a gang rape joke to a gang rape survivor (me)....other members here seemed to be encouraging it.... "mob mentality"? ?

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"not everyone feels schadenfreude at the same events or to the same degree. Research has shown that people with low self-esteem are more susceptible to schadenfreude than those whose self-regard is high. And while some may bask in this glee unapologetically, others might quickly feel ashamed of it, and successfully shut off their schadenfreude valves."


from a NY Times article SOrrow So Sweet: a Guilty Pleasure in Another's Woe

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"not everyone feels schadenfreude at the same events or to the same degree. Research has shown that people with low self-esteem are more susceptible to schadenfreude than those whose self-regard is high. And while some may bask in this glee unapologetically, others might quickly feel ashamed of it, and successfully shut off their schadenfreude valves."


from a NY Times article SOrrow So Sweet: a Guilty Pleasure in Another's Woe


Disturbing...right? I can't think of a good reason to have a schadenfreude valve...

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The most common answer I've heard is "nervous laughter". ??


I wondered the same a few months ago when someone on this forum made a gang rape joke to a gang rape survivor (me)....other members here seemed to be encouraging it.... "mob mentality"? ?


hmmmmm that reminds me of 15 yrs ago - I was jumped from behind and a stranger got me in a choke hold - I got away with just minor bruising- but all that week at work the male coworkers thought it was HILARIOUS to jump me from behind just to startle me. I don't think it was a mob mentality cuz I don't believe any of them knew that the other guys were doing it too. And they would do it in a dark area where complete silence was required, I couldn't squeal (and I never did) but I would physically flinch big time. none of the women came up with the same "joke".


It would simply never cross my mind to turn news of an attempted assault into a prank.

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Lack of compassion...thoughtlessness....not being as excellent a human being as one would hope.

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The most common answer I've heard is "nervous laughter". ??


I wondered the same a few months ago when someone on this forum made a gang rape joke to a gang rape survivor (me)....other members here seemed to be encouraging it.... "mob mentality"? ?


hmmmmm that reminds me of 15 yrs ago - I was jumped from behind and a stranger got me in a choke hold - I got away with just minor bruising- but all that week at work the male coworkers thought it was HILARIOUS to jump me from behind just to startle me. I don't think it was a mob mentality cuz I don't believe any of them knew that the other guys were doing it too. And they would do it in a dark area where complete silence was required, I couldn't squeal (and I never did) but I would physically flinch big time. none of the women came up with the same "joke".


It would simply never cross my mind to turn news of an attempted assault into a prank.


DICKS. turds like that make all males look bad. Screw those assholes.

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reading up on it, it seems you are either raised in a family that laughs, or one that runs to help. Maybe because my entire family (except me) is in the medical profession and they see what even the most harmless looking accident can lead to.


When I see a fall, my first thoughts are "ER bills, lost time from work" but alot of people think "better him than me"

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To be honest my brother and I are guilty of laughing at others misfortunes. Sometimes it's nervous/shock laughter but most the time it's because we legit find it amusing. Now say if we saw a motorcycle crash on Tosh.O we'd laugh, saw it in real life we'd crap ourself. If we found out the person in the accident say lost his leg, we'd feel bad for him and would stop laughing, maybe, I'll admit I'm a D-bag sometimes. Brains are weird like that. My dad has hurt himself countless times, even really badly but we laugh uber hard for a moment and legitly ask and wonder if he's ok.

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From a differing perspective, with what happened to you that is not funny.


That isn't to say something aren't. A lot of time when I laugh at the stupid videos that result in injury, its just because the person doing it was being incredibly stupid at the time. When they aren't being stupid, its usually because I have done it before.


For example laughing when my 4yr old runs straight into the door frame at full speed. I laugh because well. I have run into the door frame before. It hurts...and you feel kinda stupid for doing it.


For example, people have posted videos of themselves drinking flaming shots. The point is you're suppose to blow the flame out first. Yet some how when they don't they are surprised they got burned. Or an idiot who deliberately jumped into a moving ceiling fan and got a concussion. In both cases, is more of "What did you think would happen?" so I laugh.


