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Goodbye Jesus



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Watching it right now....have you seen this? Anything stick out to you? Anything Maher got wrong? What was right on?


I loved when he visited MY SENATOR Mark Pryor and Pryor said "you don't have to pass an IQ test to be a senator" then immediately realized how much of a fucking stupid thing that was for him to say. FAIL, Mark

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I liked "Religulous". It's a funny movie,but not exactly profound. And that's fine,I think we all wanna enjoy some rather light-hearted entertainment from time to time.

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Religulous was funny. I didn't really get any insight out of it, it's definitely on the lighter side.

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I just watched it, too! I think it would be profound for someone unlike us. Most of us are here because we've done a great deal of reading ourselves. I liked the black preacher and his bling. Is he the one who wanted to be called "Doctor"? He reminds me of the Joel Olsteens and Joyce Meyers out there. I wish they would do a documentary solely on the prosperity preaching.


But I did enjoy it!

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Just like the "reverends" of the world. They just apply that title to themselves for no obvious reason. They'll latch onto any bible verse that says wealth is a "blessing". Forget that the son of man had nowhere to rest his head.

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I liked the truck stop scene. Big redneck says "if you're gonna talk crap about my god, well, I ain't stickin' around for that." Typical christian attitude: if you're gonna present FACTS I'm outta here.

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I liked the truck stop scene. Big redneck says "if you're gonna talk crap about my god, well, I ain't stickin' around for that." Typical christian attitude: if you're gonna present FACTS I'm outta here.


I had one thought when I saw that: MY BROTHER. acted the same damn way when I was having a combo about my deconversion with him.

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I liked Religulous. A lot of docos about religion are rather deep and intellectual. Sometimes it's nice just to have a laugh :)

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I laughed all through it, though it really isn't funny how so many people are still blinded by superstition and ignorance in the 21st Century.

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