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Goodbye Jesus

The Voice Of God Would Indeed Be A Miracle


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Article and picture from a bad auto crash in the local fishwrapper today Driver survived but critical. Local sheeples comments included "only god" and "god saved her!". I of course chimed in with "is god pissed at people who get killed in wrecks?" and "why did god allow the accident to happen in the first place?"


Which started me thinking about all the shit god is supposed to do. Since the human brain is encased in a secure dark airtight case, everything we sense is in reality electro-chemical reactions in the brain. Several of them. Billions of them, every second. Recalling a scene or a sound takes untold numbers of synapses firing and chemical absorption and release.

So the simple act of hearing god, which millions (including most politicians) claim happens daily, would require manipulation of so many electrons it makes my head hurt.


A miracle indeed. Or imagination coupled with indoctrination.

You decide.

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Gods came about because ignorant people used them to explain how things work.


Ignorant people still use a god to explain what they don't understand.

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Article and picture from a bad auto crash in the local fishwrapper today Driver survived but critical. Local sheeples comments included "only god" and "god saved her!". I of course chimed in with "is god pissed at people who get killed in wrecks?" and "why did god allow the accident to happen in the first place?"


Oh ye of little faith! The Lard works in mysterious ways, dontchaknow. The woman was probably sinning, ya know, maybe shagging some dude, so this is the Lard's great love for her, settin' her back on the straight and narra! Paaaaaaraaaaaise the Lard!

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Article and picture from a bad auto crash in the local fishwrapper today Driver survived but critical. Local sheeples comments included "only god" and "god saved her!". I of course chimed in with "is god pissed at people who get killed in wrecks?" and "why did god allow the accident to happen in the first place?"


I'm confused. Why didn't Jesus take the wheel?

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