When people get hurt doing stupid stuff or something I have done, I am very willing to laugh. When people get hurt for other reasons, that's a different story.

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it's human as it's most basic. seeing someone else express uncontrolled fear or surprise gives us a quick glimpse into another person, and we can choose to use it to extend empathy or use it against them by laughing, teasing, mocking.

insecure neanderthals use it against people; developed individuals show compassion.

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For example laughing when my 4yr old runs straight into the door frame at full speed. I laugh because well. I have run into the door frame before. It hurts...and you feel kinda stupid for doing it.





I'm not a parent, but I simply can't imagine a parent laughing at this. I lived with my nieces and nephew through their preschool yrs, and my instinct would be to grab them if I saw them headed for injury, not stand back and gaffaw at a bruised face. I am pretty much NEVER moved to violence, but someone laughing at an injured child would probably make me punch them in the face. I'm sure you were sick as a child too, do you laugh when your child is sick? if not, then why is a fever serious but a sprained ankle, which can sometimes never heal properly, a barrel of laughs?


I attend lot of different rodeo/equestrian events, and anytime a rider or mount falls, you can hear a pin drop in the arena. People hold their breath until the person or animal moves. It must be a kind of honor among animal owners. I think someone laughing would get the shit kicked out of them by others in the stands. you simply don't hear a sound while the medics work, even if 10,000 people are in the stands. When they carry off the stretcher the announcer will usually ask for a round of applause for the medic team. Likewise at the track you are more likely to hear weeping than laughing when a horse has to be destroyed.


And laugh at my father? I can't even imagine what his rage would have been. It would never occur to me. When he was hurt I ran for the peroxide and bandages. he was the sole breadwinner for our household - the idea of him not being able to work was terrifying to me as a child.

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Watching Tosh whilst baked is epic. Or so I hear. ;)

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I was actually in my late thirties before I learned that a large percentage of humans equate injury to humor. I've never laughed at someone getting hurt and it never fails to shock me when someone does.


People bring up the 3 Stooges as a reference, but those stunts are carefully choreographed with all the poke/smack sounds primitively follied in later. Even as a child I could tell that no one was really getting poked in the eye.


Modern videos shows REAL injuries and people repost these constantly as a source of amusement. Is it that a large percentage of humans feel no empathy?


One person explained that they were raised that way, that their mother always laughed when they got hurt and they learned to deal with the pain that way. Wow, my mom ran and got the bandages and bactine. I think my mom would have punched someone in the face if they laughed at my childhood injuries.


And why are broken bones/cuts funny, but say, measles are not? Losing a foot in a motorcycle wreck is HILARIOUS, but losing it to diabetes is tragic?


I don't understand the feeling, but evidently people feel "superior" when someone else is injured?


The romans guffawed in the coliseum while slaves were eaten alive by animals.


If anyone can explain this, please do. I seriously feel like "unfriending" people who point and laugh at accidents - it doesn't make me feel safe to be around people like that.



Imagine answering phone call after phone call after phone call for 10-12 hours a day, 40 or more hours a week where someone is having a medical problem, got beat up/shot/stabbed, got ripped off, is fighting with their baby daddy/baby momma , or relative was found dead. My job was to respond to a never ending stream of sadness, anger and loss with 'empathy.' Well, the human being only has so much empathy. So pretend empathy had to take its place. Along with cramming down the stress you feel during a homicide call, overcoming your own natural desire to run away, and calmy gathering information. The human being wasnt designed for a constant barrage of negativity. This is a toxic career field to work in, but somebody gots to do it. And so, people either quit or they develop a thick hide which often means they reverse their emotional response. So I ended up laughing at a lot of things because it kept me employed. But there were more than just the horrible incidents, there were the stupid people doing stupid stuff as well. I could be appalled at stupidity or give it a good chuckle. It felt better to chuckle than to fall into a pit of despair about today's gene pool. That's right, it was all about my mental health. This didnt mean I did not help people who called, it just meant that (when I hung up the phone) I had a coping mechanism to handle an otherwise out of control job. My co-workers did the same AND drank a box of wine every night.


