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Goodbye Jesus

Time flies, the dead still rest..


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Buddy of mine, Jon R., intelligent, good looking, fun, fellow evile_blackgun_owner_and_shooter, Gulf War 1 Army Vet took his own life ten years ago this upcoming Feburary.


Where I am just a "hack with a torch" Jon made metal bend and color to his will, designing and building beauty from metal others would have long prior scrapped. He could and did coax the finer designs of the things he envisioned, heating the steel and working it as a glass blower does his craft.


He made a room lighten up with his shy infectious laugh, his presence was one of "I give a fuck about you, how can I help?"


For those of you that know, he rode a 1200 Sporty with some go-fast gear that made him fuckin' near fearfully invincible on the curves and hills when we scooted. Crazy about that bike, she was named after his daughter, the light and true love of his life.


Jon and I sat up a lotta nights, drank a lotta beers, talked a hellova lot about our fundied fathers, how religion and the church had really been used to fuck over little minds...


Not too long before I heard about his passing, Jon came *out* to me. He wasn't a "flaming homo-sickual", wasn't "queer as a pink steer", nor was he interested in more than his friendship with his current roommate.


Not sure how his Dad found out folks, but the abuse started. Verbally when the old man got around, ove the phone. The dreaded "letter" disowning Jon, "kicking him out of the family".

One day at my shop, preparing for a dive, Jon in full gear, gets tackled from behind and his crazy old man starts yelling and screaming how "God hates QUEERS AND FAGS!!"

Got the old boy back to his truck and off job site. Jon said that the old man was growing more "churchKrazie" and going off the bitter deep end every time he saw Jon.


Somewhere in this Jon started to show signs of assorted "Gulf War Syndrome" problems. The old man told Jon to his face that he probably caught that 'gay ass disease!"

VA hospital sent him to the Regional facility, and they tried the assortment of tests (no AIDS found.. like duhh!), but he had a deep cancer in his liver.


The Old Man went ballistic, claiming that anyone who had ANYTHING to do with his 'FAG SON" was as much a GodcursedhomosickualfaggitgonnaburninHell sort..

(Can imagine folks, your reporter is such a shy widdle, pacifist sort.. Looked forward to this nut showing in my face...)



Got so bad that Jon moved to the City, tried to disapear. Didn't hear from him for several years, nothing at all.


Reading the local paper Monday evening, noticed there was going to be a graveside memorial service for Jon. W T F?????????? HUH??????????????




Seems the cancer spread folks, was inoperable and he was given literally just days to get his affairs in order.


Before the pain and the drugs were going to take his mind, he elected to take his own life, his time, his terms.


I didn't know.



Saw his Old Man while I was in town. Old, alone, broken, and just another little old baseball hat wearing redneck looking hick.


I compelled the old fuck to look at me, eye to eye. His unadulterated hatred for me and everything not of his liking and *god* echoed back in the glazed over look in his face.



Ten long years since my friend passed, unloved by his fundyfuck of a father.


Loved ya a lot Jon, you are still my minds eye version of a man's man.


Rest in the Peace you've earned amigo.



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Nivek, this makes me speechless.


But you should know this sad story is powerful, and worthy of recognition, which is why is posted this.

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I teared up reading this.


Pretty powerful post, Nevik

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We should be as fortunate to have someone like you in our lives, Bubba.


You are a man.




I would say "THE" man




Sorry about your friend, Nivek

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Another amazing tribute from you, nivek.

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Just wow. Wow. If people had a damn about other people, there would be no more wars...


Nivek and your friend, may you both live on in our memories, even though he and you may pass away.


I'm sorry about your loss, I really am.

I hope you are feeling well, Nivek.

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I woulda beat the crap out of that old bastard. What kind of sick fuck treats his own kid like that?


I'm angry enough to do it myself and I don't even know anyone in your post!

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Before the pain and the drugs were going to take his mind, he elected to take his own life, his time, his terms.


Wow! I have to say, I really respect such a decision. Contrary to the religious nonsense that would say this is an act of cowardice, it takes some mighty sized big nuts to end it yourself. I'm sorry you lost a friend, but at least he set an example for the rest of us; we do not have to endure hardship and suffering for someone else's ideal. He went out with dignity rather than hanging on in desperate fear grasping for his last breath.


I have resolved in my own mind to do the same if I face a similar situation and life becomes unbearable with little hope of improvement.

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Ya always know who the real friends are....


Words cannot describe this tribute to your friend. I'll just say splendid.

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Telling someone's story is one of the best ways they won't be forgotten.


Your friend is in the minds now of everyone who's read this. I'm terribly sorry about the circumstances. But I'm glad he won't be forgotten.


Justice, however, would ensure that his psycho hate-filled fundy fuckwad sperm donor fall silently into historical oblivion, forgotten and as unloved as he was unloving.


Thank you for the tribute.

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