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Goodbye Jesus

I'm Sooooo Angry With Myself


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Despite wanting to walk away I found myself begging the "Christian" who hurt me to help me, and what did he do???? Hurt me again all the more.


I am so so angry with myself :(

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It's part of the "abused wife syndrome" that Christianity inflicts on its practitioners. Your brain has most likely been trained like Pavlov's dog to react in just such a way. Don't beat yourself up, just try and learn from your mistakes. I'm very sorry for any pain your going through...let us know if there's anything we can do to help

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I know, LOL I can't believe I ever wanted to be a Christian, I was only one for 3 years, but it was intense, I guess that's part of the problem.

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30 years here, but never got TOO crazy with it. Always thought some things didn't add up....

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I was in a church for 30 odd years as a lukewarm Christian, I left the establishment and met some Christians online. One in particular "led me to Christ" and it was what I wanted at the time, but he never got over the fact that I was a Theistic Evolutionist who wouldn't go to church - he was a fundie preacher and church leader!!!


I struggled to varying degrees from the start, but 6 months ago I really started to struggle and when I asked for help on numerous occasions, he refused point blank making out I was a fake and not interested. Go figure!!!

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You know what my worst crime was through.......wait for it........I asked him to help me read the Bible, that's right, for 6 months I asked him to help me read the Bible and yet he refused to believe/accept I was struggling and made me out to be a fake, and no the help never materialised.


Now I need help from you guys to walk away from the sham that is Christianity - How do I debrainwash myself from wanting to read the Bible?

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read about this cute little philosphy called "science". its to christians like garlic is to Dracula.

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read about this cute little philosphy called "science". its to christians like garlic is to Dracula.


And get yourself a good dose of Dawkins- here, start with this one: http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/the-root-of-all-evil/

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It just takes time. It would also help to continue to spend more time researching other aspects. Study Genesis and why half of it has literally been completely discredited and falsified by modern science. The longer you're out of it the easier it gets. You have literally been brainwashed, you need to allow yourself some time to recover.

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With re: to Genesis, read up on how almost 100% of it was literally cut and pasted from other mesopotamian religions of the time and place.

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A little bit of "Religulous" doesn't hurt either:




Also "Why I am No Longer a Christian" helped me a lot and he recommends some great reads: http://topdocumentar...er-a-christian/

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I'm a scientist, Genesis not being literal isn't an issue with me, I've never taken it literality :)

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Well just look at what an oppressive dick Yahweh is. And how if Jesus is god how can the meek and mild Jesus be the same person that on one breath says not to murder and then immediately tells Moses to slay te Levites. Just go to the thinking atheist .com and look at bible contradictions and atrocities.

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I'm a scientist, Genesis not being literal isn't an issue with me, I've never taken it literality smile.png


I'm curious, how does a liberal Christian who does not take Genesis literally as you say harmonize the fact that Jesus' lineage is traced all the way to Adam?

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I didn't believe Adam was literal, The history started at chapter 12. Jesus lineage was never an issue for me either.

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No original sin, no need for a savior hero myth.

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Hehe, except I have/had an answer for that too, Genesis is allegorical and symbolic of us having freewill to do bad things aka to sin.

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But the bible also says if you simply ask, sin can be forgiven. No bloody human sacrifice needed. Unless that's metaphorical too. In which case, why not just read Dr Seuss?

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We both know its not as simple as that, but I'm not here to defend the Christian faith, I want out!!! Hence why I came to this site ;)

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It's somewhere in the prophets. After the old goat slaying got tiresome, or they just ran out of goats.


"damn, we're out of fucking goats. How about god just forgive us without needing innocent animal blood?"


So it is written, so it shall be done.

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Think about the holy spirit. If the holy spirit is supposed to be guiding us to truth as we read the Bible, then why are there so many differing and even contradictory interpretations of the same verses?

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The story of Adam and Eve, whether it is allegorical or taken literally, still shows a horrific mindset towards women. To me, it says 'women are bad and evil, and everything bad thing a man does is ultimately the fault of women, along with every bad thing that happens on the planet'. It's a great way to keep women oppressed and under the thumb- just blame everything on them in the scriptures and say it came from god himself.


All throughout the scriptures, keeping women oppressed is a continuous theme. Yet god is meant to love us all equally? I don't think so, somehow. God is a misogynist, and not worthy of my time.

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Read the skeptics annotated bible. Read "Christ's Ventriloquists" and follow the bible passages that it covers--gives you a completely different perspective on the new testament and origins of Christianity.

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Read up on philosophy of religion. You'll know too much to take anything in the Bible literally.

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