But, hey, we aren't all in the emergency services biz though a lot of jobs involved high stress, I couldnt answer why people like watching Americas Funniest Home Videos. It showcases painful accidents all the time and people love it. Jackass, on the other hand involves people doing stupid things for the express purpose of causing pain. Sadism or masochism? People love them both. Not sure why. :-)

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I was actually in my late thirties before I learned that a large percentage of humans equate injury to humor. I've never laughed at someone getting hurt and it never fails to shock me when someone does.


People bring up the 3 Stooges as a reference, but those stunts are carefully choreographed with all the poke/smack sounds primitively follied in later. Even as a child I could tell that no one was really getting poked in the eye.


Modern videos shows REAL injuries and people repost these constantly as a source of amusement. Is it that a large percentage of humans feel no empathy?


One person explained that they were raised that way, that their mother always laughed when they got hurt and they learned to deal with the pain that way. Wow, my mom ran and got the bandages and bactine. I think my mom would have punched someone in the face if they laughed at my childhood injuries.


And why are broken bones/cuts funny, but say, measles are not? Losing a foot in a motorcycle wreck is HILARIOUS, but losing it to diabetes is tragic?


I don't understand the feeling, but evidently people feel "superior" when someone else is injured?


The romans guffawed in the coliseum while slaves were eaten alive by animals.


If anyone can explain this, please do. I seriously feel like "unfriending" people who point and laugh at accidents - it doesn't make me feel safe to be around people like that.



Imagine answering phone call after phone call after phone call for 10-12 hours a day, 40 or more hours a week where someone is having a medical problem, got beat up/shot/stabbed, got ripped off, is fighting with their baby daddy/baby momma , or relative was found dead. My job was to respond to a never ending stream of sadness, anger and loss with 'empathy.' Well, the human being only has so much empathy. So pretend empathy had to take its place. Along with cramming down the stress you feel during a homicide call, overcoming your own natural desire to run away, and calmy gathering information. The human being wasnt designed for a constant barrage of negativity. This is a toxic career field to work in, but somebody gots to do it. And so, people either quit or they develop a thick hide which often means they reverse their emotional response. So I ended up laughing at a lot of things because it kept me employed. But there were more than just the horrible incidents, there were the stupid people doing stupid stuff as well. I could be appalled at stupidity or give it a good chuckle. It felt better to chuckle than to fall into a pit of despair about today's gene pool. That's right, it was all about my mental health. This didnt mean I did not help people who called, it just meant that (when I hung up the phone) I had a coping mechanism to handle an otherwise out of control job. My co-workers did the same AND drank a box of wine every night.


But, hey, we aren't all in the emergency services biz though a lot of jobs involved high stress, I couldnt answer why people like watching Americas Funniest Home Videos. It showcases painful accidents all the time and people love it. Jackass, on the other hand involves people doing stupid things for the express purpose of causing pain. Sadism or masochism? People love them both. Not sure why. :-)


And they're all strangers...so you don't have an emotional investment....you won't have to be there to help pick up the pieces...just do your job and go home.

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I was actually in my late thirties before I learned that a large percentage of humans equate injury to humor. I've never laughed at someone getting hurt and it never fails to shock me when someone does.


People bring up the 3 Stooges as a reference, but those stunts are carefully choreographed with all the poke/smack sounds primitively follied in later. Even as a child I could tell that no one was really getting poked in the eye.


Modern videos shows REAL injuries and people repost these constantly as a source of amusement. Is it that a large percentage of humans feel no empathy?


One person explained that they were raised that way, that their mother always laughed when they got hurt and they learned to deal with the pain that way. Wow, my mom ran and got the bandages and bactine. I think my mom would have punched someone in the face if they laughed at my childhood injuries.


