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Goodbye Jesus

Clergy Are Like Parasites


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Hi there, this is my first thread. I am in the mood for having a little rant.


Friends, can anyone tell me why the clergy can't have real jobs?


I mean how hard is it for them to "work" for an hour, or maybe two on a Sunday.


I think the whole thing sucks. You give them your money. Money which could go on good causes. You know, real charities.


Instead its wasted on salaries, pensions and houses on people who don't work.


What do they do in the week? What do these people do.


Is it just me or are these priests parasites leaching off society?


Maybe things are different stateside, but in the UK we have a thing called the church of England. The other main church being catholic. These institutions supports thousands of clergy in grace and favour houses. And let me tell you, they seem to live pretty well relative to the average person.


Its such blatent hypocrisy. It stinks it really does.


And bishops live is palaces. Yes in the 21st century. They live in palaces and castles, with priceless works of art. This is no joke. I mean, dont these people have any shame, any shame at all.


Its a total disgrace how they live, and how little they actually do.


The one at my local church, delagates as much as possible to so called readers, who do the same job unpaid. So even at church on a Sunday he seems to do very little. Yet he is the one taking the salary, pension, big house and all the perks.


Yet I've been handing them money for years, like a fool. Knowing this. But once locked in its difficult to extract yourself.


You know I feel really sorry for the people on low incomes giving to the church. What a scam. What a massive fraud.

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From what I know over here in te US pastors are actually overworked believe it or not. Funerals baptisms visitations etc.

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From what I know over here in te US pastors are actually overworked believe it or not. Funerals baptisms visitations etc.


Hi McD, sorry but I do find it difficult to believe they are over-worked :) I accept that they do have some responsibilities mid-week. But not enough surely, not to have perhaps a part time as well? Cheers, Adam

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This is an example of what Im talking about




"The 14 acres of gardens at The Bishop’s Palace are a haven of tranquillity and peace."


"You are all free to play and picnic on the lawns." oh, tug our forelock, thank you my lord :)


Jesus f'ing Christ, have these "religious" no shame.

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Well Protestant pastors are very different than priests. The ones I've talked to have almost no life. It may sound may crazy but I'm not making it up.

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Obviously it has to do with the size if the church too though.

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Obviously it has to do with the size if the church too though.


Hi McD, yes I dont think this thread applies so much to evangelical churches. Maybe only in Europe, do bishops need to have castles and priceless art, before they can do their "job" ;)

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I always wondered what priests did all week besides listen to confession. But pastors of large churches do lots of things- but they're like CEOs and are payed VERY VERY VERY well too. As long as tithes keep rolling in.

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Obviously it has to do with the size if the church too though.


Hi McD, yes I dont think this thread applies so much to evangelical churches. Maybe only in Europe, do bishops need to have castles and priceless art, before they can do their "job" wink.png


It sounds like things in the UK are very different from the USA. My experience as been the same as mcdaddy as far as ministers go. They actually do minister to their congregation and some even do counseling and all the political crap they have to deal with is the reason a lot of them burnout after 5 years in the ministry. Anyway...


I have always wondered about the Catholic Church. I don't know anything about the church of England. I have seen pics of the Vatican and it really is total hypocrisy to have such lavishness in the church. I would agree, the Bishops should not be in better conditions than the majority of their patrons. Definitely is not in keeping with what Jesus supposedly stood for.

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Eh, I've seen a number of lazy pastors in my time. One pastor I knew would do his sermon on Sunday, and then shit else the rest of the week. The guy drove around a brand new Dodge truck, had a giant camping trailer, big screen TV etc...and barely did anything to earn it.

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Yeah, my experience is that they do have regular jobs during the week. They pay the bills, manage church events, write the sermons, do counseling sessions, teach classes, and oversee much of the charity work.

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Pastors in small churches usually do more than just being in the pulpit on Sunday. The church I've grown up in always had a part-time minister. What they did either was going to school during the week or working another job.


They can also be a pastor at two churches to end up being full-time in the ministry. I can see that being a lot as you have to run to two different churches Sunday, Its twice the work and probably more harder than just being at just one medium sized church.

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