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Goodbye Jesus

"i Encourage You To Find A Church That Teaches The Uncompromised Word Of God"


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Sorry, but this just sent my bullshit meter off. My grandma had the tv on in the background, while I was getting ready to go to my evil liberal cult church (ala Unity), this old fart pastor in the background was going on about finding a church that teaches the "Uncompromised Word of God".


What damn a hypocrite!!! If he were really TRUE TO his words he'd be urging people go to find a church that still frowns on interracial marriages, believes that children that speak back to their parents should be stoned to death, that cheaters should be stoned to death, that you shouldn't touch women on their period, that you shouldn't wear mixed fabrics.. the list goes on and on.


Yeah, he wants us all to go to a church that teaches the uncomprised word of god, according to HIM. Cause some of that shit in the bible is just so icky and hard to maneuver into a non batshit insane society (ala stoning cheaters or your kids to death.)


Ugh. people like him just get me riled up.

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I recommend a bitchslap (for that pastor fuckface)... assuming you can get to him. :banghead:

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Lest thee forget, Jesus did away with the old covenant.


Except for the gay hating. Even though he never mentioned gays specifically, we all know he was grossed out by em.


And the part where he says not one jot or tittle would be removed from the law.


It's quite easy, see? ;)

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I agree! So damn annoying!


Gawd. The double standard, the mindfuck, and the intellectual acrobatics to make sense of the nonsensical. It effing broke my brain!

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Well the actual biblical stance amoung most theologians (the ones i know of) is that if the new testament didnt directly say that a old testament law was invalid than the old law is still to be used becuase "God is always the same." So contrary to what they think they should be more like the seventh day adventist and following all those old laws which they cant do becuase it is imposible to follow..


Unless you are a dispensationalist and you think most of the old testament is bullshit expet the ten commandments, genisis and the part about money which is what most people in the U.S. are.

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I hear that kind of phrase a lot from people at my school (giving advice to seniors):


"Find a Church that preaches the Gospel"


"Find a Christ Centered Church"


"Find a Church that is really Bible Centered"


I have heard all of these. I think they are Christianese code speak for: don't join one of them liberal, namby pamby Churches that believe in a social mission.

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I hear that kind of phrase a lot from people at my school (giving advice to seniors):


"Find a Church that preaches the Gospel"


"Find a Christ Centered Church"


"Find a Church that is really Bible Centered"


I have heard all of these. I think they are Christianese code speak for: don't join one of them liberal, namby pamby Churches that believe in a social mission.



Your secret christian decoder ring is working just fine, In my experience that is exactly what that means.

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I hear that kind of phrase a lot from people at my school (giving advice to seniors):


"Find a Church that preaches the Gospel"


"Find a Christ Centered Church"


"Find a Church that is really Bible Centered"


I have heard all of these. I think they are Christianese code speak for: don't join one of them liberal, namby pamby Churches that believe in a social mission.



Your secret christian decoder ring is working just fine, In my experience that is exactly what that means.


Lol! Damn. I better stop working at a Christian workplace soon so I can get rusty on this kind of stuff.

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I'd like to add that the decoded statement also includes: "[don't join a librul] or the wrong morontheist church"...ya know, one that does believe in the bullshit, but not the exactly right kind of bullshit.

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Guest Babylonian Dream

There will never be and never was one either. If they did, they'd have 10 times the selfconstradictions, and would be just as bad as the Taliban and other "God's Law" folks.

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Lest thee forget, Jesus did away with the old covenant.


Except for the gay hating. Even though he never mentioned gays specifically, we all know he was grossed out by em.


And the part where he says not one jot or tittle would be removed from the law.


It's quite easy, see? wink.png


But then, we can't forget that he came to fulfill the law (i.e. - Old Testament) and not do away with it.


Jeremiah 31: 29-31(from the Wikipedia article http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Covenant)


In those days they shall say no more, The fathers have eaten a sour grape, and the children's teeth are set on edge. But every one shall die for his own iniquity: every man that eateth the sour grape, his teeth shall be set on edge. Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah:


Matthew 5:17 (from some random bible site)


Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.


That's why the Xtians can get away with the gay hating, yet say there's a new covenant! What a mindfuck!


Not a mindfuck at all if you follow your pastor like a mindless drooling robotic drone

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