And why are broken bones/cuts funny, but say, measles are not? Losing a foot in a motorcycle wreck is HILARIOUS, but losing it to diabetes is tragic?


I don't understand the feeling, but evidently people feel "superior" when someone else is injured?


The romans guffawed in the coliseum while slaves were eaten alive by animals.


If anyone can explain this, please do. I seriously feel like "unfriending" people who point and laugh at accidents - it doesn't make me feel safe to be around people like that.



Imagine answering phone call after phone call after phone call for 10-12 hours a day, 40 or more hours a week where someone is having a medical problem, got beat up/shot/stabbed, got ripped off, is fighting with their baby daddy/baby momma , or relative was found dead. My job was to respond to a never ending stream of sadness, anger and loss with 'empathy.' Well, the human being only has so much empathy. So pretend empathy had to take its place. Along with cramming down the stress you feel during a homicide call, overcoming your own natural desire to run away, and calmy gathering information. The human being wasnt designed for a constant barrage of negativity. This is a toxic career field to work in, but somebody gots to do it. And so, people either quit or they develop a thick hide which often means they reverse their emotional response. So I ended up laughing at a lot of things because it kept me employed. But there were more than just the horrible incidents, there were the stupid people doing stupid stuff as well. I could be appalled at stupidity or give it a good chuckle. It felt better to chuckle than to fall into a pit of despair about today's gene pool. That's right, it was all about my mental health. This didnt mean I did not help people who called, it just meant that (when I hung up the phone) I had a coping mechanism to handle an otherwise out of control job. My co-workers did the same AND drank a box of wine every night.


But, hey, we aren't all in the emergency services biz though a lot of jobs involved high stress, I couldnt answer why people like watching Americas Funniest Home Videos. It showcases painful accidents all the time and people love it. Jackass, on the other hand involves people doing stupid things for the express purpose of causing pain. Sadism or masochism? People love them both. Not sure why. :-)


And they're all strangers...so you don't have an emotional investment....you won't have to be there to help pick up the pieces...just do your job and go home.


I'm sure you don't spend the first 5 minutes laughing at them either, as I've seen people do to an injured stranger on the street. You also don't seek this out to give yourself pleasure. My bro in law runs an ER, has for over 30 yrs- rarely brings home stories unless its just plain wierdness. But I can guarantee he doesn't laugh at people as they are admitted, no matter what. People also come in with heart attacks, cancer they had refused to get treated, high fever, etc. none of which tickles a funny bone.

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my husband refuses to even look at the blogs where people talk about laughing over another's injuries - He was visibly upset and said one of the things that kept him up all night his 3 weeks in he trauma unit was hearing the Lifestar helicopter landing, about once an hour, and he would imagine how broken up or burned the patients must be on that chopper. People on his floor were a wreck - sometimes crying out allnight for help and pain meds.



no one laughed.

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I laugh at the misfortune of others depending on the circumstance. If their idiocy brought it upon themselves, or they're simply someone I don't like I will probably laugh. My laughter doesn't stop me from helping though. I remember a few years ago my friend came running through the living area at his place that was just steam cleaned (tiled floors) and slipped, almost recovered without falling before slipping again and faceplanting. I was laughing so hard, instinctual reaction I guess but at the same time I rushed to see if he was ok.


Simply put, I don't try to intellectualise it. Some people laugh, others don't and that's just how it is. We are all wired and brought up differently and I don't judge someone simply because their wiring is causing them to take the situation differently than I (unless they're trying to judge me, in which case bring it the fuck on).

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my husband refuses to even look at the blogs where people talk about laughing over another's injuries - He was visibly upset and said one of the things that kept him up all night his 3 weeks in he trauma unit was hearing the Lifestar helicopter landing, about once an hour, and he would imagine how broken up or burned the patients must be on that chopper. People on his floor were a wreck - sometimes crying out allnight for help and pain meds.



no one laughed.



First no one is stating that ALL pain and injury is funny. Those examples are just tragic. A person would have to be really messed up in the head to find those examples funny.


