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Goodbye Jesus

Some Of My Music And Sound Design Sketches


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I made these in the last 7 days.


I used to be a Christian, and although I used to play in a church band... (I don't want to use the w word..... wo..... wor..... worship... aaarggh....)... I could never stand "Christian Worship music"... even though I was fully involved, committed Christian... it made my toes curl... I remember someone saying, "You know Jake, in heaven, we're going to worship God for eternity!!".... and I thought, "Ahhh noooo! that's HELL!!!!"...


first track I made last Thursday... this one is part of the reason I'm here... Saying that I don't believe in the story of Jesus anymore.. which I've only recently started to fully let go of.... I don't think I fully have yet.... but I'm definitely in the process.... I already understand how sick and horrible and what a can of worms Christianity really is..... it's just quite fresh and raw in my life... so it's just taking it's time to be cleaned out... like a pussy infection, but a pissy infection that's on my heart (hmmmm... nice intro the track *cough*)...



The next track is something I made tonight... it's about a bunch of things... but it's a sketch, freestyling a bit... having some fun... and in a way, it's my "true self" or "inner child" waking up and standing up...... ending the condemnation... the self loathing of conditioning, indoctrination of things like "sin" and "evil nature"...... learning about self love and self respect...



The next track is something I made last Sunday night in Hong Kong while waiting for my visa... I used music I've made before.. and made new music on my laptop and basic sound design... It's about 3 humans on a ship, who approach a planet which was at the same stage of civilisation as Earth is today.... except there was a massive war which wiped out all life on the planet... and these 3, Tree, Cap & Helo are on a mission to collect data and name planets... but there's something strange about Planet D-13-40..


BIT OF FUN.... quite a strange one probably lol... but a bit of fun and creativity to kill some hours in Hong Kong :)




thanks for listening :) - I'm always interested in collaboration... and any discussing any projects.

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I said pussy infection on my heart? :o




Where's the edit button?? :o




lol :) be nice please... I have a pussy infection on my heart



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aaaaand yep... I said pissy the second time..... that ACTUALLY fucking happened...

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Nice work, Yack/Jake!

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Welcome to ex-C Jake. I hope to listen to these later, but I just wanted to drop in here real quick and let you know that you get the edit option after about 30 posts or something like that. Please don't worry about the error. I make mistakes like that all the time and I rely heavily on the edit option.


Again welcome to ex-C.

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Nice work, Yack/Jake!


Welcome to ex-C Jake. I hope to listen to these later, but I just wanted to drop in here real quick and let you know that you get the edit option after about 30 posts or something like that. Please don't worry about the error. I make mistakes like that all the time and I rely heavily on the edit option.


Again welcome to ex-C.


Thank you! :)


that's great to hear about the edit option lol. I will come back and sort that later.. such an unfortunate use of words lol...


Thanks for the welcome and feeback :)

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