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Goodbye Jesus

Hell Yeah!


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I find it very interesting (and revealing) that the chosen people had no clue of an after-life.


The Old Testament has no heaven and hell.


You would think the Almighty would reveal to the chosen people that the soul is immortal.


And tell them in clear terms of life after death, the destination of heaven or hell.


However these doctrines are ommitted from the Laws of Moses.


In the Jewish law you are simply blessed or cursed in this life, for following the (barbaric) laws.


It seems that this heaven/hell thing was imported in the period between the old and new testaments.


The promise of eternal happiness is a big selling point for Christianity, and 72 virgins thing is popular amongst Muslims, and the threats of eternal punishment strike fear into believers.


Hell always stuck me as the most perverse teaching in Christianity. And contrary to the God of love stuff.


Is Anne Frank in hell?


How about Gandhi?


I didn't believe in hell even when I was a Christian. I guess like many, I only picked the bits I liked.


Poor ol' Kenny biggrin.png


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Realizing this fact while reading the bible helped in my deconversion as well. Hell, my deconversion story may as well have read a Christian reads the bible and becomes an atheist.

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Hell always stuck me as the most perverse teaching in Christianity. And contrary to the God of love stuff.


Is Anne Frank in hell?


How about Gandhi?


The teaching about hell is the thing that I had the most trouble with as a Christian. At first I just figured God would work it out so everyone would end up in heaven. When I was told people were going to hell if we didn't convert them, I really started questioning this concept and it was one of the big factors in my de-conversion as well. I just couldn't see a loving god torturing people for all eternity. It would be kinder to just make it so they didn't exist anymore as to torture them!


Adam5, it is interesting that this concept of an afterlife and heaven and hell was introduced after the OT. I was not aware of that. Thanks for the info.

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Hell, my deconversion story may as well have read a Christian reads the bible and becomes an atheist.


A common point of view here! If people just read the Bible in a straight forward manner. There is so much there which is so immoral, that it no longer deserves the title "the good book".

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I just couldn't see a loving god torturing people for all eternity. It would be kinder to just make it so they didn't exist anymore as to torture them!


I sat through a sermon once where the preacher said what you said above. Im think the church I attended was full of apostates!

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Hell as we know it came from, among other things, greek religion and the failure of the promises of the mosaic covenant.


As far as the Greek part, you can see how, especially in those smaller books near the end of the NT, hell is often called Hades or Tartarus, both Greek terms. The NT writers borrowed heavily from greek/roman mythology.


As far as the 2nd part, after noticing that the "righteous" we're getting slaughtered and the "sinful/heathens" we're often very prosperous, they invented heaven and hell as a way to keep the promises for reward and punishment alive, although in "the next life".


This is an over simplification though.

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The concept of both heaven and hell are control mechanisms. It's the classic carrot and the stick. Get a reward for doing what they tell you to do, but go to hell if you don't.

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Hell, my deconversion story may as well have read a Christian reads the bible and becomes an atheist.


That is what happened to me. It took a while for me to quit playing "whack a mole" and my last prayers were for God to lead me to the truth.

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Hell, my deconversion story may as well have read a Christian reads the bible and becomes an atheist.


That is what happened to me. It took a while for me to quit playing "whack a mole" and my last prayers were for God to lead me to the truth.


Mine too! Ironic, aye?

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Hell, my deconversion story may as well have read a Christian reads the bible and becomes an atheist.


That is what happened to me. It took a while for me to quit playing "whack a mole" and my last prayers were for God to lead me to the truth.


Mine too! Ironic, aye?


Me three. God told me atheism is probably true.

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Hell, my deconversion story may as well have read a Christian reads the bible and becomes an atheist.


That is what happened to me. It took a while for me to quit playing "whack a mole" and my last prayers were for God to lead me to the truth.


Mine too! Ironic, aye?


Me three. God told me atheism is probably true.


I would listen to him...

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