For example, my son when he was just learning how to walk fell down the stairs in the apartment we lived in. Being new parents and he was kid number one, we didn't realize just how fast they grow up. So we hadn't gotten a baby gate yet. He only fell down 5 steps out of about 12 before I caught him on the stairs. No one laughed. Till much later and in relief.


Fast forward a few years, my son was given a toy work bench with plastic hammer, wrenches, saws and a drill press. He was banging on something with the hammer one day. I watched him stop. Look at the hammer and then proceed to whack himself in the head with it. Then he said 'Owww' and looked at the hammer like it was the hammer's fault. I laughed, really hard because it was funny.


The first question is always "are you okay". Most times you can usually tell if the kid is seriously hurt or not.


When he was jumping on me on the bed one day while we were playing. He over shot the jump and went head first into the window sill. I comforted him, cried and laughed at the same time. Cried because he was legitimately in pain. Laughed because I sudden had "A Christmas Story" running through my head. "you'll shoot your eye out" not to mention my gallows humor. "it's all fun and games till somebody gets hurt" Follow by murphy's correlary. "Somebody always gets hurt."


Paradox is the source of all humor. The paradox here was good times always end, sometimes humorously.

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I laugh at the misfortune of others depending on the circumstance. If their idiocy brought it upon themselves, or they're simply someone I don't like I will probably laugh. My laughter doesn't stop me from helping though. I remember a few years ago my friend came running through the living area at his place that was just steam cleaned (tiled floors) and slipped, almost recovered without falling before slipping again and faceplanting. I was laughing so hard, instinctual reaction I guess but at the same time I rushed to see if he was ok.


Simply put, I don't try to intellectualise it. Some people laugh, others don't and that's just how it is. We are all wired and brought up differently and I don't judge someone simply because their wiring is causing them to take the situation differently than I (unless they're trying to judge me, in which case bring it the fuck on).


perhaps you laugh because you know you aren't responsible for your friends doctor bills? or were you not punished for this in elementary school? back in my day, anyone laughing at a classmate's injuries got a trip to the principals office. Yes, a 4 yr old laughs at the pain of others, because they don't understand the consequences. You are trained NOT to laugh at this the same way you are trained not to laugh at a speech defect or the limp of a polio victim. Bullying comes natural to children until they are trained out of their natural narcissism and to have empathy for others. But with all the "bullying" problems in high schools today, I'm guessing this sort of training hasn't be around since the 60s.


When I see someone faceplant,, my thoughts are: broken nose, chipped teeth, lost time at work, doctor bill. "Not OMG the scared look on his face caused me so much enjoyment!!!"


It is Schadenfreude, a mischievous delight in the misfortunes of others, which remains the worst trait in human nature. - Arthur Schopenhauer, 1897

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Those examples are just tragic. A person would have to be really messed up in the head to find those examples funny.T


and yet, they often do.




if you watch the "Around the Horn", he is laughing so hard he can hardly make it thru the broadcast. He has often expressed his hatred of cyclists, so his Schadenfreude was in overdrive.


this is not atypical human behavior.



"it's all fun and games till somebody gets hurt" Follow by murphy's correlary. "Somebody always gets hurt."


the new axiom for this millenium is "It's all fun and games til somebody gets hurt, then its HILARIOUS"

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I laugh at the misfortune of others depending on the circumstance. If their idiocy brought it upon themselves, or they're simply someone I don't like I will probably laugh. My laughter doesn't stop me from helping though. I remember a few years ago my friend came running through the living area at his place that was just steam cleaned (tiled floors) and slipped, almost recovered without falling before slipping again and faceplanting. I was laughing so hard, instinctual reaction I guess but at the same time I rushed to see if he was ok.


Simply put, I don't try to intellectualise it. Some people laugh, others don't and that's just how it is. We are all wired and brought up differently and I don't judge someone simply because their wiring is causing them to take the situation differently than I (unless they're trying to judge me, in which case bring it the fuck on).


perhaps you laugh because you know you aren't responsible for your friends doctor bills? or were you not punished for this in elementary school? back in my day, anyone laughing at a classmate's injuries got a trip to the principals office. Yes, a 4 yr old laughs at the pain of others, because they don't understand the consequences. You are trained NOT to laugh at this the same way you are trained not to laugh at a speech defect or the limp of a polio victim. Bullying comes natural to children until they are trained out of their natural narcissism and to have empathy for others. But with all the "bullying" problems in high schools today, I'm guessing this sort of training hasn't be around since the 60s.


When I see someone faceplant,, my thoughts are: broken nose, chipped teeth, lost time at work, doctor bill. "Not OMG the scared look on his face caused me so much enjoyment!!!"


It is Schadenfreude, a mischievous delight in the misfortunes of others, which remains the worst trait in human nature. - Arthur Schopenhauer, 1897

Come on. That would have to be some faceplant. If one of my friends trips and falls flat on his face, it's so absurd that it is funny, and I'll laugh as I help him to his feet. IF his spectacular fall did cause serious injury, it would cease to be funny. Schadenfreude is a bit different and doesn't apply to your own friends.
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Come on. That would have to be some faceplant. If one of my friends trips and falls flat on his face, it's so absurd that it is funny, and I'll laugh as I help him to his feet. IF his spectacular fall did cause serious injury, it would cease to be funny. Schadenfreude is a bit different and doesn't apply to your own friends.


a faceplant implies you have slammed your face into the floor. So you laugh until you realize the injuries are serious? like, you laugh all the way til the next morning and the friend can't get out of bed cuz they've jammed a shoulder or slipped a disc? How serious does the injury have to be before it ceases to be funny? even a swollen knee can mean lost work time if you are a cashier on your feet all day. But at least we all got a good laugh when that walmart lady hit the deck, eh? one of my best friends slipped, without falling, on an osage orange and the resulting knee tear cost her 3 YEARS of being unable to teach yoga. too bad you I wasn't there to laugh. There are also plenty of jobs where you can't show up for work with visible bruising or road rash. How can someone do a "spectacular fall" and not end up with bruises? but to you - that's not serious, so its funny.


Slip and fall lawsuits are some of the most numerous. Fall in any place of business and I guarantee you the owner isn't laughing - they are panicking over the impending possible lawsuit.


the last time i slipped, with out falling, was 3 months ago and I tore a glute. It will never heal properly. The last time I faceplanted was 2007, and tore a hamstring. Permanent scarring, 80% recovery at most. If the person who helped me up had been laughing I would have punched him in the face.

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Come on. That would have to be some faceplant. If one of my friends trips and falls flat on his face, it's so absurd that it is funny, and I'll laugh as I help him to his feet. IF his spectacular fall did cause serious injury, it would cease to be funny. Schadenfreude is a bit different and doesn't apply to your own friends.


a faceplant implies you have slammed your face into the floor. So you laugh until you realize the injuries are serious? like, you laugh all the way til the next morning and the friend can't get out of bed cuz they've jammed a shoulder or slipped a disc? How serious does the injury have to be before it ceases to be funny? even a swollen knee can mean lost work time if you are a cashier on your feet all day. But at least we all got a good laugh when that walmart lady hit the deck, eh? one of my best friends slipped, without falling, on an osage orange and the resulting knee tear cost her 3 YEARS of being unable to teach yoga. too bad you I wasn't there to laugh. There are also plenty of jobs where you can't show up for work with visible bruising or road rash. How can someone do a "spectacular fall" and not end up with bruises? but to you - that's not serious, so its funny.

Hey, Mr. High-and-not-so-Mighty, aka Swollen-Buzzkill, if a faceplant is not funny-unless-it-is-the-rare-case-of-serious-injury, why is it that when the guy who actually faceplants gets up, he laughs?! You're out of touch.


Oh also, you can quit it with that condescending tone of voice, asshole.

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